A/C Wow it's been awhile! Sorry guys I've had so many regents and I'm also in a show so I haven't had much time to finish this story up. I hope you've enjoyed reading just as much as I've enjoyed writing! Remember keep reviewing! 33

Despite Gideon's warnings Morgan was ready to start the drive up to the school once more. His motivation to save his friend was endless. The knot in his stomach made him queasy with anxiousness. The roads were getting pretty bad, but he knew he could make it before the blizzard hit with full force. Hotch had also give him the okay since he was in one of the SUVs. Morgan hadn't told him what Gideon had said about driving there though.

He was half way there and all he could see was a white abyss before him on the long winding road. Memories floated in and out of his troubled mind. They were filled with card games and moments of humor between him and Reid. He remembered how much Reid had been there for him when he was arrested and countless other times. Morgan knew very well that if his friend was left to die cold and alone he could never forgive himself. He would regret every time he told Reid to be quiet after he was rambling on about something completely random. Each time he would think of a moment where he shut Reid out he would cringe. Morgan had to save Spencer for both their sakes.

"I'm coming Reid…" he mumbled as he continued to drive fiercely.


Darkness surrounded the woods of the forest surrounding Opaque Academy. The trees were weighed down with crystal like snow. Time had passed after the moments of Reid being confronted by Matt. Reid and Pete were running threw the woods trying to get away from their insane predator. They didn't seem to have much concern for one another anymore. Even as Reid ran with a drive of fear he noticed how this event seem so much like a short story called "The Most Dangerous Game" he had once read. Matt seemed to be taking his time with much confidence.

The pair of prey stopped for a moment to take a short breath. They looked at each other weakly. Pete seemed to be shaking, but Reid couldn't tell whether it was fear or the freezing cold elements they were facing. Reid knew that if Matt didn't kill them the storm most likely would. A few feet back he had already ripped part of his blazer to cover his feet so he could not get frost bite. Even so, he could not feel his toes.

"This is no good…" Reid said out of breath, "We can't run away from him."

"Then what do you suppose we do?" Pete said. His eyes were watering slightly. Reid pitied him as he remembered how young he was.

"We have to fight back… there's two of us and one of him." Reid said placing his hand on Pete's shoulder supportively.

Pete moved away with defense and said, "I'm not going to kill my own brother!" he said loudly. Reid winced at the echo knowing Matt would probably have heard him.

"Well he was certainly planning on killing you." Reid said not trying to sound harsh. "Look, I know it will be hard for you, but we have no other choice. I'll do it and you can be bait, alright?"

It wasn't as easy as Reid made it out to be. He just didn't want to worry Pete anymore than he already was. Reid was in a bad state between the fear of death and the fight to live. Killing someone definitely wouldn't be his first choice, but he was almost delusional.

"Time's up boys!" Matt screamed as he was jogging toward them. It was a disturbing sight. The look on his face could measure up to the insanity on the face of Alex from A Clockwork Orange.

He's right. Reid felt a sudden instinct as Matt cam toward him with the full intention to murder him right then and there. But Reid for once was too fast for him. The usually mild mannered doctor soon found him on top of Matt as he repeatedly punched his face with hatred. Everything that had happened to him the last few months he was taking out on this murderous fiend.

Reid could only here Pete slightly as he screamed, "No! Please just get off of him! He's my brother!" But Reid was having no mercy on Matt. Soon his entire face seemed like a bloody pulp. His nose was definitely broken and he was unconscious. Reid stopped and stared with fright at his bloody hands.

Reid ultimately forgot that Matt was still completely conscious. The bleeding young man lunged himself at Reid with a vengeance. Soon Reid felt Matt's cold dirty hands around his neck. His attempts to gasp for air were taken away. He was on the ground sprawled out and he saw Pete cowering under a tree with tears in his eyes. The life was slowly being dragged out of him. Finally he saw he large sharp rock conveniently lying next to him under another tree. It seemed as though it was fate. If so, fate definitely wanted him to prevail over the evil of Matt. At one sudden movement he desperately grabbed the cobble and beat Matt in the head as hard as he could. Before he knew it Reid heard the cries of Pete which were followed by sobs. His neck was once again freed and Matt lay dead on the ground bleeding heavily from his head.


Morgan heard the sound of ringing sirens as his head spun and a drop of blood made its way down his forehead. All he remembered was the brightness of the white snow and thinking about Reid. The next thing he knew his car had crashed into a surrounding wood that was off the exit he had to turn on. The storm had been too horrible. Damn it!

He wondered how long he had been lying in a bloody heap. Hotch was probably going to kill him for not telling him the truth, or worse, fire him. But Morgan knew he had more important things to worry about, especially the fact that he could not move his legs.

Syracuse Police Department

Hotch watched O'Brien threw the glass of the interrogation room intently. Whenever he faced the unsubs he had the same thought, how can you get to that point? It frightened him even more that he had spoken to that man a week prior and he trusted him with the safety of his agent. The storm had gotten terrible and Hotch hoped Morgan would get to the school safely. Morgan hadn't told him about Gideon's warning so he thought it would be fine if there were no major warnings.

