This is ridiculous. Bulma thought as reasons explaining her current predicament failed to surface in her mind. There was no reason at all for her to be lost on some completely forgotten planet. Vaguely, her memories caught up with her, and she remembered why she was here.

Goku. Why else? He was her best friend since they had met, and she did want some time away from Yamcha. The last thing she needed was him and his nagging, and even worse than that, his thinking that he was amazing. Why couldn't she have found someone more humble? She did like compliments too.

As she sat in her ship, Bulma played with her aqua blue curls. She had worked very hard to get them to curl so perfectly, and no one was here to enjoy them with her. A frown crossed her slightly pink lips. She was waiting for Goku to return. He had gone out earlier to look for some adventure of sorts. It was just like him. Just as it was just like her to stay safe on the ship until boredom overtook her to a point that avoidance was no longer possible.

She let out a sigh. Goku would probably be getting back to the ship soon. What should she do? Should she cook for him? Her cooking was terrible.. But, he would definitely want food. That was a well known fact. Maybe she had taked a ship that could do that for her. Standing, she straightened out her green shirt, and adjusted her white shorts so that they weren't twisted from her sitting position, and walked toward the kitchen area of the ship.

To get into the kitchen, she passed through a motion sensing door that bore the Capsule Corp. logo, and then her boots clacked on the different tile. Looking around, Bulma knew that there would be nothing that she could do regarding food for the bottomless pit that was most likely rapidly approaching at that very moment.

Bulma bit her bottom lip in thought. Surely this was one of the newer ships, so it would definitely have some sort of self cooking device. And, sure enough, when she walked over to a closet, a robot came out. Bulma couldn't help but laugh. It wore a metal apron, and had a spatula for one hand, and tongs for the other. It looked as though the hands changed to appropriate utensils. On front of the apron, bore a name. Chef-Bot. Clever... Bulma let out an audible groan at her fathers' lack of creativity.

"Chef-Bot" Bulma said loudly, and she tapped the robot on the shoulder, making it spring to life.

"Yes?" It said, its voice was animated. Dr. Briefs had installed some sort of personality chip. "Bulma, would you like some food?" He had also installed a basic knowledge of the people that it would be caring for. Bulma smiled.

"Sure, cook up a feast!" She exclaimed, glee showing on her face. Her father had definitely made life easier. Inwardly, she set a reminder to thank her father upon their next contact.

Chef-bot busied itself, and Bulma set to watching. She kept her distance, though, in order to stay out of the way. The robot moved amazingly fast. It would surely have a feast worked up before Goku would arrive. Immense satisfaction worked its way into Bulmas' mind. This was all too easy.

Shortly after Bulma had set the robot to work, Goku stepped lightly into the ship. "Bulma?" He called, not too eager to look around for her, he smiled hugely when her head appeared around a corner. "What are you doing over there?" He asked. He had expected her to be working on the computer, or making sure that everything was in order.

"Watching the robot. Come see!" She exclaimed, beckoning for him to come into the kitchen.

At mention of the robot, Goku raised his eyebrows. He didn't know there was a robot on the ship. But, knowing Dr. Briefs, and his knowledge of his daughters cooking, coupled with Goku's eating, it did make sense. Goku let his typical Son smile cross his features, and then he made his way into the kitchen.

The sight of the robot cooking made him gasp, and then his eyes grew hungry. There was already food.

"Alright! This is awesome!" He proclaimed, not hesitating to make himself comfortable at the table, and beginning to devour plateful after plateful of food.

Bulma's jaw dropped. It seemed, regardless of how many times she had watched him eat, his appetite never ceased to amaze her.