Leoanda: This has been re-written so all spelling errors and grammatically incorrect sentences have been changed. The story is still the same, so don't worry too much on that score. Thank you!


Pushing open the front door of the giant 'T' shaped building, Robin, followed by the rest of his team, entered soaking wet from their recent battle to save Jump City from its most recent foe.

"I can't believe that guy tried to get rid of us by blasting us with water!" Cyborg ranted as his circuits flickered intermittently with sparks of electricity. Robin smiled grimly in response as he shook out his cape onto letting stray droplets splatter wildly onto the floor. Starfire was trying to wring the water out off her long red locks while hovering a foot over the poodle that was beginning to form around the teens feet. Raven just pushed past, marching straight to her room, while trying to keep her emotions in check. Beast Boy was a green blur as he dashed to the nearest bathroom - grabbing a towel on his way and drying himself off as quickly as he could. His hair was not going to matt and tangle on his watch, no siree.

"Let's just be thankful that he didn't try to fry us like the last one. We'd be treating burn wounds instead," Robin pointed out, heading up to his room to change.


"What the Hell is that?" Beast Boy shouted.

"New door bell!" Cyborg grinned back, hoping that his internal fans would dry most - if not all - of his circuitry.

"I shall 'get it'!" Starfire offered, floating towards the security console. Once she had pressed for correct keys to show the door camera, she stared quizzically at the man and a woman who were stood in an unusual looking guard uniform. "Hello, this is 'Titan Tower', may I be of service?" She asked smiling wide.

"We are members of the Royal Guard of Altoda," the man replied, his voice sounding quite young despite his appearance. The uniform the 'Royal Guards' wore were mostly black with blue lines that followed the contours of the guards bodies. The look was completed with a black helmet and blue tiger stripes moving from the back of the helmet and towards the front near the cheeks, and a black visor covering the eyes comfortably and leaving only an open space for their mouths.

Having returned to the main room so that he could see just who would be strange enough to make the journey all the way from the mainland and to the small island that housed the tower, Beast Boy let the towel drop to his shoulders as he yelped and rushed to the console. "Err, Star? I'll take over from here. You can go get yourself cleaned up," he smiled at her widely. She nodded, smiling back, and headed to her room. Checking around the main room, Beast Boy made sure that he was the only one left within earshot. "Wanna wait a few secs so that I can come down and we can speak properly?" he asked quietly.

"Of course."

Sighing deeply, the greenling began the journey back down to the building's lobby, pulling the towel from around his shoulders and dropping it onto the couch as he passed.

"Prince Beast Boy?" The woman asked as he stepped outside.

"Shhhhhh! Keep it down!" he whispered urgently. "The guys don't know, and that's how I want it to stay." The two nodded obediently. "Just call me Beast Boy," he sighed. They saluted him, and stood silently watching him.

"Soooo?" He asked sighing again, gesturing with a rolling motion of one hand.

"Your sister, Princess Dranta, sent us here to collect you. She said to tell you that the Country is in turmoil. And no offence," the guy finished off speaking quietly, "but I agree."

"So, I have to go home? Now?!" Beast Boy yelped. The two nodded. "Oh Geeeez!" He smacked his head, momentarily turning into a monkey. The two guards stood stock still in shock. They had heard about how His Highness had such powers, but seeing it was something else.

"Beast Boy? What's going on?" Robin asked, his voice crackling over the speakers above the main door. Beast Boy looked up at them sadly, eyes flickering to the guards, then back to Robin.

"I have to go home, Rob," he said.

"What! Why?" the Titan's leader asked with obvious concern.

"Because, my family needs me. Besides, I shouldn't be long, I'll be back soon! I mean, it's probably only for a couple of days," he reasoned. The speakers went quiet for a few moments before crackling again.

"Well, OK. We better tell the others. You go pack and I'll sort them out," he said as reassuringly as possible. The changeling nodded back, knowing that the Boy Wonder would see it on the cameras.

"Thanks. You guys wait here, and I'll be back in a minute," he told the guards. The two nodded in reply and watched as he retreated back into the building. Ten minutes later, Beast Boy was in the Guard's ship, and on his way back to Altoda.

Leoanda: I can't believe that I first started this (before I originally posted it) in 2005. I'm so old, now.