Title: Crimson Angel
Authoress: Darka-chan
Summary: After Hyuuga Neji broke up with him in the most cruel way imaginable, Gaara left for three years, but now he's back… NejixGaara, duh
Gaara scowls up at the building that seems to loom over him. He looks at the scedule that his brother picked up a week before. How was he supposed to know where his classes are? He doesn't know.
He looks around a little. People are standing in clusters or alone, a few groups smoking joints making Gaara's insides squirm with want but the red-head shakes his head. 'No, not now.' he thinks, scowl deepening. Deciding to just wing it, Gaara starts to walk to the entrance.
A familiar figure is standing in the entrance, talking to his friends. Gaara's heart catches in his throat, eyes widening slightly upon seeing the figure who doesn't even notice him.
Go figure, after returning to Konohagakure from Sunagakure he just had to see him again... Hyuuga Neji, the most popular guy of the previous school the Sabaku went to and no doubt just as popular at this one.
He had been so nice to Gaara while they were together, so good to him. Neji had been the only person ever paying so much attention to him, ever showing him what love was… But then it happened. Neji, in front of everyone, dumped Gaara harshly, the night after the first time they had sex and while Gaara was still there, the Hyuuga kindly started to tell everyone about that night, about how he was Gaara's first and how much Gaara told him he loved the Hyuuga.
Gaara pleaded Neji to stop doing this to him, to stop telling him and everyone around that he never loved the Sabaku who had brown hair and thick glasses at that time, but the Hyuuga just laughed, his friends laughing with him. Gaara turned and ran out of the school, almost getting run over by cars and other people on the road as tears clouded his vision. He can remembers crashing into someone, accidentally shattering his glasses, and running ahead without them, vision worse then before.
When he got home, Temari and Kankurou were already waiting with most of their stuff packed, having heard the whole thing through a friend of Temari who was there at the moment. They left for their hometown, for Sunagakure, and didn't come back for three years.
During those three years, Gaara underwent several changes; he dyed out his hair, the crimson locks looking like they're dripping blood, and his clear sea foam eyes improved to the point they don't need glasses anymore and he stopped wearing those hideous hand-me-downs when Kankurou and Temari both got jobs, he himself working in the weekends.
Sabaku no Gaara changed drastically after that night three years ago, changed to the point where he lost being naïve, stopped giving a damn, and promised himself over and over again to love no one but himself… but why did he have to see Neji again…
Heh, I know, a new fic while I barely update my other ones but I found something for that and will probably update those soon again.
This fic was inspired by an RPG I have with someone, we started today, and I just had to write the prologue-like-thingie… Yay :p
Oh, did I mention I'm supposed to be at school just about… well… now?