Harry's finger tapped against his desk more as his class dragged on. History of Magic had never been his favorite class, and seeing that it was taught by Professor Binns didn't help.

Harry had bags under his eyes and his mess up hair was a messed up and tussled even more on his head. It looked like he had rolled out of a haystack this morning instead of the Gryffindor dorms. Of course no one pointed out that him because they wanted to be polite, and it looked like Harry was in a foul mood.

Harry slumped down in his chair more and slouched. He fixed a scowl on his face as he looked around the room, nitpicking at whatever flaws he could spot.

His main target was obvious.

Malfoy sat directly next to him in this particular class (not by choice either, Professor Bins had given both himself and Malfoy a month's worth of detention over the fuss) and was as smug as ever. He sat there like a King on some throne, twirling his wand around his fingers much like how a drummer twirls his sticks.

But what annoyed Harry the most, was that he had a smile in an annoyingly cheery way.

It was still a trademark Malfoy smile, with its cruel intent and calculations behind it, but Harry couldn't deny that it looked… peppy.

Harry's eyes narrowed more when he found out why the Malfoy bastard was so pleased.

He had a steaming, frothy, chocolate scented coffee on his desk in a black mug with the Slytherin House Crest on it. Draco would take slow sips from it, and sigh with delight. The caffeine was doing wonders for him so early in the morning, and made him fully alert.

Harry sighed, he was jealous. He wanted that damn frothy coffee. He wanted to be able to be awake and not look like some street rat.

So suddenly, although no one really knows why, Harry simply reached out, grabbed the mug, and drank the entire of its contents.

Witnesses have explained the next few moments as surreal. There was a definite awkward silence that filled the room, followed by eager stares.

Draco had blinked a few times before he reacted, still trying to decide if Potter really did just take his frothy heaven. "That," He growled finally, "was mine."

Harry's head cocked to the side a little as he put the mug back down on the old, wooden desk. "Um…" Harry nibbled his lower lip, "Now it's not."

Draco's eyes narrowed in a menacing manner as he leaned in towards Harry, ignoring the unwritten laws of personal space. "I liked how it tasted." He said in a hushed voice.

Harry tried to pull back, but in his seat against the wall, it was impossible. His face flushed as he could smell Malfoy's breath, and it smelled just like that amazing coffee that he… borrowed.

"You owe me this at least." Draco smirked and grabbed a fistful of hair from the back of Harry's hair, yanking him in for a demanding kiss. Draco parted Harry's lips and pushed in his own tongue, searching out any traces of his stolen drink, while enjoying the pleasure the kiss provided.

Harry's eye bulged but Malfoy held him tightly in place. Harry found himself giving up and responding even, by putting his hands on the Slytherin's shoulders and kissing back a little.

Suddenly, Draco pulled back while still holding a fistful of Harry's hair. "My my Potter…" He smirked a little, "I had no idea that coffee had such an effect on you…" Draco snapped his fingers on his free hand, which immediately summoned Crabe and Goyle. Draco turned his gaze to them, "More coffee now dammit."