
chapter 11

AN: a huge thank you to everyone who reviewed! Also I'd like to apologize to everyone. I was most literally demanding reviews like a spoiled lil brat. I know if I were you I wouldn't review just because of how incompetent I sounded. Ok... now that I got that off my chest I'd like to dedicate this chapter to everyone who put up with me. Without further ado... On with the story!

My eyes roam around my room for the digital clock. "11:39?!" I yell again. Now I really DO have to jump out the window. I'm going to be late!!!

Streets of Konoha 11:40 pm

The moment I hit the ground I took off running. I don't think I've ever ran this fast for anything un-lethal in my life! No, this was lethal to my life, if I don't see him soon... I don't know what would happen. I felt as though I would lose a critical part of me if I didn't see him.

I can't help but get the feeling that this had happened before. It was the strangest sense of deja vu I've ever had. Was I subconsciously trying to remember something that I had forgotten? Something vital maybe?

The rain fell onto me heavily, it was so bad-or good if you're me- that I couldn't see anything more than 5 feet away from me. It coated every part of my body as I ran through it. Maybe the rain was trying to help me as well. I closed my eyes as my legs moved me towards my destination: Shikamaru...

"Shikamaru!" I yelled and whispered at the same time.

I was running. But... there was something missing. It wasn't raining at all, and I was running in the wrong direction. I felt as though I was miserable and disappointed, yet furious at the same time. I sniffled.

Stop it Ino! You have to be strong! I refuse to cry. This isn't something to cry about... I refuse to let it happen... I just... won't.

I continued to run. My feet were taking me somewhere. I don't know where, but I know they're bringing me somewhere safe. Somewhere I could cry if I absolutely had to... Somewhere I could feel at ease, a warm place.

My legs stopped running and slowed down to a fast walk. I suddenly found myself in a meadow. Now there are a lot of meadow's in Konoha so I had no idea which one it was. They all looked the same to me. My eyes scanned the tall grass and wild flowers.

Where was I walking to? Why did I continue to feel more and more relaxed? I know my questions would be unanswered until my legs led me to where they wanted to go.

A strange wave of emotion washed over me. Was it a mixture of adrenaline and fear? Ah! A sense of urgency! But why so suddenly? There it is! My legs have stopped moving but I don't feel safe. I don't feel warmth or a sense of relief. I only feel as though something was ripped out of me, a pain that hurt more than anything I could imagine.

"Ino?" a soothing lazy voice called out from behind me. The intense pain seemed to withdraw as he spoke my name. I froze in my spot, my body refusing to look at him. Why?

"Ino... what're you doing here?" he said in a normal annoyed conversational tone. I knew better though. There was something differernt about this tone. He was worried, no... far past worried it was almost scared, but he knew my pride wouldn't allow him to show it openly. That if I knew he knew that something was upsetting me that I'd feel lower than fungus.

"Sh...Shika-kun..." I mumbled. It happened so quickly that I didn't know what to do at first. And I was the one doing it! All of a sudden I found myself clinging onto his body. My head buried in his chest.

I feel like an idiot. What in the world am I doing? I was about to pull away, but his arms circled around me. The pain I felt earlier vanished only to be replaced by my earlier sadness. I held onto him as though I would die if I let go. I started crying.

We stayed like that for a long time. And after that long time, I stopped my crying and lightly pushed away from him while still hugging him. I smiled, one of my rare true smiles that said that I was utterly and completely happy and he was the reason for it.

I hugged him one last time then took two steps back. "Thank you Shika-kun," I said sincerely, still smiling.

He looked at me with shock at first, it then melted into a loving gaze before he looked away. "Troublesome girl," he mumbled.

I frowned, my happy smile erased completely. "WHAT?!" I yelled and hit him over the head then stormed off.

"WHOA!" I exclaimed as I dodged out of the way of a telephone pole. The rain was back. I guess I spaced out... I jumped off a roof and onto the wet concrete floor.

I never really remembered when I feel in love with Shikamaru, I only remember that I always had, but that was silly! There had to be a point when I stopped seeing him as just a friend. Was that when I realized that I loved him? We must have been noo older than 6 when that happened. Did I love him for that long?

My legs started their sprint again as I recalled what happened with more detail. I was having trouble learning Shinranshin. I remembered that no matter how much I practiced it never worked. I was frustrated with myself.

