"Could you all just shut up?" Mayu asked tiredly, rubbing her temples. She was getting a serious headache.

Of course, since she had been out all night with Hatori, she really couldn't complain. Hangovers were evil things, though.

"Kyo-kun, what did we receive on our project?" Tohru asked Kyo excitedly.

"One sec, I'm looking." He turned to smiled at her gently.

It was the last day of the semester, and everyone was worried about their Family Management grades. Mayu had posted up the partnered grades barely two minutes ago, and people were practically tackling each other to see what they had made.

"Humph. An A. Well, of course, Manabe was married to me." Motoko flipped her hair over her shoulder and sidled up to Yuki. "I would make a great wife, especially for a Prince." She said suggestively.

Machi turned around to look at her.

Motoko moved away.

"A 97, Machi, we did pretty well, don't you think?" Yuki asked.

"Yeah." Was her quiet reply. A few weeks after Tohru had been released from the hospital, they had accidentally been locked in a closet together, and well...it all sort of developed from there.

Yuki reached for her hand. "Let's go."

She smiled.

"An eighty-nine. I am impressed with myself. Now I know that I can support Tohru-kun by myself." Hana-chan's voice floated over their heads.

"What are you going to do with her?" Uo asked her, an eyebrow raised. "She has someone else for her now. As we can all see. Eh, Kyonkyon?"

He wasn't even paying attention. He was somewhat in shock. "We got...a hundred. Perfect score." He turned to face Tohru.

"I knew you could do it." She smiled, so innocently, hands clasped in front of her. Even now, Kyo couldn't believe his luck. She was his, and he wasn't ever going to let her go.

"There wasn't any 'I' in this project." Kyo stepped closer to her. He bent down till his face was inches from hers. "There was only a 'we'. And it will always stay that way." He moved forward until his lips brushed hers softly.

A few catcalls were heard. They jumped apart, Tohru blushing furiously. Even Kyo had a slight red tinge on his face.

"Come on." Kyo said gruffly. "I'll buy you an ice cream."

Tohru smiled at him, her eyes showing him his future. She reached for his hand, and clasped it to her heart for barely a second, before letting go.

Kyo turned red. Completely aware that the whole class, including Mayu, was watching them silently, he leaned forward and grasped her hand. "I said always." He reminded her softly. "And I meant it. Now come on, if you really want that ice cream."

"Hey! Don't you try anything weird with our Tohru!" Uo was heard yelling, as they ran down the hall.

"Yes, because we will most certainly find out. And the consequences will be...less than pleasant." Hana-chan chimed, her voice soft and menacing.

But Kyo and Tohru didn't hear.

They were eating ice cream.


Sooooo...how was the epilogue?..yeah, it was kinda short, huh? But I felt like this story needed one...it's okay, right?? But yeah, thanks to all of you guys that stuck with me till the end, even during that absurdly long absence of mine...


Keep reading!!
