This was an idea that was in my head for awhile and I'm just seeing how it might work. No one belongs to me. Reviews are always welcomed.
The shatter of his favorite coffee mug forced the blonde man to grab the bridge of his nose in hope of calming his nerves.
"Damn it, Chris. I'm sick and tired of this shit. You promised me that things would be different. I thought once you retired, it meant that you would be spending more time with me and the babies. Instead it's like you being on the road all over again. Concerts, television, when does this shit end? I'm tired of raising these fucking kids by myself."
Chris Irvine glanced at the fiery eyes of his wife, Jessica. He knew that she was not happy about him going to Toronto to film a reality show for The Second City's comedy show. Chris tried to explain that it would only be for a few weeks, but Jessica was going increasingly impatient with his disappearances.
"Jess, you knew when I left wrestling; it was to see what else was out there for me. I never intended on sitting on my ass and go fishing."
"What about your family, Chris? Do we even get a say on whether or not we want you to keep abandoning us?"
"Jess, you know all of this when you married me and you said you can accept it. Why are you acting like this now?"
Jessica tried to stop the tears from pouring out of her blue eyes. She did say that she could accept the hectic life of Chris's. But she swore when he quit wrestling that she was going to see her husband more often. Instead, he seemed to be gone more and more.
"Look I supported you music career, your wrestling career, you little VH-1 stint. Hell, I even supported your Celebrity Duets bullshit and we both know how that turned out. All I am saying is, it was a lot easier to support your dreams when I wasn't knee deep in diaper shit. Now I am just wondering when I get to live my dreams instead of always having to support yours."
With that, Jessica walked out the kitchen to get the children dressed for the day.
Chris's cell phone was vibrating as he was checking his Myspace page, answering fan's emails.
"Jerky, my man. What are you doing?"
Chris smiled at the voice on the other end of the phone. It was Jay Reso, one of Chris's best friends. They had been able to stay touch after their careers took them different paths, partly because they only five minutes away from one another.
"What's up, dude?"
"What's wrong? You don't sound your normal egotistical self."
"Jess is pissed cause I'm going to Toronto."
"Trouble in paradise, huh? Wish I could help, but Denise still likes me."
"I'm ten seconds away from hanging up on you, asshole."
Jay laughed. "Hold on there buddy. I actually called for a reason besides my normal routine of getting on your nerves. I wanted to know if you were ready for your little WWE reunion."
Chris closed his eyes. He could never understand why Jay couldn't ever just get to the fucking point.
"What are you talking about?"
"Wow, for someone who is always on the internet, I can't believe that you haven't heard yet."
"Heard what, Reso?"
"You are going to have a co-host for the new show." It was so quiet on the other end that for a second Chris thought Jay had hung up.
"Well are you going to tell me who the fuck it is?"
"It's none other than the beautiful blonde from Toronto, Trish Stratus."
Trish Stratus was sure that she was going to pull her hair out. When she decided that she was going to retire from the sport that she loved, she was sure that she was going to be able to take some time off and focus on being a newlywed. What she wasn't expecting was that she was going to be in demand. She never really understood how big her popularity had grown until September 30th 2006 when she found one door closing and ten more opening. She was asked to try so many new things that it made her head spin and her heart full. She was grateful that she wouldn't be forgotten. However, her decision to take some more gigs was putting a serious strain on her short marriage. Ron was not pleased by Trish deciding to continue to work instead of taking some time off. Trish tried to explain to Ron that work was all she knew, but it still didn't help matters.
"What are you doing?" Trish jumped at the sound of the voice and turned around to meet the eyes of her husband.
"Just thinking, that's all."
Ron nodded his head and moved towards the refrigerator. He pulled out a soda and popped the top. "When do you start this new "job" of yours?"
Trish sighed. This is never going to get easier. "The day after tomorrow." Holding her breath waiting for the argument to ensue, she was surprised to see Ron just throw the can in the trash and walk outside.
Feeling the beginning of a headache, Trish went upstairs in search of some medication. She faintly heard her cell ringing and went in the bedroom to answer it.
"How's my second favorite blonde doing this morning?"
"Who might you favorite blonde be?"
"Me, of course." Trish rolled her eyes at her friend Adam Copeland. Subtly was never his strong suit.
"I'm glad to see that you are still so modest."
"I try. Anyway, how are you feeling baby girl?"
"Right now, I would give anything to have Lisa put me in the widow's peak."
"Retired life not all it's cracked up to be?"
"No. Married life is what is kicking my ass." Trish fumbled through her purse knowing that there had to be a bottle of Advil somewhere.
"You're preaching to the choir on that one. Ron not happy with you deciding to keep working?"
"Of course not. I think it wanted me barefoot and pregnant by now."
"Well, buck up girlie. I called to give you some news. I just got off the phone with Jay and it turns out that you will have an old wrestling buddy with you when you tape this new reality show."
"Really, who?"
"Our very own King of Bling Bling, Chris Jericho."