God, I'm getting board with this story. I'm hoping to end it in this chapter. I know most of you are probably like, what the hell, but oh well. I'm just ready to be finished with this.


"Oi Naruto!" He said and looked at him from down the hall. The blond stuck his head out.

"What?!" he yelled back crankily.

"Nice sex hair" he said. Naruto's eyes widened and he shut the bathroom door and turned on the shower. Naruto leaned against the wall, his eyes wide, and his breathing deep. He was having a premonition.


When Naruto got out of the shower, He walked into the bedroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. Sasuke was waiting for him. He was wearing dark clothes. The blond eyed his attire and cocked an eyebrow. Sasuke threw some clothes the same shade at Naruto, who caught it easily.

"What are these for?" Naruto asked and examined the black slacks and button up shirt. Sasuke looked at the blond boy and answered.

"Were going to Naruko's grave" He said. Naruto involuntarily swallowed and nodded, he walked into the bedroom and changed. He found Sasuke standing in the exact same place he was when Naruto went to change. Sasuke looked up and Naruto nodded, then they walked to the door.

The ride to the cemetery was short and silent. Naruto was nervous even though he knew he shouldn't be…no. There was no reason to be. He just was. He kept glancing over at Sasuke who seemed to be fixed on driving. Naruto sighed audibly as they pulled into the cemetery. They walked up the hill to Naruko's grave. Naruto was trying his hardest not to show his anxiety. He felt as if, he could feel the presence, the energy of something. He just shook it off as they approached the grave stone.

"Naruko…" Sasuke murmured. Naruto bent down to the grave and read the stone.

Here lies

Uzumaki-Uchiha Naruko

Loving friend and fiancé

Rest in Peace

In the middle of the stone, a color picture of a smiling woman with her long blonde hair in two high pony tails and three whisker marks on her cheeks, grinned up at them. Her bright blue eyes alive with happiness.

Naruto reached down and ran his fingers over the picture of the person people say he looks so much like. At that second a voice spoke to him.

"Don't be afraid of the future, I will protect you. For both of us, and for Sasuke. Remember, I will be with you"

The voice was breathily soft. Like someone whispering, or murmuring in his ear. Naruto stood back up and faced Sasuke. Sasuke looked at Naruto with love and sadness in his eyes. Sasuke faced the grave once more and dropped a single white carnation on the stone. Then walked away, Naruto fallowing him silently.

The ride home was silent as before, but Naruto couldn't take the silence.

"Naruko wouldn't want you to be sad" Naruto said and looked strait into Sasuke's eyes. Sasuke glanced at him before looking back to the road.

"I know" the raven sighed "I just miss her" He said as he pulled into the parking lot of the apartment complex. Naruto thought for a second.

"Hey Sasuke!" Naruto said getting all happy, Sasuke smirked at his antics.

"What?" He asked knowing the blond would bug him to no end if he didn't.

"Let's go on a date tonight!"


"Why are we doing this again?" Sasuke asked, as him and Naruto walked down the street to go eat at their favorite restaurant. Naruto grinned.

"Because someone told me lately to not be afraid of the future. And I think its time we went on our first official date" Naruto said putting his arms behind his head and grinned. Sasuke smirked and slipped his hands into his pocks.

"You're such an idiot, Naruto" Sasuke said with a smirk and Naruto grinned. Something in the corner of Naruto's eye caught his attention; it was a ball rolling into the street. Naruto watched as a little kid dashed out into the street to retrieve the ball. Naruto's eyes reflexively turned to the oncoming cars and saw a huge truck coming around the corner.

"Oh my god…" Naruto gasped his eyes wide as images sped through his mind. Without thinking he too dashed off the curb as fast as his legs could carry him. He heard the blood pounding in his ears, and someone yelling his name. He saw the car come closer and closer to the little kid. Naruto lunged out to the child and wrapped his arms around him. Naruto waited for the searing pain of the truck to come. He heard the trucks brakes screech. Then he felt someone push him out of the way. Naruto fell with a thud onto the opposite side walk, the kid still wrapped around him.

"I told you not to be afraid of the future, didn't I?" Said a happy voice. Naruto opened his eyes and came face to face with a smiling Naruko, her hair in high pigtails and wearing a lacy, white dress. He gasped, and fainted from the shock of the truck and of the blonde girl before him. Naruko giggled. She turned around and came face to face with Sasuke. His eyes were wide and he was panting.

"Take good care of him, Sasuke-kun!! I love you, but now, you need to move on. Naruto is waiting for you here. And I am waiting for you on the other side" Naruko said sadly, "Take care, Sasuke-kun" Naruko finished. Sasuke saw her walk away; no one else seemed to notice. Then she turned back to him.

"Oh! And Sasuke-kun. You didn't break your vow. Naruto's a man" Sasuke blinked and Naruko was gone.

"With this ring, I promise, never to fall in love with any other women"

He saw Naruto coming back to consciousness on the side walk, the kid was shaking in fear next to Naruto and what looked like his mother. Sasuke knelt known next to Naruto and smiled.

"Naruto, you really are an idiot. But you know what, you're my idiot" The Sasuke bent down and kissed the blond teen on the lips. About a half hour later Naruto and Sasuke were sitting in the hospital. Naruto had broken a foot when Naruko had pushed him out of the way. Sasuke smiled.

"I've decided to look to the future, Sasuke" Naruto said with a grin. Sasuke looked at him and smiled, "And I see you in that future", Naruto added.

"And I see you in mine" Sasuke said with a rare smile. They both looked out the window and saw a cloud that looked just like Naruko, grinning at both of them.



I'm finished. This is completely done and I am proud. Thank you for your support. Please review!