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Harry and Snape bump into each other before 7th year. They begin a sexual relationship, but is one of them developing feelings? SLASH, HPSS, SSHP, Harry/Severus, Severus/Harry, MPREG, OOC, AU.


Story contains SLASH, HPSS, SSHP, Harry/Severus, Severus/Harry, MPREG, OOC, AU. Please no flames regarding any of these warnings as you have been forewarned.


I do not own Harry Potter etc.

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Chapter 19: The Truth

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"I think you should do it mate," Ron said from the sofa as Harry paced up and down in front of the TV for the millionth time. "And I don't mean to be rude, but you're kind of making me dizzy. Could you sit down?"

"Oh sorry," Harry said, coming to a stop. He sat down in an armchair opposite Ron and sighed heavily.

"I mean, what's the worst that can happen?" Ron asked. "You find out Severus did cheat on you with an ex and he's just pissed off that he got caught? Well that's what you think now anyway. What's the difference?"

"I guess," Harry agreed. "I'm just so scared of having my worst fears confirmed."

"But you know it's the right thing to do though."

"Yeah… what's Hermione doing?"

"Reading up on the Veritaserum Potion," Ron replied, rolling his eyes. "She could make it in her sleep, but you know what she's like, any excuse to read a book cover to cover."

"Thanks Ron, for everything you and Hermione have done for me. I… I don't know what I would have done without you."

"Don't be soft," Ron said in embarrassment and he looked down at the living room carpet. "Anyway, we're best mates right? You'd do the same for us."

Just as Harry was about to answer, a Hogwarts School Owl flew through the open window and landed on the coffee table. Ron leaned over and took the letter it was carrying and read the envelope before throwing it over to Harry. He caught it and saw his name written in Severus' handwriting. He opened the letter and read aloud so Ron could hear.


I've just seen Albus and he told me about the meeting you two had earlier. I just want you to know that I had absolutely no idea he was going to see you or that he was going to suggest that Miss Granger brew the Veritaserum Potion. But I hope with all my heart that you will accept this request and I am finally able to give you proof of my fidelity.

I await you decision, all my love,

Severus xx

"He sounds pretty sincere," Ron remarked.

"Yeah he does," Harry replied quietly.

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"Severus, stop pacing," Albus said calmly from his chair behind his desk.

"Oh sorry," Severus replied and he stopped still. "Do you think he'll say yes? I still can't believe you went there without telling me first."

"Severus, I needed to speak to Harry without any influence from anyone else. He needed to know my proposition first. I do believe he will say yes. There's nobody he would trust more than Miss Granger to brew the Potion."

"I guess so," Severus replied and he sat down in a chair opposite Albus.

"Have you heard from William?" Albus asked.

"No I haven't, although he had mentioned he would be sending that representative regarding maintenance money."

"You just let me take care of that side of things," Albus said with a smile and a small wink.

"What are you up to now?" Severus sighed.

"I only have your best interests at heart dear boy."

"Well thanks… I think."

"You're very welcome."

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A day later, Severus entered his office after a hard day of classes to find a letter waiting for him on his desk. He could see straight away that it was from Harry. He took a deep breath and tried to contain the anxiety rising through his body. He opened it up and read the letter quickly.


I'm really sorry for not replying straightaway. I just needed a little time to think. I'm happy to go ahead with Albus' plan and propose you both come to Ron and Hermione's house this Saturday at 8pm. Would that be ok for you?


Severus breathed a sigh of relief and read the letter again just to make sure he wasn't seeing things. No, it was there in black and white. This weekend he was going to be able to give Harry his proof. He just hoped that they would be able to work things out and that the damage caused so far wouldn't be so great that Harry would still want a divorce and nothing to do with him. There was also the possibility that Harry would make excuses as to whether the Potion had been brewed properly or tampered with.

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"Evening Professor," Hermione said and she took Severus' coat as he walked into the house.

"Call me Severus."

"Sorry, old habits," Hermione replied. "Harry's waiting in the kitchen for you."


Severus stood for a moment to collect his thoughts before walking ahead down the hallway and into the kitchen. Harry and Ron were sitting at the kitchen table, mugs of tea in front of them. He caught Harry's eye and smiled. He thought he saw a flicker of a smile back, but couldn't be sure.

"Harry, how are you?" he asked awkwardly.

"I'm ok."

"The baby?"

"Fine," Harry replied, this time with a definite smile. "He's kicking like crazy at the moment."

"Well that can only be a good sign."

"Severus, take a seat," Hermione said, entering the kitchen. "I'll make you some tea."

"Thank you," Severus replied.

Severus sat down and tried to think of something else to say. Small talk wasn't his strong point and he was feeling most uncomfortable in the presence of Ron and Hermione. He wasn't sure he wanted to do this in front of them, although if Harry demanded they stay he wouldn't object in the slightest.

"Where's Albus?" Harry asked.

