sorry it took so long for me to update. i got busy with some other things. but it's here now.



"What?!" Eric's mouth hung open.

"You're... what?" Taylor inched away from Kailey.

Abby just looked at her, not really knowing what to say.

Lex looked at the sand, "Are you really... dead?"

Kailey nodded slowly, "Yes, it's the truth."

Jackson shook his head, "How come you...?" He looked at Kailey. She knew what he was thinking and she began to open her mouth. But, she never got the chance to explain because Taylor cut in.

"Do you think it's here now?" Taylor shivered a little. "I really don't want to see it."

"You can't see it cause it isn't real." Eric gave Taylor a pathetic look. "I can't believe you believe her."

Abby stood up, "I can't believe it either. If you're going to let her stay here, then, I'm leaving." She turned towards the plane.

"Abby, you can't be serious. You have to stay here. What if it out there right now?" Daley jumped to her feet. "We have to stay together."

"No!" Abby shouted. "I know what she did. And I'm not staying here while you accept her and welcome her to your little group. If any of you want to join me, be my guest."

Eric stood, "I'm going with you, Abby. I competely agree with you."

"You guys can't go." Nathen tried to stop them.

Jackson spoke up again, "We can go if we want to."

Everyone was shocked. Melissa ran to him and grabbed him by the arm. "You're not going with them, are you?" She didn't want to admit what she already knew. "You... can't go."

Jackson took her hand off his arm. He looked at Kailey as a tear ran down her face. "I trusted you and you lied to me. It's not just that you lied, it's what you lied about. How can you lie about being... being dead?" He didn't wait for an answer. He joined Abby and Eric as they collected their stuff.


After much pleading and begging, Melissa and the others watched as Abby, Jackson, and Eric walked down the beach.

Daley walked over to Kailey, "Why didn't you try to stop them?"

Kailey wiped the tear from her eye, "It was suppose to happen. There was nothing I could do. Even if I tried."

Melissa turned toward Kailey, "You could've tried. But, you didn't. They're walking off while that...thing is on the island and you didn't do anything." She shook her head and ran into the plane.

"There was absolutely nothing I could do." Kailey continued to stare down the beach, watching as Jackson walked away.


Eric and Jackson trailed behind Abby. They had been walking for about an hour and they were beginning to get tired.

"Can't we rest?" Eric moaned. "I'm tired and my feet hurt."

"I'm not stopping till I'm far enough away." Abby sounded angry.

A rustling came from the trees. Jackson froze, listening. "That doesn't sound good."

Abby walked back to him and Eric took a seat in the sand. "It was nothing. Lets go."

"No, there's something there." She grabbed his arm and tried to pull him behind her.

Eric pointed out in front of them, "Who's that?"

Jackson noticed a figure standing a few feet away. He stepped back. The figure came towards them. Eric squinted, trying to see who it was better. Jackson remembered what Kailey said and tried to lift Eric to his feet. "We have to go."

"It might be help." Abby ran toward the figure down the beach.

Eric pushed jackson away and stood up, "I'm not letting you make me miss a chance to be rescue." He ran after Abby.

Jackson watched as they got closer. Abby suddenly stopped and Eric froze. The figure disappeared into a black fog. That's when they tried to run, but they weren't fast enough. The fog quickly swallowed them up and came at Jackson. He spun around quickly,and ran. He didn't want to look back because he didn't want to see it close in on him.

He kept running till he saw the the plane.

As he got closer, he began to shout, "Run!" Nathen and Daley ran out to meet him.

"What's wrong?" Nathen asked when they got closer.

"Don't you see it? It's right behind me. It's coming." Jackson finally got up the courage to look behind him. It was gone. Nowhere in sight. "The was just here."

"Where's Abby and Eric?" Daley searched the beach.

Jackson swallowed loudly. "They're gone. It took them..."


there it is. that's it for now but i should be updating soon. hope it was lived up to expectations. thats all i got...