What a strange time to fall in love with him.. I mean he didn't ask questions, he didn't do anything to calm me down. He just stayed there... letting me cry... holding me. Never mind. That wasn't strange at all... He was just what I needed.

I took a deep breath. He never asked me about it after, like I would have. He never used it as black mail, like I would have at that age. He already knew what I wanted him to be even at age 6! He truly IS a genius.

Ahhh! Enough remembering the past! I must focus on the present! I'm going to see Shikamaru! After the longest 3 months of my life I'm finally going to see him!!! I find a new burst of energy flow through me as I sprint toward my destination.

I really wasn't paying attention to anything around me. Partly was because the rain was too thick to see and partly because... well, who would be out this late in this weather anyway?

But... I really should have. I feel horrible. Why? Because I bumped into someone, literally. It wasn't hard enough that I fell, but it was hard enough for the person I bumped into. To make matters worse, the girl was wearing a completely white kimono and I just had to come storming by and push her in the mud!

"Omg!I'msosorry,Iwasn'tlookingwhereIwas go-ing? (Omg! I'm so sorry I wasn't looking where I was go-ing?)" I say quickly then stop suddenly when I got a good look at her.

She... she was... well... creepy! Her hair was a dark shade of black that went down to her knees, but her skin was so white that it almost blended into her kimono! Her umbrella was tossed a couple of feet away from us and the rain instantly soaked her. To tell you the truth, she looked like those pretty feudal day Japanese ghosts you see in comic books.

I watched her. Mesmerized by how pretty she was and how scary she is. She didn't move an inch. I guess I hit her on the side... she was sitting/laying down with her body to the left. Her arms were holding her up on one side of her body and she wasn't looking at me. Was she alright? I was going to touch her to see if she was ok, but she scared me when she looked at me suddenly. I muffled a gasp, her eyes were just as dark as her hair. She looks like a doll...

"You..." she has such a small voice that I had to strain to hear it from the rain. "He's waiting for you."

"What...?" I asked my voice bordering hysteria. She really is a ghost! How would she know if he's waiting or not!? Wait... how did she know I was going to meet up with someone?!

"Listen to what he has to say. Don't run away," she says emotionlessly. Although her voice was blank, her eyes said everything. She was sad. "GO!" she yells suddenly in anger. I took a step back from her. I've seen her before!

"M...Mei?" I asked breathless. Her face became hard and, before I knew it, she was standing in front of me. Her small hands had an iron lock grip onto my wrists as she held me in place. She was about a head shorter than me and smaller than I'd ever hope to be, but how could she be so strong? She glared deeply into my eyes and my heartbeat sped more in fear. Why's the ghost of Mei here? And what is she doing?

The rain fell between us and she continued to glare up at me. Although she was looking right at me it seemed like she wasn't at all. She was somewhere deep in my mind. As impossible as it may sound, it looked as though she was sifting through my memories. Her piercing eyes suddenly change to sorrow and she started to cry. My eyes widened. What happened?!

"Niveus-kun..." she said in a whisper. She let go then quickly turned away from me. I watched as she walked slowly to her umbrella. After picking it up, I watch as her small shoulders shook it as it rested on her. She was walking away from me as slowly as before. All I could see of her was the back of her pure white umbrella, the rest of her long black hair and the white of her kimono.

Could she not pass through to the other side because of her love for Niveus?! Does she not know how much he loves her?! I felt a pang in my heart. My brother was hurting... she was hurting. Was simply loving someone really that sad?

"Mei! He's never forgotten about you. I.. I don't think he ever will," I say trailing off. She stopped. "I don't know what happened, but I know... I know that he misses you! He may not look it, but I know he's beating himself up everyday remembering how he hurt you."

As I talked, Mei turned to me. At first she watched me with a confused stare then melted into a softer one. One that said she believed me, but there was the same look Niveus has. The one of hidden sorrow, regret.

Why's that there? Shouldn't what I have said made her happy enough to leave? I recalled what I said to her again. I could have laughed at my stupidity. How could I leave out the most important thing she wants to hear? The most important thing Niveus-niisan wants her to hear?

"Mei... He loves you," I say as sincerely as I felt. Her eyes widened for a split second then she smiled. It was just as beautiful as the one in the first picture Niveus showed me. (See chapter 6 if you forgot)

"Thank you very much... Now, please go. He's still waiting," she said while smiling at me warmly, she was just as polite as Niveus-niisan. I smiled back at her and nodded once. I hope now she can find peace...

