Disclaimer: The characters of CSI are the property of CBS and Anthony Zuiker. Iris is of my own creation as an outside character.

Rating: K to K+

A/N: When Catherine and Iris go missing during a case investigation, how will the rest of the team respond? Warrick and Brass are particularly affected, but can they find a way to work together during this difficult time? Time is of the essence to find them.

Acknowlegements: To my lady betas, Kacee and Denise (thanks in a pinch) and my other CSI friends who I sound my story ideas on, Onyx and Mel. "One Thing" written by Scott Anderson and James Black; performed by Finger 11. "I Thought You Knew" written and performed by Keith Urban. I'm trying my hand at doing some one shot stories of Jim and Iris.

"Here and There"

It was Christmas week as Grissom was handing out assignments on Thursday night. It was another graveyard shift as usual for his CSI team in all other respects, though Christmas Eve was on Sunday this year.

"We have a slightly different mission tonight and it's for Catherine and Iris." Grissom began. "Three burned bodies and a fourth body with partial burns were found at a remote campsite in the Black Canyon area of Lake Mead. You two are be going by helicopter to get there quickest."

Both women were taking notes, knowing they would be leaving soon to go by LVPD helicopter. Iris matched pace with the lithe redhead as they headed toward the locker area to get their kits. "It's been a while since we did a case together." Catherine said with a smile.

"Yeah, I could do with something a little different right now," Iris commented.

Catherine gave Iris a sideways glance, wondering what was on Iris's mind to a degree.

Annie Kramer was in town for a weeklong seminar being held at the Luxor Hotel. Brass had been honest about his past history with Annie to Iris. Jim had been spending time with Annie every night thus far. They had gone to an amateur hockey game of the Las Vegas Wranglers that evening before Brass was due on night shift. The fact that Iris was supposed to go originally with him to the game still stung her a bit. He'd asked if they could reschedule their date for another game. Iris had simply shrugged her shoulders and told him it was okay with her.

When Jim introduced Iris to Annie, Iris had not hesitated in shaking Annie's hand and stating it was a pleasure to meet her. However, when Brass had then introduced Iris to Annie, he had called her one of his many CSI friends and made no mention that they had been dating steadily for a few months. Iris was again surprised but had left it at that.

Iris heard Jim's deep laugh coming from his office, making her smile. She thought she would simply poke her head in the door and say a quick hello. Brass hadn't called her or emailed her once since Annie had arrived. Iris missed hearing from him. A woman's high-pitched giggle could be heard chiming in with Brass's low chuckles as Iris neared the door. Iris exhaled slowly as she got ready to knock on the door but the sight she beheld made her stop in her tracks.

Brass and Annie were involved in a pretty intense lip-lock as well as embrace. He stood facing toward Iris who Annie couldn't see. His arms were around Annie while her hand had slipped inside his unbuttoned shirt. Iris was dumbfounded as Brass's eyes opened and he saw her. His eyes widened in surprise as he started to break the kiss with Annie. Iris simply nodded her head in acknowledgement and walked swiftly away.

"You ready?" Catherine asked Iris as she came back into the locker area.

"You better believe it!" Iris replied, grabbing her kit.

Warrick was getting ready to take some case paperwork to the break room, as Greg and Nick headed out on their assignment. He stopped long enough to whisper something to Catherine before turning to Iris. "Take care of my girl, Iris."

Iris executed a smart salute as Warrick grinned at her.

"Be careful you two don't join the mile-high club! I hear some of those EMT's are pretty rico suave!" Nick wisecracked.

"You gotta be kidding, Nick! Catherine and Iris can score better than an EMT. Go for the gusto, ladies! Fly the friendly skies with a pilot!" Greg joked along and beating on his chest to mimic the sound of a helicopter.

The women simply rolled their eyes at their fellow team members. As Catherine and Iris were headed out of the locker room, Grissom caught them. "Ladies, change of plans! That partially burned victim has been found to be alive. You'll be going in a Flitecare helicopter that's stopping to pick you up from Desert Palm."

The women hurried out to wait at the LVPD helipad. The helicopter landed and they boarded quickly as the copter became airborne to head to the remote location of the campsite.

Jim's efforts to find Iris had been fruitless. Brass found Grissom in his office. "Uh, Gil, got a minute?"

