I'm sorry I haven't updated in a long time. I finally finished the next chapter to Sakura's Present.

I hope you enjoy it! I tried to make it funny...My little sister and I think it is!

Please Read and Review.

Sakura's Present

Chapter 4: When Hell Brakes Lose

Sasuke was climbing up the stairs to Sakura's apartment.

'Damn! How much energy does she have?! I'm on the 5th floor and already losing energy.' Sasuke thought.

Sasuke started climbing the stairs again. But, as soon as he turned the corner, his foot bumped into something.

Sasuke looked down and saw that his foot had bumped into an arm. But, who's arm is it?

Sasuke looked at the arm, then he looked more at the body the arm. Pink Hair. There's only one person he knows with Pink hair.

Sasuke smirked. "Sakura...."

Sasuke looked at her sleeping face.

'She looks really cute!' Sasuke thought.

'Aa.' Inner Sasuke agreed. 'Hm, I wonder...'

'You wonder what?' Sasuke asked suspiciously.

'Well, I was thinking...we need to get going.' Inner Sasuke answered.

'Yeah...' Sasuke looked away from Sakura unwillingly and walked around her.

'WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!!??' Inner Sasuke yelled.

'Going up stairs! What does it look like?' Sasuke replied.

'WHY????!!!!???' Inner Sasuke yelled.

'Because YOU said to!!!' Sasuke yelled.

'I meant for you to carry her up the stairs!' Inner Sasuke yelled.

'Well, I was thinking about it, but you were rushing me!' Sasuke yelled back.

'Well, you should have thought about it faster!' Inner Sasuke yelled.

'Fine dammit!!' Sasuke thought. And He picked up Sakura and continued going up the stairs.

-About an hour later-

"Made it!" Sasuke exclaimed.

Sasuke made it so Sakura was balanced in one arm while he got the key to her apartment with the other.

He got the key and opened the door.

Then when they had gotten inside and Sasuke had shut the door, he went to the bed room and put Sakura on he bed. Then he went to the kitchen.

"Well, she's going to be hungry when she wakes up, I might as well make some food for us." Sasuke thought aloud.

'Yosh!' Inner Sasuke agreed.

-20 Minutes Later-

Sakura was waking up and she smelled something delicious.

"mmm! What's that smell?" She thought aloud. "It smells so good!"

'I'm hungry!' Her Inner said.

'Yeah. Me too.' Sakura said to her Inner.

Sakura got up from her bed and waled in to the kitchen.

As soon as she saw who was in her kitchen, HELL BROKE LOSE.


That's the end of chapter four. I hope you enjoyed it. I will try to make the next chapter longer.

I know this one was pretty short.

Please Read and Review! Thanks for Reading!!