Here it is! The last chapter!

Disclaimer: I don't own GA, but I still love it!

Anyways, here's the last chapter!





…Dead Bodies….


Hotaru and Natsume were heading towards the Northern forest. Of course they knew everyone was there because of the smoke coming from the center of the forest.

Hotaru was riding on her duck scooter, while Natsume was jumping to branches and and to another.

They were sweating really hard; their minds were working over time. We all know they are both geniuses, but right now, they don't know what to do with their current situation.

Finally, they have reached the heart of the forest.


They did reached the forest and they also have reached Mikan being slayed by the masked alice guy.

The alice guy and Mikan was on top of a sharp rock made by another alice student who tried to attack the alice guy.

The alice guy pushed Mikan and so, Mikan was falling from the sky after struggling the alice guy.

The guy used his staff that is color yellow and is shaped like a moon at its very top. He chanted some spell and pointed his staff towards Mikan and torns were attacking Mikan rapidly.

Mikan was loosing blood fast. She couldn't feel her body anymore.

Natsume and Hotaru tried to rescue her, but their bodies wouldn't move as well. The only thing they could do… was shout.

Mikan looked at her best friend and the person she loves the most...

"Good bye Hotaru..." Mikan's eyes shut closed while tears were streaming upwards since she was falling.

Hotaru and Natsume tried and tried to move, but it was useless

"Good bye Natsume..." Mikan's eyes was still close, but her mouth showed them a sad smile and finally Mikan was on the ground... Dead.

"MIKAN!!!!!!!!" They both shouted at the top of lungs.

End of Flashback

Everyone was dead…

The mysterious guy has destroyed everything by exploding every facility in the Alice Academy.

Hotaru and Natsume were the only ones who are alive.

"Why are you doing this… why did you kill everyone?!" Hotaru was kneeling on the ground, like begging the guy to bring everything back to its original state.

Natsume was just staring blankly. He doesn't know what to do. He couldn't do anything.

"I'm so useless…


The guy unmasked himself and revealed his true identity.


Natsume and Hotaru gasped, "You!"

Natsume was now in raged, "Ever since you came, I knew you were trouble! Why did you do this?!"

Loki was smirking nonetheless and rose his staff, "part of my plan; and now, good bye miss Hotaru Imai."

He swayed his staff, like it's just a toy and Hotaru vanished.

Natsume's eyes widened, "What did you do to Imai?!"

Loki just raised one of his eyebrows and replied, "she's ruining my plan. I need to kill her before she finds out what I am really doing."

Natsume was now kneeling down, "what do you want?"

Natsume was crying, but he didn't care. Everyone was gone. He didn't even do anything to help.

Loki walked slowly towards Natsume. He lifted Natsume's chin using his staff and smiled.

"What are you smiling at, you freak!" Natsume shouted while gritting his teeth.

"You, I'm just thinking how pathetic you look right now."

Natsume culdn't take it anymore he tried to punch Loki, but Loki knew Natsume will do that and use his used his reflexes.

"Tsk tsk tsk, Hyuuga-san, can't you see, I'm trying to help you."

Natsume's ruby eyes was now on fire, "What do you mean you can help me?! Curse you!"

"Can't you see, you're free now, isn't that what you want; to be free from this academy?" Loki and Natsume stared at each others eyes.

"H-how did you know that I hate the Academy?"

"Hyuuga-san… your eyes tells it all." Loki sat on a nearby rock with his hand on his chin.

"Wait a minute! Mikan has the nullifying alice, so how come she didn't just nullify every attack of this guy?"

Natsume's widened, "who are you?"

Loki smirked, "You've gone low Natsume Hyuuga, I'm Loki Laufeyiarson you dumb dumb."

"I'm not an idiot, you idiot! I'm asking who you really are!"

Loki sighed, "Okay okay, just relax a bit, stupid."

"Why I ought the-" Natsume prepared himself to charge towards Loki but his body froze again. He looked at Loki and saw his green eyes turned to a red color.

Natsume was dumb frounded, "What are you?"

