(A/N): We are up to the fifth date and this is going a lot slower than I expected. I am getting so far behind on everything! I'm sorry! Well, there isn't much to say here, so I will just let you get on to reading. I am putting the sixth date in here, too, because I am lame and having writer's block.

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Fifth Date

Shindou woke up with a pounding in his temples and a bright light in his eyes. He quickly shut them and started massaging his tender head, but the pain would not go away. He felt as if someone was chizelling their name into his skull, and they weren't experianced in what they were doing.

"Morning, sunshine." Shindou hear someone say.

He was then aware that he was lying on something extremely soft, warm, and comfortable. The sheets had a familiar smell: the smell of light cologne and cigarette smoke.

"Yuki? Where am I, and why does my head feel like it's being split in two?"

"You have a hangover. We went to K-san's house yesterday for a party, remember?"


"Didn't think so. Here, sit up and take these pain killers. I'll fix you some coffee."

Shindou did as he was told, taking the pain killers and the glass of water that Yuki put in his hands. He slowly let his eyes crack open, trying to adjust to the light. A few minutes later, after he had his eyes fully open and the pounding in his head started to subside, he saw Yuki enter the bedroom with two steaming mugs in his hands.



"So, do you have anything planned today?" Shindou asked, sipping on his coffee.

"Yeah, actually I did."

"What is it?"

"I can't tell you, it's a suprise."

Shindou stared at him for a long while as if he was confused about what he was told. Yuki looked back at him with slight amusment.

"Have you never had a single suprise in your life?"

"Well, waking up in your bed suprised me."

Yuki laughed a hearty laugh that sent blood rushing to Shindou's cheeks. He couldn't believe that he was sitting next to someone like Yuki. He was strong yet tender, and he was funny yet humorous. He was something that Shindou had never experianced before, and he didn't regret it a single bit. But, what he did regret is the reason behind why he was even spending time with Yuki: the bet. He chose to drive that out of his mind, because Yuki was telling him to hurry with his coffee so they could go out for his suprise.


"Get it."


"You heard me, get on."

"But, I can't..."

"Don't tell me that, go on."


"But, nothing, get on. I can't teach you how to drive this thing if your not on it."

"Why can't you just drive?"

"Because, it would spoil the fun."

Shindou pouted, but threw his leg over and sat himself comfortably on the four-wheeler. Yuki had driven them out to the country, somewhere near his old neighborhood. It was a long ride, but Shindou enjoyed it all the same. Yuki drove, Shindou sang, and the two laughed until they arrived at their destination point.

Shindou looked at his surroundings, taking in the vast grassland that he was currently on. All he had ever known was city and smog. He never knew there could ever been such beauty and clean air. He felt Yuki get on behind him.

"Alright, now put your hands on the handle bars. You see that lever there next to your right thumb? That's the gas. I suggest you take it easy until you get used to it."

Yuki's warning went in vain. Shindou pressed the gas as hard as he could and the four-wheeler like it was shooting away underneath them. Shindou screamed in fear as they shot across the many acres of grass and mud and cows. After about five minutes of estimating how hard to press the gas until he was in a comfortable speed, he finally got the hang of it, and the two were on a comforable and pleasant journey, enjoying the atmosphere. They didn't stop riding until they felt there stomachs growl.

"Well, I guess we had better feed our tummies, or they will turn against us and turn us anorexic."

"Yeah. Too bad I didn't bring anything."

"Me either.." Shindou said, looking around, hoping some Chow Mein would appear out of thin air. "I enjoyed the ride and everything, but I can't do much on an empty stomach."

Yuki smiled and layed on the ground, looking at the sky above.

"I used to love coming out here as a kid."

"Why did you stop?"

"It used to be my secret place," Yuki said, "But, soon it became a haven for jocks and people who wanted to make out without their parents seeing them. I would come out here just to think, and to write. My father never much approved of my passion for writing. That's why I would come out here. I used to write about the enviornment and animals and nature, but when everyone else started coming my passion seemed to die. I became one of them."

"What do you mean?"

