Disclaimer: Does it look like I own Artemis Fowl?

Author's Notes: I've decided to dabble in AF a bit...this is my first AF fic, but I've been writing fanfic for quite a while - just not for AF. Criticism is appreciated - the whole reason I write fanfic is a) because it's fun and b) to get better. So if you have any suggestions...go for it!

I. There was a boy, and he believed in fairies.

II. There was a boy, and he believed in fairies. But the fairies didn't want to be believed in. The boy caught a fairy, and she taught him many things.

III. There was a boy, and he believed in fairies. But the fairies didn't want to be believed in. The boy caught a fairy, and she taught him many things. The boy respected the fairy, and the fairy risked her life for the boy, and they were friends.

IV. There was a boy, and he believed in fairies. But the fairies didn't want to be believed in. The boy caught a fairy, and she taught him many things. The boy respected the fairy, and the fairy risked her life for the boy, and they were friends. The boy forgot the fairy, but the fairy saved the boy's life again, and he remembered.

V. There was a boy, and he believed in fairies. But the fairies didn't want to be believed in. The boy caught a fairy, and she taught him many things. The boy respected the fairy, and the fairy risked her life for the boy, and they were friends. The boy forgot the fairy, but the fairy saved the boy's life again and he remembered. The fairy and the boy found themselves far from home. This time, it was the boy's turn to save the fairy. When they came home, everything had changed.

VI. There was a boy, and he believed in fairies. But the fairies didn't want to be believed in. The boy caught a fairy, and she taught him many things. The boy respected the fairy, and the fairy risked her life for the boy, and they were friends. But the boy forgot the fairy. The fairy saved the boy again, and he remembered. The fairy and the boy found themselves far from home. This time, it was the boy's turn to save the fairy. When they came home, everything had changed. The boy who wasn't really a boy anymore told his fairy stories to his new siblings, and they, too, believed in fairies.

VII. There was a boy, and he believed in fairies. But the fairies didn't want to be believed in. The boy caught a fairy, and she taught him many things. The boy forgot the fairy, but the fairy saved the boy's life again and he remembered. The fairy and the boy found themselves far from home. This time, it was the boy's turn to save the fairy. When they came home, everything had changed. The boy who wasn't really a boy anymore told his fairy tales to his new siblings, and they, too, believed in fairies. As they grew older they stopped believing, but their brother never forgot the fairies.

VIII. There was a boy who wasn't a boy anymore, and he still believed in fairies.