Vanessa Turner rolled her dark brown eyes and complained "Why do I have to go to that school?"

"Because. It's the farthest away we could get you. They won't be able to find you there," Selene said for the thousandth time.

Vanessa simply sighed and stormed off to her room to finish packing her things. This was not the way she had planned on living.

Vanessa pulled into the student parking lot just as most classes were getting out. She quickly parked her red Ferrari and got out, glancing at the many suitcases that filled her back seat. Fixing her hair in her mirror Vanessa put on her most confident face and strutted to the entrance of Spencer Academy.

She noticed the amount of heads that she had turning and smirked to herself. It was hard for most people not to. With Vanessa's chest length dark brown hair, tanned skin and stunning figure she was a sight for sore eyes. Vanessa had on her worn down jean mini-skirt and a green halter top that stopped right before her belly button ring. Her toned stomach showed. Even though she knew she would be scolded once she reached the office Vanessa didn't care, she was never a fan of rules.

Keeping up with her strut that made everyone stare, Vanessa reached the main office. She pushed open the door and walked over to the secretary.

"Excuse me..." Vanessa started but then got cut off by the women at the desk.

"Hold on dear" She held up a finger and then hung up the phone. "What can I do for you?" She asked putting on a smile.

"Well Im new and..." Vanessa got interrupted again. Seriously, this woman had to stop cutting her off.

"Vanessa Turner?" She asked.

"Yes." Vanessa decided to keep her answers short. She didn't want to be cut off again in fear of loosing her cool.

"We've been expecting you. Actually, we were hoping you would have showed up earlier this morning but its okay. You're here now," she said with a smile that made Vanessa want to smack her upside the head. The secretary pulled out a folder and placed it in front of Vanessa, opening it up. "Im Iris by the way," she said looking up at Vanessa then back down at the paper work. "This is your class schedule, map of the campus and room number with key," she said handing her a gold key. "Any questions just come to me," Iris said.

Vanessa put on a fake smile. "Sure thing."

The phone rang and Iris excused herself to answer it. Vanessa turned around and rolled her eyes.

Vanessa walked out of the office and slid her black Chanel sunglasses over her face.

"So room 207," she said looking at the paper work. She tucked the folder underneath her arm and started to walk down the corridor.

It wasn't long before Vanessa reached her room to find most of her belongings already there, thanks to Selene and company.

She walked over to her bed to find a white envelope with the name Vanessa written neatly on the front. Vanessa opened it without trouble and read the note carefully.


If you need anything or feel you are in need of my assistance just call me. I'll be keeping a close eye on you as it is.


Why they were so protective, Vanessa had no idea. But sometimes it bugged the living shit out of her. She was 17 years old; she could take care of herself. Vanessa started to think about the advice Selene had given her before she had left. "Trust nobody and don't get attached to anyone." The words started ringing in her ears. Vanessa knew the prophecy but at the same time she was also only a 17 year old girl. Who should be hanging out with friends and be out partying by the way, but she had more on her plate then she could handle. Hence the reason she was constantly running and never had time to make friends in the first place.

Vanessa plopped down on her bed and sighed. Her silver amulet hung from her neck, indicating her destiny. Shouldn't she take the necklace off? Wouldn't it be easier for them to spot her with clear indication of who she was? She decided to ask Selene the next time she talked with her. In the mean time she started to unpack.

2 Hours Later…

Vanessa sat down on her chair and pulled out her cell phone. She didn't know who she was going to call so she flipped it shut and sighed. Being on the run half her life was hard work, and was doing some serious damage on her social life. Memories started flooded back to her about the times that she had almost been caught, when she had almost…

Her thoughts were interrupted by a knocking noise at her door. Who is that? Vanessa thought to herself. She knew that she had no roommate; Selene had made sure of that. Vanessa walked over to answer it anyhow. She swung the door open and revealed a blonde girl.

"Hi. Im Sarah Wenham," the girl said with a smile and extended her hand.

For a minute there, Vanessa just stared at the girl with a puzzled look on her face. This girl was being so friendly, yet had no idea who Vanessa was.

"Vanessa," she said shaking the girl's hand.

"Well I know your new and all, so I was asked to show you around. You know, help you out," Sarah said with a smile.

Vanessa thought about what Selene had said. Then started to think, it's not going to hurt to get shown around.

"Uh...Okay," Vanessa said.

Sarah smiled with satisfaction. "Great. So I was thinking I could show you around now if you're not too busy unpacking or anything."

Vanessa turned to look back into her room. Only 1 suitcase remained. She figured she could do it later. "Nope. Im all done packing," Vanessa replied with a shrug.

"Awesome. I can give you a tour then we'll meet up with the gang either at Nicky's or out front," Sarah informed Vanessa.

"Sounds like a plan. Just let me change real quick okay?" Vanessa said holding up a finger to make Sarah wait.

"Okay," Sarah said with a shrug.

Vanessa turned around and realized it might be rude to leave Sarah standing in the hall. "Umm…you can come in if you want," Vanessa suggested.

Sarah smiled and walked into the room. "Wow. You have a lot of cool stuff," she said looking around the room in which Vanessa had only half-unpacked.

She smiled politely and said thanks. Vanessa walked over to her closet. She still had a suitcase full of clothes but knew she would look good in anything. She pulled out a different top, deciding that the skirt she had on commented her just fine.

"That's an adorable top," Sarah commented.

Vanessa looked up from admiring the top herself. "Thanks," she said with a grin.

She went into the bathroom to touch up on her make-up and slide the new top on. When Vanessa walked out Sarah smiled. "You look awesome. God, I wish I could look that good all the time," Sarah gushed.

Vanessa gave a satisfying smile. "Thanks. But I guess it's in my genes." She did a little twirl.

"That dark red looks really good on you."

Vanessa looked at herself in the mirror. Admiring her dark red halter top and worn out jean mini-skirt that was barely there, her black high heels that had straps slithering up her toned calves. Once snapped out of it Vanessa looked over at Sarah. "Ready?" She asked.

"Uh huh," She answered.

They walked out of her room after Vanessa had grabbed her keys and cell phone. Playing with the keys in her hand Sarah had began the tour.

"So you obviously know that this is the dorms. Most people stay here, very few don't," she said matter-of-factly.

Vanessa nodded and pretended to listen. She couldn't really pay attention to something that she already knew, it bored her. Vanessa had spent hours being taught the school grounds and where everything was located so she was certain not get lost. The tour passed by quickly, every once in a while Vanessa nodded to fool Sarah that she was listening. Vanessa knew she should have been listening instead of being rude, but ignored the guilt and just looked around.

"Anyways… that's Spencer's Academy for you," Sarah finished stopping in her tracks to turn and face Vanessa with a smile.

"Yeah thanks." Vanessa had snapped out of it just in time.

"Ready for Nicky's?" Sarah asked with a mischievous grin on her face.

Vanessa grinned. She knew what Nicky's was and where it was. "I sure am. But do you mind if I drive myself?" Vanessa hoped that Sarah wouldn't question her.

"Yeah no problem." Sarah nodded with understandment. "Caleb's picking me up anyway so it's all good. You know where it is?" Sarah asked.

"I do," Vanessa stated. "Who's Caleb?" She questioned.

Sarah gave a little smile. "My boyfriend."

"Cute," Vanessa noted.

"Okay. Well I have to meet Caleb. So I'll see you there?" Sarah confirmed while walking away backwards.

Vanessa nodded and turned to walk to her car.