"Well," Yuki began, "I wasn't very old back then, maybe around 14, but I was old enough to know better. But, I always got age confused, and ethniticity confused. All the girls would say I was hot and just want to get in my pants, but they were devils in disguise..always whispering behind their backs and such. All the guys weren't so bad. It was mostly the jocks that would torment me. They would say I wasn't Japanese enough, or I was a fake. I decided to turn to romance...bad romance, of course. That way, I could show just how unfair love really was."

"Have you ever loved anyone before?" Shindou asked lightly.

"I did once a long time ago. But, that was worse than bad. That really started my bad romance theme."

"Sounds pretty rough."

"Yeah..." Yuki said, then looked at Shuichi and smiled. "Well, not all people can be bad, right?"

Shindou blushed. Indeed, the thought that not all people were bad. After all, his friends were the best anyone could have. And, Yuki...he was a gift from God himself. He looked at the sky, feeling that his blush hadn't receded. He couldn't help but feel the corners of his curve as he thought of Yuki as a pimp.



"What do you think of me?" Yuki asked.

"Well... I think you are an awesome person. You're funny, you're sweet, and you know just how to make me feel good about myself without saying anything at all... You're just...you. And, I like that." Shindou answered, looking back at Yuki, who was smiling lightly.

He felt Yuki's weight shift closer to him and he was soon nose to nose with the blonde, heat creeping up his face and neck.

"I'm glad you think I'm such a great person."

Shindou gulped, but he didn't feel uncomfortable having Yuki so close to him. For once, he felt like he right at home when he was that close. He could feel it in the tension between whatever space was left in between their faces that there was supposed to be a kiss. One of them had to fill in that space, so Shindou braved up and did it himself. He plastered his lips onto Yuki's gently, but firmly. Yuki returned it almost immediatly, teasing Shindou's lips with his tongue. Shuichi opened his mouth and allowed Yuki's tongue to wander around in the dark cavern until their tongues met in a heated battle. Yuki pulled Shindou close to him, Shuichi instinctivly throwing his leg over Yuki's hip and running his hands along Yuki's back and hair.

Yuki ran his hand up the leg that Shindou had wrapped around him, arousing his hormones from their deep sleep. He automatically moaned into Yuki's mouth, only to have Yuki break their lips free to kiss and nip his jawline and neck. Shindou moaned lightly, gripping at Yuki's hair for all it's worth.

Yuki looked at Shindou at few minutes later and winked at him. He then stood and pulled Shindou to his feet.

"We had better get going. It's going to be really late when we get back."

"Yeah.." Shindou agreed, silently wishing they could stay a little longer.


"Now, tell me again why we came here..on a day off...and stayed until dusk?" Fujisaki asked irritatedly.

"Because, Ryuichi wanted to sing is half on the song that he and Shuichi are doing together." K said happily, not really caring either way what they did.

"Yeah, but he got finished quickly. Why did we have to stay all day?" Fujisaki pouted.

"Getting some work done early." Nakano said, though he really didn't care either way. "It was boring without Shuichi, though."

"He had a date with Yuki-san, didn't he?" K asked, grinning wildly.

"Yeah. I think that he's getting in a little too deep if you ask me." Nakano replied, running a hand through his long, red hair.

"Why do you say that?" Fujisaki asked.

"Well, it's all a bet, right? We betted that he could get used to ask him to be his boyfriend in ten days, right? It's been five, and they are out all the time." Nakano replied.

"So," K said, looking blankly at Nakano. "That's the whole point isn't it. To get Yuki to ask and then ditch him, right?"

"Yeah, and it would go all according to plan if Shuichi hadn't have gotten himself in so deep. I think he's falling for the guy." Nakano said irritatedly.

"What?" K and Fujisaki said at the same time.

"Yeah," Nakano said sadly. "Remember when he said he didn't think that he could go through with the bet, and we talked him into staying in? When he said that, I knew right then that he must have feelings for him. I mean, Shuichi is a soft guy and all, but I know that he wouldn't want us to think he's a chicken and all, and that's why he's staying in the bet. But, the fact that he said that he didn't think he could...that told me otherwise."

The trio left NG in silence, thinking about what Nakano said, completely unaware that two sets of ears had just heard every word: human ears and bunny ears.

A/N: It seems like forever since I have updated this! Do forgive me! PLEASE REVIEW! My inspiration is gone..maybe you all could help me out a little bit, and say some encouraging things to help me in my writers block. T T