A/N: Hello! A new fanfic here!

Summary: Team 7 promised never to split up again. But what happens when their sensei goes missing? Minor SasuSaku NaruHina KakaKure.

Their Sensei

At the bridge where Team 7 usually meets, Sasuke stood there waiting for his sensei to arrive. He wasn't really their sensei anymore, but it became a habit to call him sensei.

He knew it would be a long wait so he jumped onto one of the branches of a near by tree and closed his eyes.

As Sakura walked to the meeting place, she couldn't help but wonder about her teammates.

She wondered why Sasuke came back so easily to Konoha. She knew that he wanted more power, and he thought he could only get it at that snake-bastards place.

He was wrong, she became a better ninja and she just stayed in Konoha and trained.

Sasuke had gotten stronger, but maybe he could have gotten stronger here in Konoha, than in another country. But why did he come back?

'What if. . . No, that's not it. But, maybe. . . Hmm, that is such a ridiculous reason for him to come back.' she thought as she got nearer to their meeting place.

'Maybe, the reason he came back was to see Kakashi-sensei's face! Yeah, it could be true; it had been seven years ago that we tried to see what is under his mask. Maybe the urge to see what our sensei looked like it drove him mad enough to leave Oto and kill Orochimaru and Kabuto along the way.'

When the sound of her feet pounding on wood reached her ears, she looked up to see that she was already at the bridge.

Sakura looked at the tree to see Sasuke sleeping in the tree. 'So cute!' she thought as she hoisted herself up and sat on the railing of the bridge.

'And Naruto, he still can't figure out that Hinata has a crush on him and we're like, what, 20 now? How stupid can he get?' She sighed quietly, trying not to wake her sleeping teammate.

Even though Kakashi said they weren't going to train, she shouldn't have worn this thin white dress, it made her feel uncomfortable, but her mom said that she had to have one day to be a normal girl.

Sakura ran her hand through her short pink hair; she decided to keep it short after she had cut it at the Chuunin exam.

'And Kakashi-sensei, why does he always read that porn? He should get a girlfriend, or something. Maybe she could take his mind off that stupid book of porn made by Jiraiya.' She looked at the sky and looked at the clouds taking form.

She saw cats, foxes, snakes, scarecrows, wolves, fish, dogs, butterflies, flowers, potato chip bags, the Sharingan, a mermaid, a sparrow, and lots of other things. They all reminded her of people she knew.

The cats was like her, the foxes like Naruto, and the wolves like Sasuke. The snakes were like Orochimaru and Anko, the mermaid like Hinata, the dogs like Kiba, the butterflies like Shino, the Sharingan like Sasuke and Itachi, and the fish like Kisame. The scarecrows reminded her Kakashi, potato chip bags like Chouji, and the sparrow like Neji in a way.

While she was having fun looking at the clouds, which she noticed that some of Shikamaru was rubbing off on her, she didn't notice Naruto sneak up on her.

"Hello Sakura-chan!" he yelled, making Sakura scream, wake up Sasuke, and fall into the river below.

Sputtering, she stood up at Naruto and glared at him. Sasuke jumped down from the tree and came to look.

What they both saw almost gave them a nosebleed. Sakura was all wet, and her thin dress clung to her like a second skin.

They could see her perfectly shaped body; she was hot! At that moment, Kakashi decided to show up just in time to see Sakura get out of the water.

He immediately turned around and chanted in his head, 'No nasty thoughts, no nasty thoughts, no nasty thoughts, she's my student, no nasty thoughts!' he screamed in his head as he closed his eye only to see a mental image of Sakura all wet.

"No nasty thoughts!" he screamed out loud for his team to hear. They turned to see him slapping himself and banging his head on the same tree Sasuke was sleeping in earlier.

A/N: That's it for now! My second fanfic. Please review, but only if you want to. Its not if I'm forcing you or anything.