Ok, I just thought I'd write a bit of holiday fluff that has to do w/ Kandy mostly, Sophie of course, R/T, and S/S. I don't know if it is any good but I thought I'd post it anyway. Let me know what y'all think. This isn't a one shot fic. But if y'all hate it it will be.
Also, the finale never made it clear if R/T ended up together or not so in my story they did and they are married. R/M fans, this is not to show disrespect to you.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own anything!
"Sophie Rose, drop it!" Kirsten Cohen's ordered as she entered the living room, surprised to see her young daughter standing in the middle of the living room carrying a small, perfectly wrapped gift. Sophie looked up at her mother with her big blue eyes and her lip began to quiver as she gently placed the box on the floor. Kirsten bit her bottom lip as Sophie began twirling a loose strand of her blonde hair and tears began streaming down her cheeks. "Oh, sweetie, I'm sorry! " Kirsten apologized as she quickly walked over to Sophie and scooped her up in her arms. Sophie laid her head on Kirsten's shoulder and rapped her tiny arms around Kirsten's neck. Kirsten kissed daughter's temple and picked up the gift her daughter had tried to make off with. Kirsten placed it under the tree with the rest of the gifts and sat down on the sofa with Sophie. "Sophie, sweetie, we can't open these gifts until tonight! Chrismukkah starts tonight!" Kirsten explained as Sophie looked intently at her.
Unlike most two year olds Sophie was a very attentive, bright child who was very interested in things she didn't understand. For nearly a week she had heard her mother and father discussing what all they had planned for the holiday, and her mother had been overly excited at the thought of having all three of her children under one roof.
"Mommy?" Sophie asked in an almost silent whisper.
"Yes sweetie?" Kirsten asked, looking down at Sophie. She was met by those inquisitive blue eyes that she had fallen in love with every time Sophie looked at her.
"Whewe's Daddy?"
"Daddy is at the airport. He's picking up Seth and Summer and Ryan and Taylor! They're all going to be here tonight for Chrismukkah!" Kirsten answered smiling. Sophie nodded and quickly jumped off the sofa. "Where are you going?" Kirsten asked, her daughter's spontaneity always catching her off guard. Sophie answered with a mischievous smile and took off running, Kirsten following behind her.
When Sophie finally stopped running and Kirsten had caught up with her, they were in Sophie's room. Kirsten gave an annoyed yet intrigued look. Why had Sophie come running into her room? And why was she pointing to a shelf ?
"What is it Sophie?" Kirsten asked as she knelt down to her daughter's level.
"Capon Oaps!" Sophie said, continuing to point at the shelf. Kirsten had no idea what Sophie was after. She looked up at the shelf and took a quick inventory of what was on it. There were a few Princess books, a photo Seth had drawn of her and had titled 'Princess Sophie', and….. Captain Oats! Of course! Kirsten thought as she took the horse off the shelf and handed it to Sophie. Kirsten smiled as she remembered when Seth gave her the horse.
Fall 2007
Seth stood in the nursery, looking into the crib as his tiny new sister lay looking up at butterfly mobile. It had been nearly one month since the Cohen's had moved back to Berkeley, and in just a few days he would be moving to Rhode Island to start college without Summer by his side. He could not help but feel bad about leaving before he had even gotten to know his little sister but as he had thought more and more about it he knew how he could leave a piece of himself behind for her. It had been a difficult decision to make. He could barely imagine starting out in a new place with out him, but knew that Sophie would get more use out of him than he would.
"Ok Sophie, I know that we're siblings and that we'll always be connected, and that you'll always be proof that Mom and Dad still… ugh, never mind!" Seth shivered at the mere thought of his parents and how Sophie had came to be. "Anyway, we'll always be connected and I'll always be your big brother but I've gotta go to school and I'm not gonna get to see you much so I'm gonna give you someone who is very special to me. He'll be here for you when you need someone to talk to or when you need protecting and Ryan and I aren't here to do it!" Seth then placed the plastic horse beside her in the crib. "His name is Captain Oats and he's kinda old. You've gotta take good care of him, and Oats, you've gotta protect her from boys, and monsters, and Mom and Dad when they forget that they still have a child in the house! I know you two will become best of friends!" Seth looked down at Sophie once he had finished and even though he knew she was too young to smile he could have sworn she smiled at him.
The sweet moment between big brother and baby sister ended when Seth heard a floor board creak behind him. He quickly turned around and was embarrassed to find Sandy and Kirsten standing in the doorway, both smiling.
"How about some room between you two! I don't want another little sister!" Seth said, noticing how Sandy held Kirsten closely to him.
"Well how about a little brother then?" Sandy asked, smiling mischievously.
"Ewww!" Seth moaned.
"Sandy?!" Kirsten asked, a look that said 'No Way' plastered across her face. Sandy smiled at her and kissed her on the temple.
"I've gotta get to work, I just thought I'd say bye to little Sophie, but since her room is preoccupied at the moment I'll be on my way!" He said with a wave and turned to leave. Seth rolled his eyes and was about to follow behind him when Kirsten gently grabbed his arm.
"Seth," She began.
"Oh, I forgot, no toys in the crib!" He said as he went over to the crib and placed Captain Oats on the shelf that hung above the rocking chair.
"Well, that too, but that was really sweet of you to give Captain Oats to your sister. Are you sure you wanna do that?" Kirsten asked, knowing that even though Seth was an adult he still had a few insecurities that only Captain Oats could help him cope with.
