The symbiote looked in vain to the rain outside the window. Eddie was not giving him the proper support the symbiote needed his body was slowly corroding but was covered with the costume. The symbiote needed a new host and he knew of one that would be perfect and his body would most likely not receive any side effects from long term fusion… Spiderman.

He jumped outside the building and purposely created a bank robbery knowing that Spiderman would come to save the day but it was a trap. Spiderman came and pursued Venom all the way into a forest with the black surroundings Spiderman was unable to tell where venom was but he was surprised when he was pounced on and pinned against a tree. The symbiote grinned and watched as Spiderman couldn't move. Venom began to remove all of the Spiderman's clothes because it would make a better connection. Spiderman stared at the frightening symbiote before him and finally began to speak.

"Why are you doing this leave me alone."

"I need you Peter and you need me we are one"

Peter felt disturbed by this question since Venom had removed all of his clothes.

"No we are not now leave"

"Never. If you won't work with me then ill just take over your body and try the same trick as last time only this time no one will be able to save you because he has already been taken care of."

Peter could do nothing but stare at the symbiote removed itself from Eddie and began to attach itself to Peter. Peter did agree that he felt much better with the symbiote on then without it. At first he felt the same kind of connection but once Venom go to the parts that he was not used to a direct connection he was even more pleased. Peter had begun to get an erection. It was such a long time and Peter couldn't help himself but embrace the new power that was once again embracing him. He was enjoying this and now he knew what it was like without it after he had it for only a few days. The symbiote was enjoying this he could feel Peters enjoyment as he connected more and more with him.

Peter woke up instinctively from shock. He found himself in his room. Peter kept reflecting on his dream, he just wasn't sure about two things. The first thing, was he really enjoying that bond, the very thought of it, or was it just his imagination. Two did that really happen. Peter leaned over to remove his sleeping clothes only to find out he couldn't. Peter then came to the only logical solution. His dream was real. Peter felt slightly comforted that he knew the answer to his second question. There was still the matter of the first though, was he enjoying it.

The symbiote responded to his thoughts and transformed back into the black suit that he was so familiar with. Unlike the previous time, this time he was directly touching the symbiote, he had nothing underneath it. Peter walked around his room for a long time. He was questioning himself. Should he keep the symbiote who once again excepted him as his host, or should he abandon it again. Peter closed his eyes and tried to feel the symbiotes touch to its very maximum, he was enjoying it, he would keep it.

Peter in his acceptance of the symbiote the fusion had become permanent. He was now a monster rampaging the streets at night as a villain but during the day he had changed as well he was more aggressive. Mary Jane eventually realized hat Peter was once again using the symbiote, she tried to stop him. However, it was futile Spiderman felt that the connection of the symbiote was the only enjoyment hell ever need. Then later he had faked his death to continue with the use of the symbiote during the entire day for the rest of his eternal life…