My legs started moving and I began to jog. I turned around, but she wasn't there. I smiled again to myself then sprinted the rest of the way.

Fountain 12:03 am

I looked to my clock. I wasn't really late, but in the words of my sensei: "If you're early you're on time, if you're on time, you're late, and if you're late, you're dead." Hopefully Shikamaru doesn't live by the same strict schedule. But... what if 3 minutes was 3 minutes too late?

A sudden wave of sadness hit me and the pain in my chest worsened. I don't know what would happen if I didn't see him tonight. After I had all of this hope, only to have it crumble before my eyes because I wanted to help my brother's dead girlfriend out?!

I had to resist being angry. Why should I be so mad anyway? I mean, I just saw him a couple of months ago and waaaay before that I rejected his love for me... I winced. I rejected him. Was he going to do the same to me tonight? Did he call me out just so he could reject me like I did? Or was his not showing supposed to be rejection enough?

Stop it. Uzuki-sensei would kill you if she knew you were being this depressing. 'You're killing me Ino! I put my job on the line so you could see your stupid deer and you don't even see him?!' I could hear her yell at me. She would most definitely kick me off her team if I told her that.

The music box's tune started up in my head. I felt happy at first... then the pain... but I couldn't remember the happiest part of the song. Was the reunion erased from my memory forever? Was I not meant to have a reunion?

I clenched my fists at my sides and I let out a frustrated scream. Why couldn't I have a happy ending like they do in the movies?! Why do I have to feel this pain?!

My anger turned to sadness quickly and I had to stop myself from crying. She said he was waiting... Why would Mei lie to me like that...?

"Ino?" I hear someone calling me. It's only been a second but I don't remember what emotion I was having before, I was immediately filled with an overwhelming happiness.

"Shikamaru!?!?" I called out to him looking everywhere for him. I must look like a freak but I need to see him. I could hear him, but I can't see him! Where is he gawd damnit?!

THERE HE IS!!! I could barely see him on the other side of the big water fountain. I couldn't stop myself. I ran right though the fountain. Anything to get me up to him quickly. As I reached the end of it I jumped high into the air, making sure he would be where gravity pulled me down.

"What are y-" he started to ask but he was cut off by catching me.

AN: There's more shikaino fluff, but for the sake of my sanity I'm going to do a POV change. XD a gold star to whoever guesses who it is in the first paragraphs!

mean while. Graveyard 12:03 am

I couldn't sleep and, again, I find myself walking here. How long has it been since I last slept? I closed my eyes and counted the days. Almost half a year now and all this time I find myself walking here.

It hurts to come here... it hurts so much that I want to scream, so why? Am I really that masochistic? Ah, who am I kidding? I know why. I need to remember. If I forget, then I'm lower than dirt. Besides, I promised her.

My cheeks hurt and yet I can't stop myself from smiling. I made another promise and I keep my promises. One would think that after all this time, I'd be used to it. Humans don't adapt so well after all. I'm not angry, I hope you know. If this pain keeps me from forgetting, I'll live through it. It's just pain after all. It could be worse. I could never see her again.

My trained legs walked to the place where I always waited. Never moving, no matter what the weather. She made a promise too and I've never known her to not keep her promises.

I did what I always did as I waited. I thought intently. My life never seemed to be the topic, always someone else. Tonight's topic was I-chan. I worry about I-chan. she's going through much of what I had to. She so quickly reminded me of matters I do not wish to be reminded of. And yet, I-chan tended to be a major topic in my thoughts. I truly am a masochist.

In the past month I pondered her future on 20 different days. When would she go back to her normal self? How do I go about comforting her? Can I really help her at all?

I ask myself these questions again and again, but the answers are exactly the same. She will go back to normal when she sees him. I cannot comfort her, only support her. The only way I should help will only make me angry.

Never in my life have I ever felt so powerless. The way I want to do things is not the right way. He dislikes me enough as it is. He wouldn't listen to me if I told him what I had to to make I-chan happy.

I clench a fist in front of me as I allow the rain to keep my sleepiness at bay. Only when it rains do I ever feel less... alone. It makes me wonder why I-chan likes it. Does she tend to feel as lonely as I do? I ask myself this question as well, and I never get an answer. I-chan herself won't tell me. I really need to let it go.