"Agent Hotchner?" a deputy asked as he approached the worried man. "The local hospital called to say that one of your agents had been in a car accident in the storm and is there right now."

Hotch's heart dropped even lower inside him that it already had been. He hadn't thought that anything could make the current situation worse, but he had definitely been wrong.

"Tell them I'm on my way." said Hotch quickly as he whipped out his phone with much haste.

"Gideon! Morgan's been in a road accident…" he said after pressing the number for the agent.

"What? I told you guys to stay off the roads!" he said with much worry.

"Morgan never told me that…" he said deep in though, "I'm going to the hospital… but listen to me. I was talking to Garcia an hour ago and she was telling me about the school and how out in the woods there used to be some kind of bomb shelter and a medical station. I think Reid could be there."

"I wish you would've told me sooner… but I'll get everyone on it. Let's prey for both Reid and Morgan's safety."


Opaque Academy

Gideon was in a state of panic within. Two of his agents were slowly facing deathly situations and could be dying as he was in thought. JJ and Prentiss were still doing all they could to find Reid's whereabouts, but Gideon had a feeling that the forest was where they needed to look.

Soon enough he got together a search team that could move through the woods easily with snow mobiles. Gideon was on the back of one which was driven by a trained officer. JJ and Prentiss were both on a snow mobile as well. They wanted to find Reid just as much as anyone else. JJ was close to tears as she realized that Reid could have been killed by the storm already. Prentiss was strong as usual, but was withering inside thinking about the last time Reid and she had spoken face to face.

Everyone was wearing extremely heavy clothes and they were equipped with first aid kits and other things that would save the agent if it was needed. The ride through the woods was dark and menacing. Each agent secretly treasured each wonderful memory of Reid they possessed. The lights of the snow mobiles were fierce and they could see mostly everything that came up before them.

A few miles in they found what they had been desperately seeking. Gideon froze as he viewed blood in the white snow praying it was not Reid's. The group got off the snow mobiles and searched the area with flashlights. They all spun around as they heard the sobs of Pete as he still was under the evergreen tree. JJ immediately went to him along with her driver. She put a warm thermal blanket around his body and he clung to her crying as though he was a baby and she was his mother.

Gideon continued to walk around the perimeter and saw a bloody mess before him. Gently he turned the body around praying that it was not Reid. To his relief it was not. He figured it was one of the Morgan boys that O'Brien mentioned. Gideon's driver called for backup as he saw the body.

Prentiss walked around with a flashlight on the outer limits of the area. She heard muffled cries in the distance. She wondered if it was in her mind or whether they were real. She followed the noise and gasped with emotion. Reid sat alone and freezing in the cold snow with blood stained hands and feet. He was sobbing violently. Usually Prentiss was quite strong but she started to weep as well at the sight of her friend alive. She kneeled in the snow and embraced him. Reid clung to her as though she was a savior or some sort. They stayed there for a few moments before she called everyone over to her discovery. JJ hugged him as well when she saw him and she cried very hard. Gideon shed a tear or two as well, but was more concerned on getting him out of the darkness.

Reid didn't stop crying even though he was safe. As Gideon tried to help him up he cried, "I did it… I killed that kid."

Gideon knew it was self-defense, but he wasn't going to go into a legal lecture in the position they were in. All he said was, "It's gonna be alright."


Warmth, the only way to describe what Reid felt within. Three days had passed since the team had found him in the forest along with the dead lifeless body of Matthew Morgan. The hours after that had become a blur in Reid's mind. All he remembered was waking up a day later in a warm hospital bed.

The team had waited a little to tell him what had happened to Morgan. His car accident had left him with a broken leg and bruised ribs, but he was going to be fine. Reid was still recovering from pneumonia, but other than that he was perfectly fine. It was going to take him awhile to begin to eat properly and not have to take meds three times a day, but Reid was thankful for life.

In his mind he saw his journey as a second chance. Even though he had much regret for killing Matthew whether it was self-defense or not, he still knew that this time he only had to kill the evil side of a killing team. Peter had survived and would get the medical attention he needed so that he could just maybe live a normal life without the stain of murder.

Reid was now sitting by Morgan's side in the hospital. Gideon and Reid had stayed back in New York to stay with Morgan before he could be brought home to recover.

"I can't believe you got in a car accident… You could've died because of me." Reid said with a weak smile to his friend who was lying in the hospital bed.

"Hey, people do stupid things when they have the motivation to save a friend." Morgan said grinning. He had been so relieved that Reid had been alright that like many of the team members he too had burst into tears. But now he believed that everything would be back to normal.

There was a moment of silence in the room. Both of them were reflecting on each other. Reid and Morgan were thankful for life and a chance to move on. Gideon stood by the door smiling as well. He had been through a lot the last few days as well. After loosing him whole team a few years ago he would not be able to handle loosing anymore. Jason Gideon knew that in a few weeks time they'd be back in Quantico sitting at the round table once again seeking out another criminal and looking into their mind…

The End

A/N Thanks again for reading my fan fiction! I hope to write more in the future. I've really enjoyed this experience and I hope you guys did as well.