"He couldn't make it, said he had an errand to attend to. He sends his apologies."

"Oh right."

"Here you go," Hermione said, placing a mug of tea in front of Severus, along with a bottle of Veritaserum. "Ron and I will be in the living room if you need us." Ron got up and followed Hermione out of the kitchen, shutting the door behind him and leaving Harry and Severus alone. The silence overwhelmed them and the only sound that could be heard was the humming coming from the fridge.

"You have very loyal friends," Severus said.

"Yeah, the best," Harry replied. "Shall we get this over with?"

"Sure." Severus picked up the bottle of Veritaserum, took the lid off and drank some. He grimaced as the liquid passed down his throat and then placed it back onto the table and looked at Harry. Waiting.

"So… did you love William when you were at Hogwarts together?" Harry asked nervously.

"No. We were just lovers."

"How many times have you been in love?"

"Once. With you."

"Did you really hate my Father?"



"I was jealous of his popularity and his abilities. He was better at most things than me… apart from Potions."

"How many people have you slept this year?"

"Two," Severus whispered, briefly closing his eyes.

Harry knew he was stalling. Delaying the inevitable. Skirting around the questions he should be asking. He took a few sips of his tea before looking back at Severus and going in for the kill. He had to do this and get it over with, no matter how much the answers may hurt.

"Severus, did… did you willingly have sex with William?" Harry asked quietly.

"No," Severus replied, and Harry felt his heart stop. It was true!

"Did you he drug you?"



"He poisoned my glass of wine with a Lust Potion, I believe to impregnate himself."

"Do you still love me?"


Harry's heart was thumping against his chest. All this time he'd been wrong, so wrong. Severus was innocent and he'd done nothing but make things worse for him. He stood up quickly and ran from the kitchen, up the stairs and into the guest bedroom. He sat on the bed and breathed deeply whilst hugging one of his pillows. He was ashamed of himself. Why didn't he believe Severus at the time? Why didn't he just listen to him? He didn't even deserve Severus. There was a knock on the door and Harry jumped, pulled out of his thoughts.

"Harry?" Hermione's quiet voice said through the door. "Are you ok?"

"Come in," Harry called out. Hermione opened the door slowly and then closed it behind her as she walked in. She sat next to Harry and put her arm around him.

"What happened?"

"He was telling the truth."

"Oh Harry that's… that's great."

"Yeah it is," Harry sighed.

"Then why are you up here? Why did you run out?"

"Don't you see what this shows? I'm a selfish bastard who didn't believe my husband and barely gave him any chance to explain. I just assumed. He should hate me."

"Harry, don't be daft. Nobody thinks badly of you, especially not Severus. He loves you. You're not to blame, the circumstances… walking in on… it would be hard for anyone to think it was anything other than what it looked like. Don't be hard on yourself."

"I know, I know… um, do you mind if I have a few moments by myself?"

"Of course."

"And tell Severus not to go."

"I don't think he's going anywhere without you," Hermione smiled. She kissed Harry on the cheek and then left the room. A couple of minutes later Harry could vaguely hear voices coming from downstairs. He rubbed his bump and wondered how he could ever make it up to Severus? Saying sorry just seemed so hollow.

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"You're sure he's ok?" Severus asked Hermione in the hallway at the bottom of the stairs.

"He's fine, he just needs to be alone to take everything in. The hormones probably aren't helping either."

"Just you wait till it's you that's pregnant," Ron said to Hermione. "You'll be ten times worse than Harry, you already cry at everything."

Hermione scowled at him and Ron took a step backwards. Severus would have been amused by the exchange between them but he was too worried about Harry. What was going to happen? Was he trying to come up the right words to say it was still over? Before he had to fret any longer they all heard a creak on the stairs and looked up to see Harry descending, his eyes fixed on Severus'.

"I'm so sorry," Harry whispered when he reached the bottom and Severus smiled at him in relief.

"Just shut up and come here." Severus opened his arms wide and Harry walked over to him, settling into the embrace. He wanted to cry but held it back. He had no right to be comforted. Severus hugged him tightly before letting go and moving backwards to look into Harry's eyes. "Are you coming back to me?"

"If you'll have me," Harry said with a shrug. "I don't deserve you, I've treated you-"

They were interrupted by the doorbell. Hermione and Ron, who had edged away into the living room when Harry arrived, appeared in the hallway again. Hermione opened the door and there stood a smiling Albus Dumbledore.

"Good Evening everyone, I hope I'm not intruding?"

"Of course not Professor," Hermione beamed. "Please, come in." Albus walked in and Hermione closed the door.

"Ah, Severus, Harry, there you are. I bring good news," Albus announced, a twinkle in his eye. "Severus, you're not the father of William's unborn baby."

"What?" Harry and Severus both shouted at the same time.

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Thank you so much to everyone who has been reviewing this story. You'll never know how much I appreciate every single one of them and hope this chapter didn't disappoint.

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