A Parody to Avril Lavigne's Sk8er Boi. It's about Greggo, everybody's favourite lab rat. I'm in a Parody mood. I'm open to all suggestions.

Disclaimer: I own nothing by Avril Lavigne or CSI. I just use them to entertain.

Lab Rat

He was a nerd.

It was a lab.

He's a science guy; that's obvious!

He ran test tubes all day.

They solved crimes with no yield.

Why don't they let him in the field?

He wanted out.

They'd never say,

'Greg, come on out and play'.

All of their boss always said 'no'.

They were always the ones running the show


He was a lab rat

They said what was up with that

He wasn't smart enough for them

They had the politics,

But they were all idiots,

They needed to see what he's about


Five seasons from then,

They're at a scene solving the crime,

They're working hard!

They look over, guess who they see Sara with:

Lab rat walking up with a stocked kit!

They call up their bosses,

They already know

They felt it was time to give him a promo!

They train him up, look what they've done,

They stare at the spiky-haired CSI-level one!


He was a lab rat

They said what was up with that

He wasn't smart enough for them

Now he's a CSI,

seeing stains with a blue light,

What do those guys think of him now?


Sorry guys, you're just that dumb

Hey guess what, he's no longer playing an air drum,

He is more than just a rat,

And that's the end of that!

Too bad you couldn't see,

The CSI that kid could be,

He is more than just a geek,

The test-tubes he wants to leave!


He's just a CSI.

We're all his fans.

Hey, we're T.V addicts; that's obvious!

We watch for him,

And haven't you heard

How we live in his world!


He was a lab rat

We said what was up with that

We keep watching him on the show

We'll be staring at the TV,

wishing he could save the show

About the CSIs we all know!