Sakura's Present

(A SasukexSakura story)

Chapter 1:

The Mysterious Visitor

Sakura was walking home from the hospital.

'Finally,' she thought, 'I get to go home.'

It was February 13th. It had been five years since Sasuke left, and now she worked at the hospital as a medic-nin. Naruto was almost a Jounin and was on a mission right now, and so was everyone else it seemed like.

Sakura was about half way to her apartment, when she noticed the place where she had tired to stop Sasuke from leaving. Sakura walked over and sat down on the bench. Sakura remembered the night that Sasuke had left. She started to cry. Sakura couldn't believe that she was crying again!

"Sasuke….," she whispered, "Please come back….I miss you so much……"

Sakura didn't know it, but Sasuke was there! Infact, he was watching her. You see, Sasuke would always sneak out of Orichimaru's house (hiding place) and walk over to Konoha, and would go to the same place where Sakura is now.

"Sakura…I miss you a lot too….." Sasuke whispered back.

Sakura could felt as if someone was there, but she couldn't sense any charka or familiar ora. Sakura thought that she had heard someone reply to what she had said, but then she thought that she was just hearing things. Sakura started looking around. Then she heard the leaves moving behind her, she realized that the wind wasn't blowing very hard, so she turned around.

Sasuke was in the tree, but he had moved. And the second that he did, the leaves started to move around, as if they wanted Sakura to know that he was there. Sasuke was about to go back to Orichimaru's, but when Sasuke actually looked at Sakura's face, HE WAS COMPLETELY AMAZED!

Sakura was so….so….GORGEOUS!! Sasuke was in shock!

'That's Sa-Ku-Ra!!!!,' he thought, 'Damn….She looks HOT!'

Sakura looked positively beautiful. Her eyes were shining in the moonlight and her face was also. Her hair was still pink, but it was past shoulder length and was layered. Her hair looked like a different pink, because it was dark and the only light was the moon and the stars.

Sakura stood up, so that she could see higher in the tree, just in case the person or thing that was watching her in the tree went higher when she turned around.

When Sakura stood up, Sasuke hid more in the tree, so that Sakura could not see him. Then he started to look at her up and down her body. Then he looked back up at her face. When he did, her whole body seemed to be glowing in moonlight! And to Sasuke, Sakura looked like the Moon and Darkness Goddess-Only she was beautiful. Sakura was taller and Sasuke could see that she had grown more into a woman. Sasuke-just remembered that they weren't 12 or 13 anymore and that they were now 18- couldn't believe how beautiful she was. Sasuke felt all the feeling for her that had grown while he was at Orichimaru's (while missing her) come back, only now these feelings were stronger. Sasuke had done a good job keeping his feeling for her a secret while he was at Orichimaru's, but now he wanted to tell her exactly how he felt about her.

When Sakura started to move, Sasuke came back to reality and remembered a place where he could go for now(the place is still in Konoha).

Sakura just remembered that she had to get home because tomorrow was February 14th (Valentines' Day) and that it was getting late (at least 10:30 p.m.). Sakura started (again) to walk home, but before she left, she turned to face the gate where Sasuke had left and said aloud (By the way, NO ONE can hear her, because they are all asleep- except for the guards, but they couldn't hear her either);

"Sasuke….I miss you….Please, please come back soon….." Sakura started to cry. "I-I l-love you Sasuke-kun!"

And with that Sakura turned around and went back to walking to her apartment.

Sasuke was shocked at what he had just seen and heard. Sasuke was almost about to leave, but when he heard Sakura say "Sasuke" he wanted to stay and hear what she was going to say. And now, he had. He was confused, but also a little delighted and shocked! After all these year, after all the times he had hurt her, SAKURA STILL LOVED HIM!!