Ten-chan seems to be the only one of our group to take I-chan's... situation normally. Ten-chan is worried. She wants to help, but doesn't want to make matters worse by interfering. If only he could be more like Nejiri.

Uzu-sensei said she was going to make I-chan happy again. When my mind went to Uzu-sensei I could never understand what went on in her head. How does she manipulate everyone around her so easily? I ask myself that as well and never find an answer.

What could she do to make him TRY to see I-chan? He never made an effort before, why is now so different? From what I could tell, he doesn't trust Uzu-sensei either.

My fists tighten again. He is the only one that could instill this type of anger in me. If I-chan wouldn't hate me, I would have killed him by now. I must admit, the word "kill" would be too much. He does not deserve to die after he pained I-chan this much.

It sounds like I hate him doesn't it? I'm not ashamed of myself to say that I DO hate him. "Hate." Such a strong word. If I met him on a different circumstance would I be good friends with him? I know the answer would be yes, but... the circumstances are where they are, and I hate him.

"Stupid... Maruru," I allowed myself to grumble.

"Ino-chan would be very upset with you if she heard you say that about him," she says.

Finally the voice I've been losing sleep over. A voice more attractive than any mythical siren. I turn to her. "My beautiful angel," I coo as my arms surround her petite form.

She giggles into my chest. Ah... it was too good to be true. A sadness consumes me as I let her go. I have to force this smile. "That's not very nice Uzu-sensei!" I say happily then laugh. Of course she wouldn't be here. Uzu-sensei must be a sadist.

"Haha! Sorry dearest," she says returning to her normal self. "I just wanted to tell you that I set Ino and Shikamaru up. If she's not happy by tomorrow then I'll help you make Shikamaru hurt."

"How'd ya do that Uzu-sensei!?" I smile brightly at my teacher. I can forgive her for pretending to be Mei this time. He would pay if he hurt I-chan. If I-chan wasn't happy by tomorrow, at least I will.

"It wasn't easy! I had to give the stupid deer my favorite music box for him to do anything! So annoying," she complained. Uzu-sensei doesn't seem the type to be interested in music. One does learn something new every day. Silence surrounded us after that, but it wasn't going to stay that way. The easiest way to fight off loneliness is to not be alone after all.

"Heeeeey, what're ya doin' here anyways?" I asked making conversation.

She winks at me then hits me on the head with her rubber hammer. I hold the spot with my right hand and we laugh together. She then looks at me seriously. "You know she can't come back."

This is what I would expect from Uzu-sensei. She never beat around the bush when she talked of something serious. "Hahaha, I know, but... a guy can hope, right?" I reply knowing my smile couldn't hide my sadness from her.

I see her roll her eyes and sigh. "You're so loyal, it's almost scary."

"Heeeeeee, I get that a lot," I answered smiling sheepishly.

"Welp, it's creepy here and it's late. I'm going to bed. See ya later puppy dearest!" she said quickly then disappeared.

It was common for me to be compared to that of a dog. I never get insulted though, dogs have very admirable qualities that most humans should have in themselves. Loyalty is one of them, and loyal I'll be. I'll stay here, waiting on this grave, forever until I see her. I find that this waiting is the price I must pay to be complete. And when I see her, I'll never leave her again.

Fountain 12:06 am. (POV change back)

I really should have thought things through. Apparently the saying "think before you leap" doesn't register in my head. He must think I'm crazy...er crazier. Well... I suppose it could be worse. I could have missed him completely and be laying head first in the mud. At least he didn't not catch me.

Oh stop talking to yourself Ino! All that doesn't matter! The only thing that does is that I'm with him!!! He's holding me and I'm holding him! And! It's raining! This is the greatest feeling I've had in such a long time! I look up to find him staring at me with a raised brow. He was amused?! Well! I'll just have to turn the tables on him!

"So, you wanted to see me?" I asked happily as I hug him loosely. My hands were around his neck and his hands rested on my waist. The idea that we looked like we were dancing made me smile brighter.

"I wanted to make sure you weren't going to disappear for two years again," he replied taunting me. (Twitch) He's taunting me!

"I disappeared?! If I remember correctly you stopped talking to me!"

"How troublesome.." he mumbled while looking away.

