-1Disclaimer: You know I don't own anything, I just write for fun. Please don't sue me.

Chapter One.

He exhaled sharply, lungs expelling all air from their capacities, eyes bulging hideously from his face. It was as if he had seen a ghost, although in all reality he had only seen a monster. What was it? He pondered, legs carrying his body as fast as they could in what seemed to be a vain attempt of escape.

"You mustn't run, son." A familiar voice echoed through the trees, stopping him dead in his tracks. "Good, now turn around and face it. Take out your wand quickly and smoothly. Do not take your eyes off of it." It seemed even his father was a bit shaky.

"I don't know what to do, dad." He said loudly, backing a few steps, his body hitting a tree.

"Do whatever comes to mind." His father replied.

He analyzed his situation carefully. Noting the tall trees, foggy atmosphere, and the hideous THING staring at him, moving quickly. 'Easy for you to say, dad, protected on the other side of the gate.' He thought, closing his eyes and doing the first thing that came to his mind.

With a very loud pop, the beast was left staring into the empty space once occupied by a tall blonde boy, nearly six feet tall and with the cowardice of a house elf when it came to monsters. His father sighed quietly. "He'd better be home for dinner."

And with a shake of his head, Lucius Malfoy turned his back from the forest he had previously been training his son in, and walked toward his manor to check on his wife, and more importantly the food she was cooking.


Draco Malfoy found himself confusedly staring into the face of Harry Bloody Potter, who currently had his wand positioned at his forehead. "Malfoy, this was much easier for us than we'd thought." The boy spoke, his tone commanding.

Draco, being a clever boy, raised his hands above his head slowly. "Whatever it was, I didn't do it. I can assure you, Potter, there is no reason for you to be pointing that wand at me." As he spoke, Draco found his arms being bound behind himselftightly, and panic began to strike at his heart.

"Oh but there is." The dark haired boy shot back quietly. He whispered something and a gag appeared in the blonde boy's mouth.

Draco had thought he was away from the danger of his father's training since he had apparated into an alley frequented by many teenagers due to its rather private convenience. Instead, he had found himself in an even more helpless situation. Not only was he bound and gagged, but there was no way anyone else would find him in a dark, abandoned alley.

Draco Malfoy had awful luck, he noticed, as Potter, still pointing his wand at his forehead, picked up the wand from the ground that he had dropped in his surprise at seeing The Boy Who Lived in the first place. "You won't be needing that." The boy laughed quietly. He seemed nervous even to Draco, who was watching him carefully, as there was nothing else to do.

The dark haired teenager grabbed onto the ropes binding the slightly taller blonde, and with a small pop, Draco felt the hurling sensation that comes along with apparition for the second time in minutes. But more importantly, he felt the horror in his gut of what his enemy was planning.


It was awkward, Hermione pondered, sitting in a private room that was sound proof, and more importantly untraceable if one does not use magic, with a red headed boy who had been crushing on her since first year. It was silent, as Ron usually depended on Harry for conversation between the three, and had never been faced with being with Hermione alone.

"Hermione…" He began, his efforts proving fruitless, as there was nothing else for him to say. Nonetheless, she raised her eyes from a fixed point on the ground and took in her surroundings before answering.

"Yes, Ron?" Her eyes did not make contact with his, but merely met the plain white wall opposite from her. They were sharing a small couch that sat across from the wall, which, as mentioned before was a dull white wall with chains hanging from it. The couch itself was of a gray pleather. A small light bulb was hanging above their heads. The whole scene reminded her of what they were doing.

When he did not answer, she instigated the conversation herself, annoyed at her coward of a friend. "Ron, aren't you nervous?"

"Very." He exhaled, relieved that she already knew what he was trying to do.

"Me too." She smiled slightly. Misreading the situation, Ron began to lean forward toward her. "I mean, what we're doing is wrong. Isn't it?" She whispered quietly.

"No, not at all." His voice was huskier as he leaned in for the kill.

"Ron?! What are you doing?" She screamed, falling onto the cold cement floor.

"I…I thought…." He stammered quietly, his face turning as red as his hair. He was the brightest thing in the room.

"I was talking about Malfoy!!" She screamed, a blush now creeping its way across her cheeks as well.

"Oh." He suddenly became angry. "Hermione, you know I like you, don't you?" He began to shake from his anger and embarrassment.

"Well yes Ron, you're my friend." She trailed off quietly, noting the expression on his normally pale face. She decided that maybe she should stay on the floor.

"No…you know what I mean, Hermione. It's just, don't you feel the same way? I mean every one says you do…But you never seem like it. Why can't you like me the way I like you?" Hermione felt as though she was listening to a ten year old child speak to her, yet sitting in front of her was a tall, well built 17 year old boy.

"I…Well Ron…" Hermione stammered, searching deep within her soul to find an answer that wouldn't hurt his feelings. The truth would surely crush him. His fists were clenching as he stared at her, his facial expression a mixture of hurt and longing and anger. This was not looking good for Hermione.

Suddenly there was a faint pop in the room and Harry appeared, with a tall lean blonde boy tied up behind him. The boy nearly choked on his gag, staring at the three with bulging eyes. This had to be a nightmare.

