Thanks for the reviews!!! XD

cute0anime0addict Thanks for the support!!

Venny9o6 Gaara don't do romance!! XP

ScarletEmber Happy u like it!!

Gothic Saku-chan thanks for reviewing!!!

harunosakua Gaara is very slick!! Thanks for the review!!

ItaSaku29 Happy you liked it!!

Sakura LOVE shadow Thanks for the clothes help!!

sarahboden very happy you like it!!

jgirl1984 thanks for the clothes ideas!!

After Sakura dodged a lot of questions, while swearing to herslef to get Garra back. The girls all went upsatairs after they ate.

"Tonight I dance with Naruto!!" Hinata squeeled happily. Sakura rolled her eyes while Hinata and Ino danced around the room. Temari and Tenten were both excited, but not enough to dance around.

Sakura sat back and looked at her freinds with a smile on her face. Sakura was really excited, but if she got all hyper she'd never hear the end of it."What are we going to do till night time?" Sakura asked, the two hyper idiots stoped dancing. It was a moment of silence until Temari grined."Lets go spy on the guys and see what our dates are doing!" Sakura sighed as the girls looked to Sakura for approval. Sakura smirked and jumped into the closet.

She came out with a black mini, with bandges raped around her legs and a tight belly shirt. She jumped toward the windowsill. "Lets go!"

After about 10 minuties of seaching they found the guys at the training grounds, being lazy.

Temari smirked at threw a rock at Kankuro to get his attention. Temari called him over.

Kankuro stood up, when the guys looked at him weird he shruggeed. "Nature calls." He made his way to the girls. "What?" He growled out. "You gotta do us a really big favor!!" Ino said as quitly as she could. "What?" He said, slowly moving away from Temari, who had a glare that said 'Say no and you die.' "Bring up tonight in a conversation!" Sakura said, failing at hiding the egerness in her voice. Kankuro sighed. "Fine, but only this once." The girls squeeled quitely. Kankuro made his way back to the guys. Thinking that he was never going to play match maker again.

"Tonights gunna be weird huh?" Kankuro started. Naruto grined. "No way!! I have a date with a really hott girl!!"

Hinata blushed while the girls giggled.

"What 'bout you? Aren't you Tenten's date?" Kankuro grined while Neji glared lightly. "Shes hott, strong, and is one hell of a challenge! Shes always got a comeback for everything!" Kiba and Naruto laughed. "Sounds like a good match to me!"

Tenten, althought not liking Kankuro that way, blushed heavily. Hinata mouthed ' Karamas a bitch!! You lauged at me now look' She then stuck her tounge out, the girls giggled.

Gaara felt their chalkra's and dicided to have a little 'fun.' "What about you two?" Naruto said pointing at Choji and Shikamaru. "We are both going out with toblesum (sp?) blondes."

Temari and Ino twitched.

"But, I don't think we'd change that for anything. They are hott." Choji.

"Smart, sometimes.." Shika

"Good cooks." Choji

"And strong." Shikamaru.

"In short, we are lookin forward to tonight." Choji

Both blondes blushed, again giggleing took place.

"Now for the most surprising couple of the night! Gaara?" Gaara looked over at Naruto.

"What are you talking about?" Garra could feel Sakura's dissaponment. "Your date with Sakura!" Lee said, a little annoyed. Gaara blinked, and sat up. "Theres nothing much to say." Sauske was starting to boil at this point. "Well what do you like about her?!" Gaara rolled his eyes. "Shes hott, brilliant, graceful, and intresting. Why do I have to point out whats obvious?"

Sakura was blushing like mad. The other girls couldn't belive what just came out of Gaara's mouth.

"Then tell us something we don't know." Kankuro said, not really beliving what his little brother just said. Gaara stood up and turned away from they guys and began walking. He stoped and turned his head with a slight smirk. "Something you don't know?" He put on an innocent face, the smirked like mad. "She's one hall of a kisser." With that he walked away, leaving stund guys, a blushing Sakura, and 4 girls to drag Sakura back to her house.

Plz review, the next chapter will be the long awaited party!!! XD