DISCLAIMER: Gorillaz belong to Jamie Hewlett and Damon Albarn. They belong to their mothers. Alright? Alright.


Although Murdoc Niccalls was rude, obnoxious and self-centered, he knew talent. And since Gorillaz were the best rock band on the planet, why not recruit people who were almost as talented? Namely Damon Albarn and Jamie Hewlett. Even he had to admit they had helped Gorillaz in some way, shape or form. Damon, for example, knew almost as much about music as 2D did. And brilliant songs needed brilliant music videos to match, which was where Jamie came in. So it would only seem natural that he needed to meet with Jamie in particular today; unannounced, of course. Murdoc Niccalls didn't need to announce his visits. He was, after all, the world's greatest bassist.

He was in a bad mood to begin with, anyway. Loud noises emanating from Shaun Ryder's disembodied head (located in Noodle's room), for example, had awoken him in the 'Bago. No one wants to be greeted by the chorus of Dare at five in the morning. And then, he had misplaced his notebook. He had some good stuff written in it too; five minute bass solos, the works. To top it off, as he ascended the stairs to Jamie's flat, some idiot in Elvis Costello glasses, carrying a guitar case, had rudely bumped into him, and then had the nerve to ignore him after Murdoc shot a particularly good insult at him. So when he announced his presence by loudly kicking open the door—it was unlocked, so what was the point of closing it?—he was in no mood to deal with any annoyances. Sadly, we don't all get what we wish for.

Jamie was still asleep, he guessed, and since he hadn't been awakened by the loud noise of the door hitting the wall, Murdoc had the right to locate him immediately. He prowled through Jamie's flat, finally coming across the bedroom.

First off, there was not one, but two pairs of feet poking out from under the blankets. One belonged to Jamie, of course, but whose were the other one? A girl, he decided, but who was she?

Jamie Hewlett lay with an arm crookedly across Damon Albarn, his face buried in Damon's hair. He was whispering something in his ear, from the looks of it. Murdoc, all of a sudden, felt very awkward and out of place. He cleared his throat.

Damon shot up, a slight panicked look on his face, and relaxed when he saw who it was.

"Oh. Murdoc. God, you…I thought Gra…nevermind. Good morning." He exited the room. "Oi, Jamie, seen my pants…?"

"Couch," called Jamie, sitting up and stifling a yawn. He glanced good-naturedly at Murdoc. "This is about th'video, right? I've got a few things--"

"What?" Murdoc blinked, and had a sudden glimpse into how 2D felt 24/7. "Oh. Forget it. I, ah…see, I'm late. I forgot about that. I need to go."

Jamie nodded, still grinning. "Right."

And so Murdoc made his exit, though not without barking, "BUT DON'T THINK Y'CAN SLACK OFF, SEE?" as he passed through the ruined doorway. He wasn't sure how he felt, really. Two men. Together. The thought made him shiver inwardly. No. That wouldn't work, he thought to himself, more than a little surprised when a small voice in his head whispered, It could if it was

He shook his head, clearing all thoughts of blue-haired dullards from his mind.

"It wouldn't," he repeated out loud. Though much less firmly.