Welcome pokemon fans to my fic about pokemon ranger it wiil be like a series so enjoy. but before we start the story i was wondering if you guys would like me to end this story when Solana and Lunick get married or when they have a baby cause i can't decide which should be the ending. so enjoy and y'all better leave a review or else...just kidding enjoy.

episode 1: the begining

Solana and her pokemon, Plusle have just been accepted to join the many ranks of pokemon rangers in the Fiore Ranger Union. When their boat lands in Fall City Solana and plusle are amazed to see what Fiore is like. " Wow. Fiore is so beautiful. Right, Plusle?" says Solana. " Plaah" says the cute little elctric type pokemon(a/n I LOVE PLUSLE!!!!!!!!!!)

About ten minutes later a tall green haired man comes walking up to Solana. " You must be Solana, right?" asked Spenser. " Yes. My name is Solana Hinata, and this is Plusle. Come on, say hello." " Plaah" " I'm Spenser. As you already know I'm the leader of Ringtown's ranger base. There are four other lands in Fiore. Fall City, Ringtown, Summerland, and Wintown. Those four places each have a ranger base. Let me show you to my base." says Spenser," Oh! before I forget, I have to get you to sign this. It certifies that you are a genuine ranger. Sign here please."

Solana signs the certificate. " Alright. I also have to entrust you with this capture styler." Spenser hands Solana a capture styler. Solana smiles as she recieves the capture styler. "Now let's head to Ringtown. Hang on to me" says Spenser. Solana hangs onto Spenser's arm. " Come now Fearow, let's go to Ringtown." Fearow comes and picks up Solana and Spenser and Plusle. As they fly over the seas Solana is amzed at what she sees. I wonder what other things Fiore has to offer. Imight get the chance to see cute boys.Solana thinks. " We're getting closer to Ringtown. We're flying over the Lyra forest. It's a very nice forest, it's full of nature," says Spenser "Intresting." says Solana. Solana notices something below them. " Hey. What's that down there?" asks Solana. " Where?" asks Spenser. Solana points. " There." "Where?"

