This is my first Story, so please be kind to it! Its not fond of harsh words but contructive Critism. Thank you and pretty please read!
Disclaimer: I own Diana That is it! and maybe some future chacters!
Luv u Lots
"Chihiro wait up!" Diana Bane yelled after her best friend who had sprinted up the cobbled road. "Its just around this corner". Chihiro yelled back to her friend who was huffing and puffing. Chihiro stopped infront of the old building smiling up at it. Diana caught up, she was huffing and puffing "what's so special about it?" she asked bending over to catch her breath. "Nothing, I just met some special people, and had an experience im not very likely to forget" Diana gave her a funny look "Ewww, not like that kind of experience, yuuuuck" she said giving her friend a dirty look "sorry, I had to ask" she said shrugging. They raced back to Chihiro's old home, the one before she moved to the states for an education. She was on summer vacation and she had invited her best friend Diana to come with her, and how could she pass up the chance? Diana had befriended her as soon as she had moved into the states when she hadn't even been able to speak a word in English; now with the help of Diana she barely had an accent.
Chihiro had taught her how to speak Japanese and Diana could now speak just a fluently as she could English. Chihiro moved to American in 7th grade, she was now a senior making her have studied in America for 5 years and she was proud. Chihiro and Diana arrived huffing and puffing and laughing, the only reason they had tied was Chihiro had tripped and fallen. Diana had left her behind and said, "so long sucker" but Chihiro soon caught up to her, and gave her a piece of her mind. "How come your legs never cramp up?" Diana asked Chihiro. "Magic" she said running inside and into her room. Her room was just the same as she remembered it, Teal with white molding and a painting she had done herself of a beautiful white dragon that wrapped around her room, his face was right above her dresser and he looked kind, yet fierce. "That's so beautiful, did U make that?" she asked pointing to the painting. She nodded laying on her bed
" hey wait that's your dragon!" she exclaimed referring to the dragon that filled Chihiro's sketch books "Yeah" of course she almost noticed The framed pictures on the walls, A man with eight legs, A woman with a wart on her forehead and a frilly blue dress scowling, and another of what looked to be the same woman smiling kindly, of a young woman in a pink uniform, and a rather large baby. And a handsome boy with the dragon flying away in the background, the boy had such a knowing smile on his face, and his hair blew from the wind, he looked about ready to turn and run after the dragon, that was Diana's favorite. She went over to it and examined it closer, finding the boy and the dragon had similar things about them.
Chihiro watched her, and as her hand rose to touch the painting she yelled "NO!" grabbing it and holding it close to her chest. Diana looked confused "what did I do wrong?" she asked looking hurt, and afraid. "Don't ever touch that painting alright?" she said cradling it fondly, only she knew the spell that had been cast upon it and was only doing it for her friend's protection. Years ago, a little while after they first moved in someone had left the beautiful painting on her door step, she begged her mother to have it, so she gave it to her. What she didn't expect was the way Chihiro decorated her room. In her mother's eyes it had been to mature for her, she believed that her daughter should still make her room pink and play with dolls, not something a 13 year old does, and in her mothers eyes she had grown up way to fast.
The painting had a powerful curse on it, if anyone who the painting was not meant for took it by force, it would fly over to the person it was meant for, which was Chihiro and stick to her for hours. She was still hiding her secret from her best friend. But she did plan to tell her, eventually. "Fine" her friend said, looking rather angry. "Im sorry, it's just really special to me" Chihiro said eyes downcast. Diana lightened up, "Lets go to the river to swim!" she exclaimed, they put on bathing suits and wore some loose clothes over them. Chihiro yelled to her parents "Mama, Papa, were going to the river to swim!" "Be careful," her mother yelled back. They got their bikes and took off down the road, the River was a mile away, and it was hot out. They arrived there, sweating heavily and panting, but happy and laughing. Anyone was allowed to swim in the river, it didn't move to fast and no one drank from it, it was the Kohaku river, they had dug it back out and filled it again. It was just as beautiful as before.
Diana jumped right in. but Chihiro hesitated, how would the river react, she had never swam in it before; it had been fixed after she left and she had never had the time. She dipped her pinky toe into the water, it was nice and cool, and she noticed how it almost pulled her into it. She removed her outer clothing and followed her in, barely noticing the water seemingly fasten as she entered it.
This is the first but definately not the last! please review, it would be greatly appreciated!