Hey Guys! I'm new to this, so please be gentle! I would really appreciate any comments. It's my first Slash fanfiction as well as my first Covenant fiction, so don't be too horrified my abysmal writing, okay? Anyways, check it out.
Rating:PG-13 (Rating might go up)
Summary:My version of how
things went after the fight at Nicky's. Explores what Caleb and Reid
were both feeling though it's mostly Reid. First in the
"Cataclysmic" series.
Warnings: slash-Caleb/Reid
Disclaimer:I don't own the Covenant, the actors or anything else
He sulked in a deep breath, readying himself for Caleb's outburst.The other boy stalked towards him, frustration pouring off him in angry torrents.
were you thinking?" Caleb questioned, a look of disbelief on his
Sticking his hands in his pockets, Reid shrugged it off,
"We were just playing them."
Tyler, his ever faithful friend piped up to defend him, despite being scared shitless of Caleb, "Yeah, come on, Caleb, they were suckers for it."
Caleb didn't even spare the younger boy a glance, keeping his eyes firmly trained on the blonde.
His own fury bubbling to the surface, Reid made to stalk past Caleb but not before hissing, "Why don't you quit being such a pussy."
A firm hand on his shoulder foiled his dramatic exit. "I'm not finished with you yet."
His already weak control on his temper snapping, Reid's eyes turned pure ebony as he reached out for the seductive power that always lurked beneath the surface. He was so drunk on the feel of it, that he failed to see the flames ignite in Caleb's orbs. The next thing he knew, he was flying smack-dab into a cold, unforgiving wall.
Stumbling and doing his best to ignore the spikes of hurt stabbing into his heart, he almost blocked out Caleb's next words, " What will it take for you to get it? It's addictive, you moron! You've see what it can do if you abuse it. You want that, that's your business. But if you use it in the open like you did tonight, you risk exposing us all. And that I won't let happen."
Blinking away the tears that pooled in his eyes, Reid drew on The Power again and lifted a steel drum. "My power's greater than yours."
Reid got even more pissed. Why did Caleb always think he was better than everyone?
until you ascend," Reid tossed out, mentally wincing at how
lame that sounded.
But it did the trick. "Allright, go for
it, tough guy."
Never on to turn down a challenge, especially one issued by Caleb, Reid shoved the drum towards him. His eyes enflamed, Caleb brushed away the advancing object as one would a fly and calling upon his powers, he rammed it into Reid, slamming the blonde into a stack of racked up bottles. The sickening thud of glass shattering accompanied Reid as he sunk out of sight, amidst the broken bottles and wood debris.
As Tyler rushed towards Reid to help him, Pogue grabbed onto Caleb, restraining him," Stop it, this is crazy!"
Caleb didn't want to seem to listen to reason, struggling against Pogue's grip on him, "It's for his own good. When you ascend, you'll be as good as dead!"
Tyler supported the blonde boy, now covered in shards of glass. "I don't care, okay? I'd rather be dead than alive right now! It's not like anyone would care!" Reid shouted, pulling away from Tyler and limping away from the still locked Pogue and Caleb.
Suddenly falling slack in Pogue's hold, Caleb forgot his anger momentarily. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "Reid? What the hell's that supposed to mean?"
Turning his back on the other boys, Reid continued down the alley. "Reid! Get back here!" Caleb began to follow Reid's retreating footsteps.
"Dammit Reid, could you stop being so bloody stubborn?" Making no sign as to show that he had heard, Reid carried on hobbling slowly.
Motioning to Pogue and Tyler to take off, Caleb began to resolutely stalk his friend, "Reid!"
The blonde kept walking. Caleb quickly realised that the alley lead off to one of Ipswich's roads. The dark, spooky ones shrouded by forbidding trees. Cursing under his breath, he hastened his pace, trying to bury the guilty pricklings of his conscience. He had been a bit harsh on the blond boy. He just couldn't help it. Everytime Reid did something stupid, Caleb was the one who would wind up having to haul his ass out of trouble. Not to mention the fact that he had been in the middle of a very enjoyable date. Reid's little problem had come at a very inconvenient time.
The sound of a body falling to the floor with a crash broke the brunette out of his ponderings. All negative thoughts about Reid and his idiocy flew out of his mind when he saw the crumpled form enveloped in the darkness of the gloom. For one horrifying moment, Caleb's hear stopped. It stated up again, hammering into his chest when the unconscious figuire groaned.
Sprinting to where the prone boy was, he started to turn him on his back. "Get the hell away from me," grumbled Reid, his voice smothered by the ground.
"Since when have I ever listened to you, Reid? Now shut up and let me help you" Caleb slowly cradled the slack figuire in his arms.
"I'm not a bloody chick," complained Reid, is whining muffled by him inserting his head into the crook of Caleb's neck .
"I didn't say you were," answered Caleb, determinedly ignoring the tingly feelings that erupted in the pit of his stomach as Reid burrowed into him even more due to the cold.
He briskly walked to the closest tree and gently deposited the weak boy against the trunk of a large oak. He would call Pogue and Tyler as soon as he made sure that Reid was okay. Caleb's eyes flashed black as several sticks flew into the air, arranged themselves and caught alight, creating a campfire that cast a warm glow on the two boys.
As Caleb raked his eyes over the fire. Reid mumbled something.
"What was that?"
Reid's bent head rose up ," Why are you doing this?"
are you talking about?"
Reid rubbed his nose," Why are
you pretending to give a shit about me?"
His mouth now hanging open slightly, Caleb asked again," What are you talking about?"
mind. Just call Tyler and Pogue so they can pick me up and you can go
back to your date."
"We're not going anywhere until you explain what the hell has been going on with you
lately, Reid."
eyes blackening again, Reid lifted Caleb's cellphone out of his
pocket and brought it towards him. In one fluid motion Caleb plucked
it out of Reid's hold and stepped on it, breaking it beyond repair.
You can't walk on your own. I'm not going to help you. You can't call the others with my phone and I know you don't have yours with you right now."
Reid gulped, realizing that Caleb had thought of all the angles.
"Start talking, Reid."