Disclaimer: Star Wars belongs to George Lucas. "The Moving Finger" belongs to Stephen King. This story is only for the entertainment of the fans. I make no money whatsoever off it.
AN: This is my first entry into the world of Star Wars humor fics. It is also the first of what may eventually become a series of ficlets with the central theme of a monster. This story was inspired by an old episode of Monsters, a horror anthology series. The episode in question was based off the Stephen King short story The Moving Finger, which appeared in the book Nightmares & Dreamscapes. After learning that Monsters was back on the air, I felt compelled to write this. Please read and review.
Part 1 – The Aftermath
Mace Windu scanned the lines of text on the datapad, not saying a word. Obi-Wan stared at him nervously, wondering if the man would think he was as insane as Anakin now.
"You vouch for the accuracy of this report?" Mace inquired, his tone set in an emotionless pitch.
"As much as I can, Master Windu, given the circumstances," Obi-Wan replied.
It wasn't as though he had been there himself. And Anakin wasn't exactly in the state to speak clearly. It was a miracle Obi-Wan was able to get this much out of him.
Mace contemplated that for a while. "Where are they now?" he asked.
"Anakin is in the Healer's wing, being treated for anxiety on a massive level. We uh…we had to strap him down to administer the sedatives," Obi-Wan stated, clearly uncomfortable thinking about his Padawan in that condition. "As for Serra, she's…recovering from her injuries."
"I see. You realize this is an incredible set of circumstances. I dare say it's unbelievable," Mace remarked.
"I realize that, Master. But it is the truth, I have no doubt of that." Kenobi hesitated, but felt compelled to add the next part. "The…evidence speaks for itself."
Mace thought about that as Kenobi stood with him in silence. It was just the two of them – all the other Masters were busy with the same thing. And even though they hadn't admitted it, Obi-Wan had a strong hunch as to what that certain activity was. No Jedi would be sleeping soundly tonight until they'd methodically checked every inch of their living quarters.
And who could blame them? This had never happened in the history of the Jedi Order before. They had encountered all sorts of creatures in their thousand year tenure as the guardians of the Republic, and been in all sorts of weird experiences. But this one…this one took the cake, and not just because their Chosen One was strapped down in a healer's ward raving like a madman.
As they gazed out at the Coruscant twilight, Obi-Wan was struck by a most unsettling thought. It could have been him in Anakin's place, had he not traded apartments with the other man at his Padawan's insistence. Not to worry, though. He'd already decided on his own solution to the fear suddenly plaguing the Temple inhabitants.
He was never going to use the 'fresher in his apartment again.