"Troublesome?!" I screeched stepping away from him enraged. "I didn't have to come here ya know!"

He looked at me, angry at first, then... what? I can't tell... why can't I tell?! Damnit! I have to demand that Uzuki teach me to read people better. This sucks!

"Why did you come here?" his tone matched my anger.

"I don't even know! You're obliviously not going to tell me what I want to, so I'm just going to leave!" I yelled back stomping off towards my house.

Wait... no! This wasn't supposed to happen! This isn't how our reunion was supposed to be! It was supposed to be beautiful! After he told me he loved me we would have a cliche happily ever after! Not we finally get to see each other, then have a stupid argument and probably never talk again!

I have to turn around. I... I have to talk to him. My stupid body wouldn't listen to me, AGAIN! How could I do this to myself? Why did I mess up so badly?

Wait... this wasn't my fault after all! I realize that the reason why I couldn't turn around wasn't because my body was rebelling against my wishes again, but because I couldn't move! Straining my eyes to look down I saw that he caught me in his shadow again.

"What do you want me to tell you?" he demanded from behind me.

My eyes widened. Well, it was probably a good thing that he couldn't see my face because I flushed furiously. Damnit, now I have to go back to basics with Uzuki-sensei. I can't even hide my emotions properly any more.

Pull yourself together! Be confident! If you don't, you'll sound like one of those wimpy girls in your shojo manga! OK! Say: 'I see what you're doing, you're trying to dodge the question!' sure he'll be confused, but it's ok! As long as you're not mad at one another, it's fine. What're you waiting for Ino?! Say it!

"Just forget it Shikamaru. It was a mistake for you to contact me," I'm going to kill my mouth. If it's possible, I will kill my mouth. I sounded angry! Why didn't it say what I wanted it to!?

There was nothing but the sound of rain. I saw the shadow below creep away from me slowly. I shut my eyes tightly out of frustration and clench my fists. I felt tears pool in my closed eyes, as it be came very clear to me. I will never have a fairy tale ending. But... just because it's not the ending I wanted, does it mean we can't be friends? I have to lighten the mood somehow.

I force myself to laugh. I don't know how I did it, but I did, and it sounded genuine. I turn to Shikamaru and say, "It's really late, Shika-kun! Call me when you Chouji and Asuma-sensei are free! We still have to go to the Korean BBQ place!"

"Why?" he demanded sounding angry.

"'Why?'" I repeated, "so we can hang out silly!" I force myself to laugh again.

"No, why didn't you ask me what you wanted to?" his voice was hard, I could see him get angrier and angrier. How am I supposed to answer that?

"What? You invited me. I should be asking you what you wanted to ask me!" that's a good way to answer it- confusing as it is- but my mouth did a good job. I watched him carefully as he walked towards me. From what I could see through the rain, he was calming down. That's good right?

He stopped less than a foot away from me. I didn't notice this before, but his hair was down. How could I not notice this before?! With his hair down and the rain he looks like a super model! I look at his eyes and I remember why I was distracted earlier. I forgot how mesmerizing they were.

"Do you love me?" he asked suddenly. My eyes widened out of pure shock. I definitely wasn't expecting this. He was too calm, too confident.

After the shock settled I felt my cheeks turn deep red. I was embarrassed. Why'd he have to ask me so bluntly? How should I answer this? Well... truthfully, duh Ino! I opened my mouth, but nothing came out. The way he was looking at me made my words stick in my throat. I purse my lips together. There's no way I'm going to be able to say anything if I keep looking at him.

OH NO! What if my actions seemed like I was going to reject him again?! I felt my worry show on my face. AH! Do something Ino! Shikamaru's still waiting! X(

While my mind was turning to mush, I could feel my head nod slowly. Then my mouth mumble, "very much..." Finally they did something that I wanted it to! Maybe... maybe they always did what I wanted to, even if my consciousness didn't know it.

Hmmm... I'll think about it later. Shikamaru's giving me mixed signals here. Why do I say that? He didn't react to me like a normal person would have. He was just nodding his head as if I told him it was raining! I felt the anger boil inside me. That bastard!

"What's wrong?" Shikamaru asked looking at me strangely. I guess he sensed my anger, but what kind of question is that?! Is he really that stupid?! I could feel my earlier blush of embarrassment turn to a flush of intense anger.