Grissom gestured toward the seat across from his desk as Jim rubbed at his chin and then the back of his neck. Grissom could tell his best friend was distressed, wondering what the problem was, as Brass literally sat with a thud in the chair, sighing loudly as he did so.

"What's on your mind, Jim?" Grissom prodded gently.

"I don't have long. Annie's already left for my place since I've got shift tonight. Did you see Iris by chance?" Brass asked.

"Yeah, I just sent her and Catherine on an assignment up at Black Canyon with the campsite multiple DB's," Grissom replied with a curious expression.

"Did Iris happen to mention anything about me before leaving?" Jim asked with some hesitation.

"Not a word. She looked like she couldn't get out of here quick enough though." Grissom answered. His gaze was intent at his best friend now.

"I got caught with my pants down, Gil," Brass sighed loudly again.

"Literally or figuratively?" Grissom was all ears.

"Annie and I had a nice time at the hockey game tonight. Iris and I were supposed to go originally but when Annie came to town I wanted to take her somewhere fun. I'd asked Iris if we could go another time and that I wanted to take Annie instead. Iris had said sure and didn't seem sore about it. I was grateful for her understanding. Back in my office, what I didn't count on was Annie getting affectionate with me and then laying a killer kiss on me. Heaven help me, Gil, I got into the kiss and her embrace. Iris saw us and before I could say a thing she gave me this look. It wasn't hateful or spiteful, just a look of trying to understand what she saw. She just turned and bolted. I wasn't able to find her." Brass again rubbed at the back of his neck, body language telling Grissom how this bothered him.

Grissom sat back for a moment with steepled fingers before making his observation. "Iris is not your typical female, Jim. Yeah, it's safe to say she's probably confused by what she saw. You'll get it sorted out with her. I mean you've only been dating. It's not like you're serious or something or are you? "

"I don't know if we're serious but I do care for Iris. We've had fun on our dates. She's very affectionate and giving. It's just I haven't seen Annie since she helped me with what was going on with Ellie a few years ago. I wanted to reconnect with her for a while before she heads back to LA, but I'd sooner cut off an arm then hurt Iris though," Brass insisted.

The helicopter pilot requested that the EMT's check on Catherine and Iris. The copter was hitting pockets of turbulence as it sped toward Black Canyon. Iris had her seatbelt double-checked by one EMT who gave her the thumbs up that she was good to go. Catherine also passed her inspection by the other EMT.

"I prefer to fly first-class myself!" Catherine said loudly to Iris with a grin.

"Fasten your seatbelts; it's going to be a bumpy night!" Iris exclaimed.

Catherine's expression told Iris she didn't understand the reference.

"Bette Davis in "All About Eve" said it!" Iris revealed.

"You and Grissom are true movie buffs!" Catherine laughed.

Iris tried to smile and remain focused on the case at hand, but found her thoughts wandering about Brass.

Several minutes later the helicopter set down to land near the campsite which was ablaze with red lights from park ranger and state police vehicles. Additional portable lighting had been set up as well. Catherine and Iris looked at each other, hoping that the crime scene had remained intact. The smell of charred flesh was heavy in the evening air.

Catherine approached a park ranger as Iris followed. "How's the survivor?"

She flashed her badge, as did Iris.

"Evening, Investigator Willows. I'm Captain Mark Hughes with the Lake Mead Recreational Park Rangers. Black Canyon is a popular primitive area to camp at, especially for those seeking a romantic getaway. There are deep canyons to hike and explore around here, really some beautiful scenery. The fourth victim is a young woman with burns but we think she'll pull through okay. Her name is Melanie Shockley. One of the EMT's is checking her out as we speak. You two may go ahead with your preliminary sweep and plan to return tomorrow to finish up. The park rangers will make sure the scene is kept as is. Let me know if you require anything else." The ranger also nodded to Iris before he went to rejoin the other park rangers.

"Let's get after it, Iris!" Catherine said.

The CSI's wasted no time. As Iris worked on taking photographs of the bodies and rest of the campsite, Catherine was searching for trace evidence that would be put to use during their ongoing investigation. Iris then joined Catherine for continued surveillance of the crime scene/campsite to collect additional evidence.