Solana Points even more down. "There." Just then Solana and Plusle fall out of Spenser's arms. "Solana!!!" screams Spenser. "AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH" screams Solana," Plaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh" screams Plusle. As soon as Solana is about to fall to her death on the ground she finds herself in the comfort of someone's arms. " Are you ok, miss?" asks the someone. Solana looks up. " Yeah" says Solana. Solana sees that a nice, tall, handsome, dark-haired guy had saved her from death. Solana then slightly blushes. " Uhh...thank...you." says Solana. The boy then lets go of Solana and as soon as she stands up straight he notices that she is wearing a ranger uniform. " Excuse me but are you the new ranger coming to Ringtown." asks the boy. " Yes." says Solana. " Cool. You must be Solana." "Yep. That's me. and I vow to work my hardest at becoming the greatest ranger ever." says Solana. " My name is Lunick and this is my pokemon Minun. Come say hi." " Maaaaii" says the cute little Minun. " Awww. This Minun Is so cute. it's just like my Plusle." " Thanks your Plusle is very cute. Why don't I take you two to the Ranger base?'' " That'd be great." says Solana. As they are walking through the forest they are thinking thoughts about the other. Solana is soo hot! I wonder if she has a boyfriend yet? Ohh Lunick is so strong and tall and hot! I hope he doesn't have a girlfriend yet. As soon as they get back to the ranger base the see Spenser whon sees them and has a sightof relief on his face. " Thank goodness you're alright Solana. I was so worried." " You should thank Lunick bacause he saved me from death. Thanks again Lunick. I owe my life." " It was nothing. I was just doing my job of helping people and pokemon." " Alright. Let's go inside." said Spenser. Inside the base Spenser goes to his desk and takes a room key out of a drawer and gives it to Solana. " This is the key to you and Lunick's room. You two will be sharing a room togethere. ' I just know her for ten minutes and we're already sharing a room together. I must be the luckiest guy in the world' ' We're sharing a room together. I wonder if we have to share a bed. If that happens then my life would be complete.' " Lunick , please show Solana to your room." said Spenser. " Alright." said Lunick. Lunick grabs hold of Solana's hand. " Let me show you to our room." 'He's holding my hand!' When they enter the elevator they start thinking more thoughts of the other one. ' I'm not too sure that we're having seperate beds bacause Spenser just told me I'm sharing my room with the new ranger. But, what he didn't tell me that the ranger was a girl! So that's why I only found one bed in my room today. He's trying to set me up with Solana. So later I have to thank him.' ' Lunick is so cute. I know why he has a Minun to show off a pokemon that's equally cute as him.' When they finally reach their floor, they walk toothe end of the dormitory hall to Lunick, now his and Solana's, room. When they enter the room Plusle and Minun jump off their owners' shoulders and start to run around and play. Solana and Lunick see that they're going to be sharing a bed ' I knew it' ' Ok. My life's complete' " Sorry that we're forced to share a bed. I don't mind if you want me to sleep on the floor." " It's ok. We could share the bed." said Solana. " Alright. And I promise you, nothing freaky." said Lunick. 'Damn' Thought Solana. " Unless you give me permission." said Lunick. ' Yay!!!' thought Solana. " I want to take a shower. where's the bathroom?" asked Solana. Lunick Pointed to his right. " Thank you." says Solana. Solana goes over to Plusle and picks her up and walks to the bathroom and closes the door behind her but the door closes enough to leave a crack off the opening. Lunick walks to his desk to get a book and read.As he is reaching to get the book he sees Solana in the mirror that is next to the bathroom door facing to the shower. Lunick is tempted to look, so he decides to look until Solana is in her bra and underwear and then he turns away and sits at his desk to read. Later when Solana and Plusle finish take their shower, she enters the room in her towel. Lunick then notices this. " I should let you have some privacy." Says Lunick. " I don't mind if your here while I'm changing. Just don't stare at me too much, ok?" " Alright." says Lunick. ' I just meet her and she already let's me see here naked. Does she love me or something?' Later when Solana finishes changing Lunick says, " Can I open my eye's yet?" " I didn't tell you to close your eyes. I just said don't stare at me too much." said Solana, " and yes." ' He's very shy. Ilike that.' " Spenser told me to show you around Ringtown and the Lyra forest. Are you ready to go." asked Lunick. " I'm ready." said Solana. The two walk over to their pokemon and bend down to let them get on their shoulders. Plulse and Minun then jump on their owner's pokemon and the four of them leave. Outside lunick show Solana around Ringtown then the couple go off into the Lyra forest. The two sit down under a tree. Lunick then spots a flower and picks it and gives it to Solana. " Here. A pretty flower for a very pretty girl." says Lunick. " Aw. Thank you." says Solana. Solana then gives Lunick a kiss a on the cheek. Lunick blushes. " You're ...welcome." As Lunick tries to put his arm around Solana, he get's a call on his styler. " This is Lunick...hmhm...hmhm...alright. I'm on my way." Lunick turns to Solana. " Solana, I'm sorry. I have to go on a mission. I'll see you later." " Alright. Bye." " Bye." Minun jumps on Lunick's shoulder and waves good bye to Plusle and Solana. Solana and Plusle decide to play for a little bit. Later when it started to get dark they headed back to the ranger base and went up to the room. Solana saw that Lunick wasn't back from his mission yet. Solana and Plusle decide to take a bath. So they went to the bathroom and got into the jacuzzi/bathtub and went underwater. When Lunick and Minun got back from their mission they thought that Solana and Plusle were still out." Solana's not back yet. She must still be outside. I guess I'll take a bath." said Lunick. Lunick and Minun enter the bathroom and Lunick enters the jacuzzi/bathetub and sits down. He then sees a small body and notices it's Plusle and picks Plusle up. " Hey Plusle. Where's Solana?" asks Lunick. " Right behind you." says Solana. Lunick turns around and is shocked to see Solana behind him, naked. " Sorry Solana I didn't know you were in here." " It's ok. I don't mind." Solana tries to get closer to Lunick but he backs away. " What's wrong?" asks Solana. " I don't want to get too close to you so I don't touch you anywhere so you don't feel comfortable." says Lunick. " Oh! You're very nice to me." " Thanks for saying that." said Lunick. They decide to stay in for a few more minutes. then Solana gets out and goes back to the room and changes into her night gown for bed. Lunick comes into the room to see Solana asleep wearing her light blue, strap-less lingerae like night gown. Lunick changes into his sleeve-less muscle shirt and short pants and gets into bed and covers himself and Solana. Plusle and Minun jump on the end of the bed and say good night to Lunick and quietly gives Solana a soft kiss 'goodnight' and lay down and go to sleep. Lunick lays down and puts his arm around Solana and kisses her 'goodnight'. and falls asleep.

end episode 1

Next episode- Episode 2: Pokemon Ranger awakens.

hope you guys enjoyed stick around for episode 2 next week. bye sprousegirl12