Loki now grinned, "now we're getting somewhere!"

Natsume just stared at Loki with his mouth still open.

"I am the god of mischief. Son of the giants Farbauti and Laufey, and foster-brother of Odin."


"Then answer my question, what's your purpose for killing my friends and everybody else?!"

Loki acted like gay and explained, "Duh! I like- need to warn you for the upcoming war!"

(A/N: OOC!!)

Natsume's eyes popped out and laughed on the ground like a maniac.

"Damn it! This isn't part of the script you author!"

(A/N: I actually don't curse, but Loki did!)

"Stupid author…" Loki mumbled. "Anyways," Loki looked straight in the eyes of Natsume, "You need to protect Mikan until the war starts."

"What are you saying?! Mikan's dead! Are you blind or just plain crazy!"

Loki thought for a moment before he could answer, "I think…Hmm… both. Now listen carefully: Tell Mikan what you feel for her. You should always be there for Mikan, or else-

When the time comes, specifically when the war between AAO and AA starts, Mikan is the only key to stop the war, so-"

"Stop this nonsense! Mikan is dead! Everyone, except us is alive in this joint, you nut brain!" Natsume shouted like he is also going nuts.

"Are you sure?" Loki was definitely serious this time.

"W-what are you talking about?" Natsume stuttered.

"Look deeply in your heart. Is your mind and heart telling you the same answer to what you're asking me?"

Natsume went blank







"My mind is saying to give up and end my life already, while my heart is telling me to wake up. Wake up, but why?"

"Isn't it great to have totrue friends, Natsume?"

Blonde hair…Blue eyes…


"Hurt my best friend and die, Natsume Hyuuga."

Black short hair…Emotionless eyes…


"Everything will be okay, Natsume-kun."

Brown hair…Brown eyes…Angelic smile…


Natsume's POV

I opened my eyes… and sat up hurriedly.

"Where am I?" I looked around me and saw I was in the hospital.

"Natsume-kun?" That voice! It can't be- Mikan.

"Mikan!" I hugged Mikan tightly, like she will vanish anytime I let go.

"N-Natsume, I can't b-breath-"I shooked my head.

"Mikan…just let me be, for awhile longer." I said while tears streaming down my eyes.

"Are you alright Natsume-kun? You've been in the hospital for a week now and you never opened your eyes until now." Mikan asked me, concern on her voice.

"You mean, there was no new kid named Loki? Everyone is still alive?!" Mikan looked at me puzzledly.

She touched my forhead, "You don't have a fever, but – are you really okay?"

"Everything was just a dream? How could that happen?"


"I am the god of mischiefs…"

End of Flashback

"Thank you, Loki-sama…" Mikan looked at me with her cute face.

"Huh? Who's Loki-sama?"

I just smirked, "none of your business little girl."

She just pouted at me and was about to leave when I remembered everything I have 'dreamt' about.

I pulled Mikan towards me and hugged her tightly again.

"Mikan…" I covered my eyes with my bangs and inhaled her scent.


"I love you…" I whispered on her ears.

I heard her gasped, and I just smiled.

"I love you too, Natsume-kun." I can feel her tears running down her cheeks and looked at her in the eye.

"I hate to see you crying, so please don't cry, you'll look uglier."

I smirked while looking at the now raging Mikan.

"Natsume you ba-" I cut her off with a kiss; a kiss that turned to a passionate kiss.

I smiled inwardly, I'm happy Mikan's kissing me back and she's actually a good kisser, but most of all…

I'm happy she's alive…

And in my arms.

End of Natsume's POV


"Imai…" Ruka was with Hotaru once again. They're watching Mikan and Natsume on the big screen in her lab using her bug/fly spy thingy.

"I'll be rich!" Hotaru has once again captured the most important scene from my chapters.

"Was it really just a dream, Natsume? But- I really disappeared; I was transported to a magical place I never knew existed..."


Finish! Was it good?! Was it bad?! I'll accept any review from you guys! Like- anything at all! o0

--And just tell me if you guys want an epilogue for this fic or not... Ja ne!--