They worked quickly but thoroughly as their flashlights also swept the area. Each body had been found inside a sleeping bag including the surviving victim. Fabric samples were collected as well as soil samples from under each body. The campsite appeared to have been ransacked with scattered food and clothing. Two tents had been collapsed as well. The place was a mess. Iris had collected all four sleeping bags to be placed into large plastic bags, she found herself checking the one over the lone survivor had been trapped in.

Captain Hughes returned to give them information provided by the survivor of the attack that resulted in a triple murder. The young woman indicated that she and her fiancé, Gavin Oleson, as well as her best friend, Kacee Wiley, and her boyfriend, Andrew Murphy, were camping for the weekend. Earlier in the evening, two strange men had shown up at the campsite demanding food and money but Gavin and Andrew had forced the men to leave. After they had gone to sleep, she awoke to hear her fiancé arguing loudly with one of the men had returned. She witnessed the man hitting Gavin with a tree limb that apparently knocked him unconscious. The second man went to the other sleeping bags of her friends, hitting each one repeatedly with the tree limb. She had tried vainly to escape from her sleeping bag but the zipper had become stuck. As the first man approached her with the raised tree limb, she believed she fainted. When she came to, she awoke to find her sleeping bag on fire and the only way she could put out the flames was to roll repeatedly on the ground as she still couldn't get out of her sleeping bag. She then fainted again until being roused by park rangers who initially believed she was dead as were the others until she screamed when being checked over by them.

"The copter is ready to go to return to Desert Palm with the victim. We've radioed your CSI supervisor and he'll pick you up at the hospital. One of the EMT's is staying behind to help attend to some of the park rangers who've gotten some cuts during their evaluation of the campsite. We have had recent problems with transient-type people showing up here that bother the regular campers, so the young lady's story is plausible," Captain Hughes added.

"Nowhere safe anymore to have a nice time but my idea of a romantic getaway is room service," Catherine commented as they finished bagging and cataloguing what evidence she and Iris could collect.

"Would the object of your affection to have room service for said romantic getaway with bear the initials of WB?" Iris questioned blandly but with a sly smile.

"You know it!" Catherine replied with an equally sly smile as well as arched eyebrow.

"Like I should have to ask the obvious! Let's head for the copter. This makes for a different case like Griss said. I imagine this place looks even prettier in the daylight. Wonder if horseback riding's allowed," Iris remarked.

Catherine and Iris climbed into the helicopter and buckled themselves into their seats. A stretcher bearing Melanie was brought in and secured by the EMT's. The young woman was conscious and had dressings on both arms where the burns were the worst. Iris leaned down to give her a reassuring pat on the shoulder as she introduced herself and then Catherine as crime scene investigators. Melanie voiced her thanks and her hopes that those responsible would be caught. She then closed her eyes as the helicopter's blades began to speed up.

After the EMT had shut the copter door and taken a seat in front with the pilot, the helicopter gently lifted from the ground to begin its trek to Desert Palm.

Brass hadn't received a call for a crime scene to go to and sat in his office mulling over the course of the evening's events. He'd just gotten off his cell phone after chatting with Annie, when Warrick suddenly poked his head in.

"Hey, Jim, you're looking sort of preoccupied."

"Take a load off, Rick!" Jim said, amiably, as Warrick took a seat across from his desk.

"Yeah, I'm catching up on some paperwork as assignments were light tonight. Greg and Nick are gone to check out a B&E, Sara's off tonight, and Grissom's doing whatever in his office. Our girls are gone on that Black Canyon triple homicide. You and Iris ever go camping?" Warrick queried.

"We've been to my lake cabin a few times to fish and spend the weekend. I may take Annie there before she goes back to LA., Jim said lightly.

"You got two lines biting at the same time, lover boy?" Warrick joked but half-seriously.

"Me? Yeah, right. Look it, Iris and I've been dating a few months now and things are comfortable where they're at for me. Annie's only in town for this seminar series and goes back to LA in a couple days. We're just hanging out and catching up," Jim said pointedly.

"I'm down with that. Sort of the same with Catherine and me since my marriage to Tina ended in annulment. We're enjoying each other's company but keeping it light at the same time. I'm not looking at going down the aisle anytime soon and you can take that to the bank!" Warrick agreed.

