Alright folks so here goes my first fic on WOOH! Wish me luck and I hope you enjoy!
As for this chapter of Closer... well its really more of a Preface but yeah I had this super cool title for it so yea.

Ah well without further adu...


Chapter 1 : Overwhelming Darkness

Everyone had been busy in the hunt to find Nagi, leaving Aya to suffer alone. During this time Masataka had been enjoying the time together with the girl his infatuations focused on. As his job deemed by Maya was to watch her. But even with the company Aya still felt alone, lost in what can only be called despair. Though the others weren't around as much to notice, Masataka was keeping Maya well informed of Aya's new continual use of the Dragon Eyes. Aya herself was only able to ignore most of the Nagi situation by regularly fighting the ringing in her ears, the cry of the Reiki that seemed to now permanently call to her. So the night's went that Aya would cry out in agony and Masataka would do his best to continue his watch of the Natsume home. Though there were nights when her sobs would get so bad all that he could do was grit his teeth and not run in and embrace her in his arms, for he was only there as a guard for Aya insuring that she didn't leave and that nobody else came in. Anymore though the nights were silent.

An eerie silence slipped through the halls of the Natsume household, save for the soft pitter patter of a heavy sky reaching its limit. The sound of thick rain drops grew louder and faster, and as they did Masataka's eyelids grew heavier and closer together. He had just completed one of his nightly rounds. His attire was that of casual gray sweats and a loose fitted T. He lazily leaned against a wall and before long his body had grown as heavy as his eyelids. Slowly he lost the fight as his body slid down the wall he had perched on. His shirt lifted slightly as it slide against the wood grain of a corner, and a cool evening breeze trickled over his back but even this couldn't arouse his hazy mind. As he lost this battle with himself, his arms snaked their way up around his knees. The dark strands of his ink colored hair filtered his eyes from the dim lights of the night sky.

A crack of thunder filled her room, while the light poured in from a quick flash of lightning leaving Aya sitting erect in her bed. The light dimmed leaving the room to the light of the moon which poured in from the window. Even in only the moonlight Aya's golden hair shimmered as it stretched down around her and coiled like copper snakes on the floor nearby. Her deep honey brown eyes were wide with surprise as they searched through the darkness. She took in deep heavy breaths, gasping in air for her needy lungs. Her slender shaking hand came up to grasp the slightly damp cotton of her over sized sleeping shirt which clung to her sweaty form. Her widened eyes now scanned the room as her breathing finally began to slow to match her slowing heart rate as she noticed the demons haunting her mind seemed to have fled as she awoke.

Her nimble hand removed the covers as she started to get up quietly calling to the other occupants of the house, "Onee-chan? ... Takayanagi-senpai? ... Makihara-san? ... Chiaki-chan?"

Only the sound of the drops of rain answered her calls as she reached the door. Slowly and quietly she opened the door viewing an empty hallway. Her head moved left to right as she scanned the suspicious interior. Just as she closed the door about to turn back a bone chilling streak ran through her spine.

It had all happened so fast... Another shot of lightning filled the room for mere seconds as the sky growled in the background, but those brief seconds seemed as long as hours. Aya spun on her toes as her golden strands of hair raised to life as they swished about her body. Then she suddenly felt a stinging sensation. She reached up and removed a dart like object from her shoulder and quickly threw it to the ground where its sharp point lodged itself into the wood with a soft thud. But it was too late the annoying sting had become a burning fiery sensation that now coursed through her veins at a rapid pace.

The normal sugary sweet honey of her eyes was now masked with a glowing ominous shade of red as she glared at the shadowed figure which stood stiffly before her. As she shifted to her normal fighting stance her body started to fail her, becoming heavy as the inferno in her veins raged on out of control. The dangerous glow in her eyes flashed in rage as her knee came to kiss the floor. She struggled to stay up, to fight, but soon the weight became unbearable and she felt herself falling forwards. Before her mind went black her thoughts called out to him in a desperate cry that she knew would never reach him,

"... sama..."

A heavy thud pushed through the thick air of the room in reaction to her limp body hitting the floor. Takayanigi grunted and bobbed his head in a failed attempt at waking. And once again the house fell to silence.


A blonde haired boy shifted restlessly in his cell before his head snapped up, eyes focused on what appeared to be a bare wall.

"She..." His voice was a bit raspy and his eyes wild with many emotions as he searched the barren cell for anything.

"Aya... she... called to me..."





A musty smell filled her lungs while she tried to assess where she was. Some deep voices were in the background but she was unable to make anything out of what they were saying. Her head throbbed but at least the unbearable burning sensation was gone. She grunted quietly before trying to rub her head but a cold band prevented her from moving very far. Then emotions gushed like a rapid fire through her mind. Shock, panic, then fear. Her eyes snapped open but she still couldn't see anything. Her limbs sore but struggled against the cold bindings for freedom while the chains attaching the bangles to the wall clanked and chimed as they pounded against themselves in her futile attempt at freedom.

A chill ran down her spine as a gruff male voice boomed in her ear startling her stiff and the restless chains grew quiet once more. "Mornin' sunshine..."

A low grunted chuckle came from his raspy throat before he called out to his counter parts, "Boys the bitch is finally awake."

Then there was a dim light from a far side of the room followed by footsteps of two or three more guys. At least that was all she could assume. There was a tug on one of the chains then a rough hand on her flesh, she tried to scream but her dry throat wouldn't produce any noise no matter how much she struggled. So she only whimpered as large tears streamed down her cheeks. Then came the bombardment of groping hands and male voices filled the room. She flinched and pulled away as much as she could, eyes shut tight and before darkness took her once more she prayed that she would wake up.


Author's Notes:

So what do you think? Good? Bad? Mad at me because of the cliff hanger? snickers evily Anywho, nomatter what you think you should comment/review. Its what keeps me working. So look forward to the next chapter soon, Yet to be titled.