"Yeah, she needs him more than I do. Anyway, Captain Oats has never experienced the cold, he might not like it and I don't want him to get sick. Just make sure she takes care of him and that she doesn't put him in Barbie clothes!" Kirsten nodded as she smiled at her son. Seth then leaned over and in a hushed tone said to Captain Oats, "If she needs a diaper, nay really, really loud. Mom sometimes forgets to change her!"
"I do not forget to change her. I just try to leave that job for your Dad!" Kirsten smiled. Seth returned the smile and put his arm around his mother's shoulders.
"C'mon, fix me breakfast!" Seth smiled as he led her out of the nursery.
"Remind me, is it you or Sophie that's the baby?" Kirsten asked sarcastically as they walked down the hall.
"Uh Sophie's the baby, but I was your baby first!" Seth answered, a proud smile on his face.
"Yes you were!" Kirsten answered and leaned her head onto Seth's shoulder.
December 2009 (Present)
"Hey, we're home!" Sandy called through the house, shaking Kirsten out of her daydream. She glanced over at Sophie who was already out of the room and running down the hall to greet her father and brothers, Captain Oats in tow. Kirsten smiled and quickly went to join her family.
At the entrance of the house Sandy, Ryan, and Seth were loaded down with bags while Taylor and Summer both held cages, Pancakes in the one Summer was holding and Flapjacks in the one Taylor was holding. "Hey guys!" Kirsten beamed as she went up and hugged both of her boys. Both rapped dropped the bags they were carrying and rapped their arms around her.
"Seth, Seth, look, Capon Oaps!" Sophie yelled jumping up and down to get her brother's attention.
"Hey Princess Sophie, and Captain Oats!" Seth said breaking away from the hug and picking Sophie up. Sophie giggled and held tightly onto her brother. "Hey, you've taken good care of Oats. Oats, have you taken care of Sophie?" Seth asked, putting on a serious face as he looked at the horse.
"Yeah! He says no monsers in my closet!" Sophie smiled.
"Does he protect you from Mom and Dad kissing?"
"Ewww, yeah!" Sophie scrunched her nose in disgust. Sandy and Kirsten both glared at Seth then turned their attention to Ryan and the girls.
"How are you two?" Kirsten asked hugging both Taylor and Summer.
"Good, how are you?" Summer asked, shocked at how at home she felt in this house.
"Happy that I have all three of my children under the same roof!" Kirsten smiled.
"Oh Kiki, that's so sweet!" Taylor said hugging Kirsten once again. Kirsten returned the hug and gave Summer a questioning look. Summer just shrugged and walked over to where Seth was still holding Sophie.
"Hey Sophie, how are you?" Summer asked smiling at the little girl.
"Good!" Sophie answered quietly, burying her face in Seth's neck. Summer smiled at how shy the little girl was.
"Hey, stop hogging the little sister!" Ryan said, holding his arms out for Sophie. Sophie quickly jumped into Ryan's arms.
"C'mon son, help me put these bags in the guest rooms!" Sandy said as he picked up several the bags that belonged to the girls.
"Be careful with Pancakes!" Summer warned as Seth picked up the cage.
"I haven't killed Pancakes yet!" Seth said exasperated with Summer's over protective behavior when it came to rescue rabbit. Summer narrowed her eyes and followed behind the men, carrying one of her bags.
Ryan, with Sophie still in his arms, glanced over at Kirsten and Taylor, Taylor still embracing Kirsten. Kirsten did not seem to mind, one of the things that Ryan loved about Kirsten. No matter who it was, or how odd they could be, she always made them feel welcomed and loved. Ryan smiled at the thought of how she had made him feel welcomed but was quickly pulled from his thoughts as Sophie jumped out of his arms.
"C'mon Wyan, we gotta get wedy fa Chismukkah!" Sophie giggled as she pulled on her big brother's hand.
"Ok Princess Sophie!" Ryan laughed at the little girl's enthusiasm for the holiday her brother had made up years ago. Seth and Sophie were definitely brother and sister.
"Taylor, are you all right?" Kirsten asked, pulling away from the hug that had lasted too long. Taylor looked away from Kirsten's eyes and nodded.
"Yeah, I'm great!" Taylor responded, still refusing to look Kirsten in the eyes. Kirsten knew something was up, Taylor was always straight forward and always looked her in the eye when she spoke.
"Taylor, if there's anything you need to talk about I'm here for you. You are Ryan's wife, so I'm kinda your Mother-in-law!" Kirsten said, trying to get Taylor to open up to her.
"Thank you Kiki!" Taylor smiled as she looked Kirsten in the eye for the first time since they had broken the hug. "It….." Taylor began but was cut off.
"Hey Taylor, c'mere, Sophie wants to show you something!" Ryan called from the living room. Taylor looked at Kirsten for a moment then gave her a small smile before heading into the living room.
"I'll be right there!" Taylor said as she walked away from Kirsten. Kirsten stood there for a moment trying to figure out what was wrong with the usual robust, and very often hyper Taylor.
"You ok?" Sandy asked, coming up behind Kirsten and rapping his arms around her waist.
"Yeah, I'm just so happy that our kids are home! I've missed them so much!" Kirsten smiled.
"Me too!" Sandy said and kissed Kirsten's hair. "C'mon, we need to get in there before Sophie talks them into letting her open the presents early!" Sandy knew his little girl and the power she held over her brothers very well. Kirsten nodded and took Sandy's hand, following him into the living room.