Disclaimer: Stargate, Stargate SG-1 and all of its characters, titles, names, and back-story are the property of MGM/UA, Double Secret Productions, Gekko Productions, SciFi Channel, and Showtime/Viacom. All other characters, the story idea and the story itself are the sole property of the author. This story cannot be printed anywhere without the sole permission of the author. Realize this is for entertainment purposes only; no financial gain or profit has been gained from this fiction. This story is not meant to be an infringement on the rights of the above-mentioned establishments
He felt like he was flying.
Daniel couldn't remember the last time he had felt so free. It seemed like a lifetime ago. It was a lifetime ago.
He collapsed into her, all his energy spent. He felt his muscles beginning to unwind, his mind drifting to a place that was often foreign to him – a niche of his mind free from the billion thoughts that zipped and collided into each other on a daily basis. It was void of the letters, the phrases, and the tumult of glyph after glyph, of culture after culture, of the busyness and buzzing that distracted his every move.
He breathed out, shifting under the sheets, and pressed his lips to her neck. She moaned under him, wrapping her arms around his shoulders as she brought him closer. Their mouths locked again, their bodies entangled under the covers. Daniel tried to fight off the drowsiness; he wasn't sure he could go another round right now.
"Hmm," Daniel pulled away, breaking from the kiss. He rolled on his side, his arm draped protectively around her, as he rested his lips on her shoulder.
Even now, after the heat of their passion, she smelled sweet and clean. Familiar, comforting, she held the aroma of wet morning dew, citrus, and gunpowder.
Daniel blinked. He withdrew his arm, rolled onto his back, and pinched the bridge of his nose. A fog began to lift, freeing his senses and allowing to process information again, to think clearly, to remember…
He immediately reached to his right, fumbling over the tabletop until his fingers found what he assumed was the light switch. He hit it hard.
Daniel whirled around and faced the bed, hoping that he was just having some kind of twisted dream. But there, sitting beside him and looking as equally horrified, was Sam. She stared at him, her mouth agape, the sheets pooled over her chest to cover her body. Her, er, very bare body.
Sam was naked in bed with him. He was just…They had just… He had…
Oh. My. God.
Daniel grabbed a handful of sheets to cover his lower half, his scattered and bewildered mind still trying to piece together what the hell had happened. All he could do was stare and mumble, trying to grasp that coherence he knew he once had.
He watched her shock turn into disgust and anger. She grabbed the sheets she'd claimed and wrapped them around her body, her icy eyes blazing. "What the hell, Daniel?" she shouted. When he moved across the bed and reached out to her, she backed away from him. "Don't," she warned. "Just stay away." With her free hand, she started picking up her clothes that had been thrown wantonly all over the room.
Daniel swallowed that proverbially lump that was forming in his throat. Just what had he done?
After sitting stunned for another minute, Daniel decided he needed to get up. He stumbled out of bed, grabbed his shirt and pants from the floor, and rushed to the bathroom. There, he threw on his clothes and splashed his face a few times with the cool running water from the faucet.
Faucet. Daniel stared at the strange looking contraption over the pear-shaped sink. Then, he remembered.
Crap, they were off-world.
Daniel wiped the droplets of water from his face, forcing himself to look at his reflection in the alien mirror. Behind his pained eyes and fretful wrinkles, he could still see the longing inside, the desire. He couldn't believe what he was seeing.
What the hell had happened to him?
He hung his head, gripping the lip of the sink until his knuckles turned white. His mind spun as he tried to remember what had happened. The conference. The dinner. Had they gotten drunk?
He could still taste her on his lips, sense her aroma on his skin, and feel her hands as they worked his body. He longed to go back there, to touch her again. The idea repulsed him, made him sick. He couldn't have taken advantage of Sam. He wouldn't do that to her.
She was engaged. She was his friend.
Daniel wiped his mouth, still staring with shock at his reflection. Somehow, he and Sam…and he didn't have the slightest idea how. Or why. And she was engaged.
Daniel couldn't even think of the repercussions with Pete right now. He'd sort that mess out later. Now, he had to manage damage control.
"Sam," he said, his voice horse, as he called her from the bathroom. He didn't want to chance angering her anymore. Besides, he wasn't even sure he could face her right now. "Sam?"
He heard her banging something around in the main bedroom. After pausing a few beats and hearing no reply, Daniel made his way back to the door. Sam was dressed, wearing the comfortable BDU's they'd packed to wear outside of the main function. The fancy clothes she'd worn to the dinner –incidentally the ones that had been all over the floor – had been scooped up and tossed onto the dresser. They rested next to the small suitcase that Sam was packing.
She still didn't answer him. She shoved her clothes in the case, her short jerky movements telling him all that he needed to know. Daniel scratched at the back of his head. He didn't know where to start.
"We must have been drugged," he said, keeping his voice as even and as soft as possible. "Or something happened."
"Something happened," Sam repeated, her voice still raw with anger. When he took a step toward her, she held out her hand. "Don't," she said again. She closed the suitcase. "Just…don't."
Daniel nodded, remaining under the archway that led into the bathroom. If Sam needed space, then he would give her space. He just didn't understand how the two of them could have allowed for this to happen. He refused to look at the bed.
He crossed his arms, still feeling naked. "Sam, I know this won't take anything back, and I'm not trying to belittle—"
"Daniel," she said, her voice stern. With a grunt, she tossed the suitcase across the room. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, before focusing on him. "Look. Obviously, something happened that was out of our control. I just need a little space right now."
Daniel nodded. He turned around and started to button his shirt. If he was right, he figured Sam was thinking about leaving the planet as soon as possible. Daniel couldn't argue with her on that one. But they still didn't have answers. Daniel couldn't leave without answers.
He knew Sam couldn't either.
"This was a scientific conference," Daniel muttered. He kept his distance from Sam as he started to pack is own belongings. He hesitated before closing the suitcase. Hadn't they asked for separate rooms? "We were invited here. These are peaceful people. I can't believe they would do something to us."
"Believe it." He watched as she grabbed her sidearm and headed for the door.
He lunged forward. "Sam." When she stopped, he brought his arm down. She was a trained solider. He knew she could take care of herself, but it didn't make him feel any better. Daniel sighed. "What on Earth could they possible gain from this?"
"I don't know. But I intend to find out." She paused at the door but didn't bother to look back at him. " Just finish packing. I'm going to get some answers."