A/N: Okay, so the format of the story is going to be really confusing, but I'm willing to take that risk. Let me give you a little heads-up about the story.

Okay, so Marti's a teenager, and this story is mostly about her life and how her siblings fit into it. The chapter below is basically just a prologue, to see how things go. The rest of the chapters will be a lot more interesting. There WILL be a few flashbacks, so stay ready. The rest of the story will be written in siblings' POV and journal entries. This entire story will span at least 10-15 years of Marti's life, so stay ready!

BTW, this is not only about Marti; it's about Lizzie/Edwin and DASEY!!!! There are brief references to their parents. But, of course, parents ain't IMPORTANT!!!

Disclaimer: I don't own LWD or any characters from the story. happy?

"Marti, what are you up to, now?" asked Derek, after noticing the conspicuous smile that slightly lifted up the corners of her mouth. It was the afternoon, and Derek was sharing a little snack with his 16-year-old sister, Marti. They had, together, prepared grilled cheese sandwiches and a glass of cold milk. "So? Are you going to tell me, or are you just going to give me those weird looks?" Derek inquired humorously.

Marti just laughed and said excitedly, "Okay, first, you have to promise me that you won't tell Mom, or Dad, or Nora, because I might not even–"

"Will you just tell me? I won't let anyone know, but you have got to tell me first," said Derek impatiently, taking a big bite out of his grilled cheese.

"Okay, okay, I'll tell you," Marti took a deep breath, and continued, "So, when I went to the mall this morning with my friends, there was this cute boy from school I met, and we were talking, and he asked me what I was doing this Saturday. I said I didn't have any plans yet, so he asked me out!" After Marti finished, Derek didn't seem, well…ecstatic about it.

Derek's face was solemn. "Marti, aren't you a little too young to go on a date? By the way, where are you going? A movie, a club, pizza with friends--" Before Derek could finish, Marti interrupted.

Marti answered his questions irritably, "First of all, Derek, you started dating when you were, like, six, and secondly, we are just going to a little Italian restaurant with a few friends."

"I didn't start dating when I was six, I just teased pretty little girls," Derek said, still upset about Marti's date. Marti gave him a look, then finished her snack, quickly, and ran upstairs. Derek shook his head, finally understanding his big mistake.

Marti was so upset; she thought Derek will be happy for her. She decided she was going to do something to bother him. When she did think of something, she almost blurted out, "I got it!" but prevented herself from saying so.

The tall, brown-haired girl quickly picked up the phone and dialed Casey's phone number. Casey was her 24-year-old step-sister, but Marti never thought of her that way. About four years ago, Marti vowed that she would never call Casey a step-sister; after all, Casey was always like a biological sister to her. She had helped her with her first crush, school projects, makeup, and during her occasional breaks, the awkward stage of puberty, and what not. When Casey went off to college, Marti was eight years old, and couldn't take it. Lizzie was helpful at times, but seemed to be caught up in high school, herself. She felt all alone; the boys weren't much help either. Now, the house felt so empty; Edwin, Lizzie, Casey, and Derek were all scattered across the globe. Of course, Derek was here for a visit, but would be leaving soon. Lizzie and Edwin decided to get an international education and ended up going to the same university in Europe, even if the chances were low. Casey decided she wanted to be an actress, but then, seeing how much competition there was, applied to Harvard, to be a lawyer. Derek, on the other hand, aspired to be a hockey player, but when George sat him down, and explained to him how difficult it really was, Derek was shaken a bit. Knowing Derek, though, he didn't listen to a word. Unfortunately, he didn't make it. He went back to a community college, and is currently trying to apply to a bigger university to get a degree in law (following in his father's footsteps.) Marti always thought this was the greatest job for Derek since he was so good at arguing. They would joke about it constantly.

Marti, at first, was so caught up in her thoughts that she almost ignored the fact that someone had picked up the phone on the other line. It was a man's voice. Great.

"Hello?" The deep, alluring voice was getting to Marti.

"Hello? Oh, hi, umm...I'm sorry if I'm bothering you right now, but...may I please speak to Casey...if she's there?"

There was a long pause, then finally the young man asked, "May I know who's speaking?"

"It's Marti, Casey's sister. Umm...if it isn't a convenient time, then I could just call back later..." Marti hoped that the man did not hear the fear in her voice.

"Oh, no, it's fine. It's just that Casey went out for a walk a few minutes ago, and she would like to know who called her. By the way, I'm Ryan, Casey's boyfriend." The young man seemed to make a sound that sounded like a laugh, but Marti wasn't sure.

"Oh, yeah, well thanks...I'll call back." Marti's heart was beating so hard, that she hoped Ryan didn't hear it.

Marti was so angry at Derek that, on the day he was leaving, she didn't even say goodbye. Even when Derek gave her a friendly kiss on the cheek. When Marti turned away, Derek just sighed and picked up his big brown suitcase.

Wait a second, thought Marti. I remember that suitcase... but it was so long ago. Something happened between Derek and Casey; something did.

Nora interrupted her thoughts. "What's gotten into, hun?" Nora said jokingly, then added, "You know, Matt called this afternoon. Can you tell me who Matt is, Marti?" Nora said, smiling a little.