Hey all, this is a SasuSaku fanfic, the first chapter is like the prologue type thing. Just read please!!
Chapter1: Null & Void
Drenched in solitude, let alone blood, he dragged his numbed legs along the pathway to revenge, hate and death. Making his way up the steps and to his so-called 'master', he continued to remain emotionless. Looking almost in a daze, he got down on one knee,
"Orochimaru-sama…" His voice barely audible, looking as if he would collapse then and there,
"Sasuke…" Slithered out his snaky mouth as his long tongue licked his own lips sensually, "You have done good, rest, for tomorrow I have a difficult task for you."
Asking no questions, Sasuke got up heavily and made his way to a lone room. Collapsing on the bed, he stared at the ceiling above him. Flashbacks would control his dreams tonight, for he almost had no control over his own body.
Most nights, Sasuke never slept, others, he'd lay half-asleep. He could no longer remember the taste of water, or the fun times he once had. It was as if this need to become powerful was exactly like a drub, poisoning your very mind. One day you'd regret it, the other, yearn for more. Nothing would satisfy you, though you crave more and more, the less closer you are to your goal. It eats away at your soul until there's nothing left, and you are not aware of what you are doing. Kill your family, friends and others, it is your only goal. If someone were to ask, 'You do all this trouble, for something so selfish, kill person after person, you achieve your goal, then what?' What's next? You can't go back and relive the life you gave away. So in the end, was it all really worth it?
Not bothering to change out of his bloodstained clothes, he gently fell asleep for the first time in weeks.
Flashback Dream "Over the past few years, you have become my companion, my best friend…""Then why?" Naruto pleaded.
"For that very same reason."
Images of his fight with Naruto took place in his dreams, until it changed.
"After all this time, you're still annoying." Sasuke had the image of Sakura's pained face, and then it changed ever so quickly.
"Do you remember the day we first met?" Sakura was letting out tears.
"No…" The imaged changed yet again.
"If you go, I'll scream out loud!" Sakura pleaded. Sasuke saw himself suddenly appear behind Sakura.
The images flashed quickly from moment to moment. He would see each Sakura and Naruto's face now, ((Like what they look like after the time skip))
"Thank you…" Flashback dream endSasuke then woke with an enormous gasp as he was sweating and panting heavily. Quickly, he took off his shirt and pants, left only in his boxers. He lay there, not to fall asleep again that night.
"Damn it…" He wiped his sweaty forehead as he remained silent for the rest of the night.
Slowly, Sasuke got out of bed and met Orochimaru outside.
"Sasuke, sleep well?" Orochimaru's long tongue flipped back into his mouth. Sasuke gave no reply.
"I suppose you would like your mission now…" Orochimaru's tongue grew snaky as he slithered his words.
Sasuke had been starring straight at Orochimaru's back, not as eager as what he could be.
"Your mission…" Orochimaru turned his face towards Sasuke, "Kill your former teammates…"
A grin crossed Sasuke's face,
"Sakura… and Naruto…"
Ok, so this was really short but it's the prologue, type thing… I got tired of looking for that perfect story that shows Naruto and Sakura searching and trying to bring Sasuke back that had a SasuSaku end, so I tried this out. Hopefully this is somewhat close to what you guys are looking for…
Frank12 ((AKA Trish))