"It just seems that Iris is hoping for more between us. I'm not ruling that out eventually but right now no muss and no fuss. Iris has been aces though, especially since things with Ellie have yet to improve, but Iris keeps me hoping in spite of myself," Jim considered.

"Yeah, well, I can't wait till they get back here. Catherine and I are going to this little bed-n-breakfast she's been going on about over Christmas. Her idea of roughing it I guess but hey I know she'll be VERY appreciative if you get my drift." Warrick found his thoughts wandering to the weekend to come. "You've been hanging with Iris for months now, so how is IT if you don't mind me asking?"

"I'm being patient about that particular topic as a matter of fact. Iris is a pretty classy package and when she's ready I'm ready. Annie, on the other hand, got a bit frisky tonight." Brass mentioned casually.

"Really! Are you at liberty to say more?" Warrick asked with a wink.

"She kissed me in my office and you can tell when more is implied than just a kiss. I have to confess that even though it caught me off guard I also got into it because for a moment there it was like it was years ago between us. The only thing is that Iris saw us," Brass conceded, knowing that what he said Warrick would keep in confidence.

"Oh, man, did you explain it to Iris? I mean that what she saw was an accident or are you and Annie hooking back up? Talk about an awkward situation!" Warrick said, drumming his fingers on his knee.

"I tried, Rick, went looking for her all over the lab and ended up in Gil's office. She'd already left with Cat on that multiple homicide in Black Canyon like you said. Only I don't know exactly what I would've said to Iris given the chance," Jim added unhappily.

"Brass man, Iris deserves to know if Annie's got your gun, so to speak," Warrick countered.

"That's not what I meant, Rick! I want to spend time with Annie while she's here, just have some fun times. She'll be going back to LA soon and then Iris and I are business as usual. I can control my urges where Annie's concerned," Jim insisted.

"Sorry, Brass, but it sounds like you're covering your bases, especially where Iris is concerned. She deserves better than that," Warrick maintained.

Brass's fist hit his desk loudly. He glared at Warrick as his jaw jutted out. "Rick, it's bad enough about what Iris saw, but I don't need you preaching at me either. I hope you and Cat have a nice time at the bed-n-whatever!"

"Cool, I'm out, but I hope you're thinking with your heart and not what's south of your belt buckle!" Warrick stood as he faced Brass a moment and then left the office.

The helicopter ride was getting bumpier it seemed to Iris and Catherine. The pockets of air turbulence were worsening. The pilot had told the EMT that bad weather was headed in and he'd be glad when they arrived to Desert Palm.

"You smell something burning?" Iris asked Catherine. She could faintly detect a scorched odor in the air.

"Yeah, now that you mention it!" Catherine replied loudly.

The pilot also smelled it and looked down at the instrument panel and saw wisps of smoke. A shower of sparks suddenly erupted followed by little tongues of flame. The EMT unbuckled himself to grab a nearby fire extinguisher. The pilot suddenly was having trouble with the throttle stick to maintain control of the helicopter.

"Desert Palm, Desert Palm, this is Flitecare 91, repeat Flitecare 91, we're having engine…" The pilot started to radio when there was static and he couldn't send another message.

"Check on the women! I can't radio the ER at Desert Palm," the pilot told the EMT as he fought with the throttle to keep them aloft. A shudder ran through the helicopter as the engine failed and the blade props turned slower and slower.

"We're having engine trouble and the instrument panel has shorted out. The pilot will have to make a crash landing. We're not very high up but the pilot couldn't get off a mayday to our headquarters with the instruments out." The EMT told them as he also checked on Melanie who cried out in fright.

"Is there anything we can do?" Iris loudly asked the EMT.

"Yeah, pray and hang on!" He replied simply as he made his way back up to the pilot.

Iris held hands with Catherine; her lips moving in a silent prayer; Melanie shut her eyes as she gripped at the shaking stretcher.

It was early morning at the CSI lab and outside a dark black curtain dotted with diamond pinpoints of stars remained. The chill of night was still in the air as Brass walked back in from his car, causing him to shiver a little and quicken his pace. He'd gone to the Donut Haven for a dozen warm glazed donuts as well as a dozen assorted donuts for the CSI team. He's been gone for over an hour driving on his break trying to sort out the jumble of thoughts and emotions involving Annie and Iris.