"You know the drill, Ron. We can't use magic so we've got to get him chained to that wall." Harry said quietly, so the blonde could not hear. "But I have an idea, so just shut up and follow my lead." He took out his wand and pointed it to Draco.

Draco found himself untied and un-gagged, with a wand poking rather painfully into his throat. "Stand against the wall." Potter commanded.

"Are you going to…Rape me?" Draco asked, stepping back quietly as Harry pressed the wand harder into his throat with anger and disgust.

"No Malfoy….Just do it." Ron spoke awkwardly, not really knowing how to handle the situation. Hermione, quite ashamed of their little operation, stood against the opposite wall, watching with wide eyes.

Draco stood dejectedly and let his wrists be bound above his head. "Good." Harry said, throwing his wand at a small table near the couch. "Considering we can't use magic in here." The blonde boy's eyes widened,

"Thank you for letting me know." He spoke sarcastically, despite the fear pounding in his heart.

The three ignored him, as Harry turned around to look at Hermione. "Do you have it?" He asked her. She nodded her head quietly, feeling the nervousness begin to shake through her body. "Don't worry, Mione, he's chained up he can't do anything to you. Just make sure he drinks it. We'll be back in an hour. You know all three of us can't be gone at once, it'll arise suspicion."

"I know." She squeaked, cringing at the pathetic sound of her voice.

"Ok…" Harry said uncertainly. "If things get bad just get out. He doesn't know the password to apparate, so Ron and I will take care of him if worse comes to worse. Understand?" She nodded, fearing her voice would fail her. "Good." Ron and Harry both whispered something quietly, and with a small pop they were gone.

Draco felt himself relaxing slightly, staring at the brunette with questioning as she rummaged through a small purse hanging from her shoulder. She was lean, with long legs, a shapely bottom, decent sized breasts, but what surprised him the most was the way she had grown into her face. She was beautiful, with warm chocolate eyes and soft brown curls framing her face.

Hermione's shaking hands finally made contact with a small vial filled with a clear liquid, and she pulled it out, looking up for the first time to meet Malfoy's eyes. He was obviously afraid from the tenseness in his body, but his face gave no indication of fear. His silver eyes were filled with curiosity, but more importantly they were beautiful.

She looked away. "Just make this easy for me, Malfoy, and drink this." She came closer, closing the small distance between them.

Draco Malfoy stayed silent, refusing to open his mouth when she pressed the vial against his lips. She could smell his scent, a mixture of mint and pine wood, and a wave of something foreign passed over her. She liked the power she suddenly held, and pressed herself completely against him. "Drink it." She commanded, bloodying up his lips with the vial and pushing it against his teeth. He did not wince, but only stared straight into her eyes with defiance.

Another wave of something delicious passed over her as she met his eyes, and she was breathing harder as she grabbed his soft blonde locks, pulling them down so that he arched his neck. "Drink it." She breathed, pulling harder, noting the blood mixing into his hair from her fingers which had previously been on his chin.

She was moving against him, rubbing herself against him in a way that felt good to both of them, the vial still pressed to his lips. He shut his eyes, breaking the contact with her. It was then that she noticed what she was doing, as more waves passed though her. It was amazing, something she had never felt before. She did not stop her movements against him, but pressed herself harder, and pressed the vial harder into his teeth, pulling his hair harder down. He opened his mouth to scream in pain, and she quickly poured the vial's contents into his mouth holding his nose shut. He sputtered and then swallowed, defeated. She dropped the vial silently, not stopping her movements, her hands pulling at his hair again.

It felt so good.

He winced in pain. A feeling that was not altogether foreign to him passed over him as he noticed that his capturer was not ceasing her movements. He struggled against her, trying very hard not to let her seduce him. How long had he been fighting her? And, why wasn't she stopping, he had drunk the veriteserum, hadn't he? Her strawberry scent filled his nose, and he kept his eyes shut, trying very hard not to see what was happening in front him.

She was enthralled by the hardness of his body in contrast to the softness of her own, and she leaned her head in the crook of his neck, exposed do to the hair she was pulling downward. And then she pressed her lips against the flesh she was breathing on, causing him to draw a sharp intake of breath.

It was that sound which woke her up, and she jumped away from him quickly. He opened his eyes widely, spitting the blood that had gathered into his mouth from his lips onto the ground. She was breathing loudly, knowing she had gotten carried away.

"It's veriteserum." She spoke shakily. "Now you will tell us whatever it is we desire." Her heart began to beat in its regular rhythm, as both of them calmed down again.

He only nodded once, a slight smile of indifference on his lips.

She narrowed her eyes at him. "What are you hiding?" She whispered quietly to herself so he couldn't hear her. Then she spoke louder, "What id your full name?"

"Draco Lucius Malfoy." He answered in a serious tone. "My head hurts." He added, noting the embarrassment on her face.

"What is your father's name?"

"Lucius Malfoy."

"Do you know exactly what day it is?"


"What day is it?"


She smiled in relief. It had worked. Sitting on the couch in silence, she watched him. His eyes were shut as he leaned back against the wall. His wrists were hanging limply from his chains, and his lips were chapped with dried blood on them. He was utterly defeated. A small pang of something unfamiliar was felt in her heart for a moment, something akin to pity, but it was gone just as quickly as it had come.

Now all she had to do was wait for Harry and Ron to come back so they could really begin.

((Hope you liked it! Please review!))