"'Wh-what's wrong?!'" I yelled a couple of octaves higher than normal. And that was all I said that was coherent, even to me! I was so angry that I wasn't even speaking words! I could feel my hands twinge with the want to strangle him so I turn away while continuing my angry nonsensical ramble.

I could hear him laughing next to me. HE WAS LAUGHING! And then he has the nerve to say, "Calm down Ino."

"YOU CALM DOWN! FREAKIN' BASTARD!" I yelled like an idiot. The sound of the rain and my angry panting was the only thing that could be heard after that. I stood as still as a statue... that was possessed by an angry spirit.

And then he laughed... again. (twitch) And here I was calming down. I turned my body so I can smack him a good one and storm off. I don't care if we're not friends anymore. He's a bastard.

As my hand was speeding towards his face his hand intercepted it. Needless to say, I was shocked, but just because my mind was shocked doesn't mean my body cared. I froze for a split second then lifted my other hand to wack him, but... he caught it again.

So here we stood.. In the rain. His hands holding my wrists. He being very calm and me... well me being very not. I was so very not calm that I tried to yank my hands away from his, but he has a steel-like grip that--oddly enough, didn't hurt. I didn't want to kick him, like my foot was aching to do. Ok, so maybe I did want to kick him, but my love for him is stronger than my want...

My body realized that fighting against him wasn't going to do anything so my mouth got to work. "You let me go this very instant Nara Shikamaru," I threatened while glaring at him.

"I don't think I will," he said so sternly that it made my mouth shut up. I stared at him wide-eyed with shock, but I started shaking from anger. "You're confusing, Ino. First you love me then you get so angry that you want to hit me," he says softly as he steps forward causing me to move back.

"I'm just frustrated," I said straining to calm myself. My arms haven't relaxed yet and they were keeping us about a foot apart. I then feel something on my back stopping me from moving. He backed me up into a tree! If looks could kill, he'd be dead a million deaths by now.

He smiled down on me. "Calm down Ino," he said again, his voice was soothing.

My glare at him said, 'No way in hell buddy.' I saw him sigh, but his eyes never left mine. Those intense eyes just wouldn't let my angry ones go. He bent his head down, his cheek rested on mine and his breath tickled my bare neck.

"Please?" his voice sent chills down my spine. I had to stop myself from moaning out loud, my heart was beating so fast I was surprised that it didn't burst out of my chest. Gawd, he only said one word!

No! You're angry Ino. Angry! I shake my head while knitting my eyebrows together. He then moved his head away from my ear and rested his forehead on mine. "You leave me no choice then," he smiled an annoyed lopsided smile which caused me to frown more.

We were locked in a staring battle. His smile seemed to grow wider as the seconds passed. I knew what was happening, but I don't believe it. Although I'm fuming with rage he's bringing me closer, and I wasn't moving away!

He stopped suddenly when he was so close to me, I could feel the heat radiating off his lips and onto mine. Why would he stop?! I saw his eyes smile before he filled the small gap so our lips would meet. It was a very sweet kiss. I relaxed immediately, and that was all he needed.

"I love you Yamanaka Ino," he whispered quietly as he let go of my hands and brought me in a warm hug. He ended the kiss all too quickly and, yet, it was enough, he made up for it in the end. I don't think I could be any happier than I felt this second. This happiness was better than the songs reunion could ever be.

I hugged him back, my cheek rested on his chest and I closed my eyes contentedly. I was reminded that being in his arms made me more peaceful than standing in the rain.

I felt him kiss the top of my head and I look up at him, without letting him go. He smiled lightly and I smiled brightly. Niveus' smiles was nothing compared to Shikamaru's.


AN: yes! There's going to be more! If you want any specific InoShika fluff (or any other fluff for that matter) don't hesitate to ask! I hope you didn't get confused with the POV change... I was having writers block and after I was done writing it, I was able to writethe rest in a day... T.T

OMG! I almost forgot! EVERYONE please thank Miss Aki-chan (aka tomboy14) because she helped me so SO much on this chapter. I can't express how thankful I am to her in words! Why are you thanking her you all might ask? Welp! You're thanking her for giving me all the ideas for basically all the fluff I had in this chapter! (Bows lowly) Thank you Aki-chan/tomboy14! You are truly a saint!

Ps. If you don't review Niveus will be alone forever. Hahaha jk jk... or am I?