Jim stopped in the break room to drop off the donuts and was met by a solemn group. Greg, Nick and Warrick sat at the table, with Grissom sitting at the head.

Each of the men's facial expressions looked pensive to brooding. Trying to lighten the mood, Jim wisecracked, "Hey, you all look like somebody just died!"

Grissom pinned him with a stare before quietly saying, "The helicopter with Catherine and Iris never made it to Desert Palm. It's missing."

Iris came to with a low groan, holding her head that felt like a jackhammer was going inside her skull. She felt disoriented for a moment. Catherine was slumped against her. Iris moved to unbuckle herself and felt like a knife had been shoved in her side as a burning ache spread across her side and chest. She gasped and caught her breath.

"Catherine? Cat?" Iris gently shook Catherine's shoulder.

"Mmmmm, ouch, hurts!" Catherine seemed out of it as she groaned.

Worried now, Iris shook Catherine's shoulder more insistently. "Catherine, wake up! Do you recognize me?"

"Iris…the helicopter…crashed where…what…God, my legs are killing me!" Catherine cried out, now fully alert, biting her lip in discomfort.

"Hang on, let me check you over! My nursing days are long behind me but it's going to be okay!" Iris reassured Catherine as she bent to see what caused Catherine's discomfort. A large dark red stain was prevalent on Catherine's right side and her lower legs were pinned beneath a large lockbox of medical supplies.

Iris now heard Melanie groaning on the floor beside Catherine, having fallen out of her stretcher somehow, to lie in a twisted crumpled heap. Iris had to move fast.

Taking the large lockbox, Iris moved it forward toward the cockpit of the helicopter. She called out to the pilot and EMT but got no verbal reply. The side door of the helicopter was crumpled and it took every ounce of Iris's strength and probably some adrenalin to force it partly open.

"Melanie, it's Iris. I am going to straighten you out carefully, so relax as best you can. I'm going to get Catherine out and then come back for you. You won't be alone!" With gentle care, Iris eased the younger woman into a straighter body position. She smoothed Melanie's long dark hair back as she began to weep.

"I can't feel anything, Iris…I can't move," Melanie sobbed.

"Honey, take a deep breath, I promise I am coming right back for you!" Iris whispered to her.

Catherine had gotten herself unbuckled from her seat as Iris turned to assist her out. She leaned heavily on Iris, unable to bear weight on her right ankle. The women slowly made their way out of the crumpled helicopter. Dawn was peeping over the edge of the deep canyon the helicopter had crash-landed into.

"Here, Cat, sit down by this large rock and stay wrapped up in this sleeping bag. It was evidence Iris knew but keeping Catherine warm was a priority. Catherine gratefully took the sleeping bag and eased down to the ground with Iris's help.

Iris climbed into the helicopter and went to Melanie. "Melanie, I am going to put my arms under your arms and together we'll just take our time and get you out. Catherine is sitting nearby and you'll be by her before you can say Jiminy Cricket."

Years of lifting heavy bags of horse feed and bales of hay, as well as her ballroom dancing and sword fencing, had left Iris with decent upper body strength that she was especially grateful for now. Iris carefully and gently lifted Melanie up to begin the process of easing her out of the helicopter through the caved-in side door. Melanie had stopped crying and now concentrated on doing as Iris has instructed.

Catherine tried to rise to her feet to go help Iris but her right leg buckled under her as she slid herself down the rock instead to sit on the ground once more. She groaned in frustration. "Iris, I've got a bum ankle! I can't help! I'm sorry!"

"Not to worry, Cat, just sit tight." Iris said as she now had Melanie outside of the helicopter and was dragging her carefully over beside Catherine. Iris quickly returned inside the helicopter to retrieve blankets and small pillows that she was happy to find. Returning to Catherine and Melanie, she made a pallet for Melanie to be more comfortable on.

"Iris, what about the pilot and EMT?" Catherine asked, looking at the front of the helicopter that had obviously taken the worst of the crash impact.

"I called out to them but no reply, but I'm going next to check on them," Iris replied, heading back to the helicopter. The ache in her side remained a dull throbbing presence, but she ignored it.

Brass felt as if he'd been hit in the gut by a kidney punch during a boxing match. He dully sat down in a chair by Grissom, pushing the donut boxes away, his appetite having evaporated. "How'd you find out?"

"We got a call from Dr. Franks, the head ER physician at Desert Palm. They got a partial message from the pilot regarding the engine and then lost contact. The helicopter wasn't high enough to register on radar at any nearby airport. They can't do anything until after daylight to begin a search and hopefully rescue," Grissom summarized.

"That'll be like looking for a needle in a haystack. The whole area's a network of canyons, some pretty deep," Nick observed.

"They're smart, both of them, so they'll be found." Warrick spoke confidently, while his fingers pretended to play piano on his thighs under the table, his unspoken way of showing worry. He thoughts were racing - where's my girl, are you okay, and are you still here.

"Helicopters don't take a pounding very well," Greg remarked in a low voice.

"Okay, now that we have the negative and positive opinions floated, let's refocus and see what we need to do," Grissom commented at his remaining team.

"I'm in! I stopped by Iris's long enough to take her dogs to our place." Sara added as she walked into the room. Grissom smiled slightly, grateful for her presence as well.

Brass stood up, having not said anything, as the team collectively looked his way. "Got some calls to make. I'll let you know what agencies are getting involved." He strode from the room.

Warrick's angry glance at Brass as he departed was not lost on the rest of the team.

Iris climbed back into the downed helicopter and delicately made her way to the cockpit area. The pilot and EMT were buckled into their seats but below the chest was where each had been crushed by the impact. Grimly, Iris checked for a pulse at the throat of each man, the skin cold to her touch and no signs of life were apparent. They must have died instantly. For a moment, Iris's head bowed in a silent prayer. She then removed the heavy winter flight jackets from each man's body.

Catherine watched as Iris exited the helicopter and saw the flight jackets. Her facial expression told Iris that she didn't have to elaborate. Iris put one jacket on Catherine and then the other one around Melanie. Melanie clutched at Iris's hand with a viselike grip. "Why can't I move my legs? I can move my arms!"

"You may have injured your spinal cord somehow during the crash, but this may just be a temporary problem. You need to stay still and quiet so as not to aggravate this further. The doctors will know better when we're found," Iris said firmly, willing herself to sound strong and confident.

"Catherine, let's take a better look at you too!" Iris concentrated, wanting to stay focused and busy. She gently removed Catherine's sock and athletic shoe, finding a puffy and bruised looking ankle. Catherine's range of motion was poor but there was no crackling or popping sounds to suggest a true fracture, muscle or tendon damage. However, there was a nasty open laceration oozing blood on Catherine's right lower side where something sharp had made contact during the crash landing.

"What's your prognosis, Dr. King?" Catherine grimaced with a thin smile during Iris's examination.

"Safe to say you have a badly sprained and bruised ankle, but I think that's the worst of it. I'm not thrilled by this laceration on your right side. It needs stitches. I can give you a local anesthetic before I close it," Iris replied.

"Do what you have to! I know I'm in good hands!" Catherine's confidence boosted Iris's morale.

Iris made several trips to and from the helicopter to bring out items that would help keep them going until help arrived. Catherine helped her organize and inventory what was found. Melanie watched with wide eyes and Iris asked her to help visually inspect items. This would help keep the young woman included in the activities and concentrating on something besides her injury. Various medical supplies found included oral and injectable pain medications, antibiotics and other drugs, wound care materials, normal saline bottles, IV set-ups, a treasure trove to Iris she thought. She was gratified to find a walking boot that would stabilize Catherine's ankle and swiftly applied it. The support it gave caused Catherine's discomfort to abate a great deal. A pair of crutches was also located.

Unfortunately, no food or water was found on board and this set Iris to scouting about the canyon to see what she could find. A hundred yards away she spied trees and shrubs growing and knew a water source to be nearby judging at the animal tracks in the sandy ground. She found herself racking her brain over the various survivor shows she'd watched on the Discovery Channel, many times with Jim that brought a fresh ache to her heart.

Before anything else, Iris moved to take care of the laceration that continued to bleed on Catherine's side. Iris drew up an appropriate dose of local anesthetic in a hypodermic syringe and then injected it at strategic points along the wound. Catherine winced during this but made no sound. Iris then threaded suture material into a small suture needle, waited a few minutes, then proceeded to close the laceration in a sure fashion. The end result was a neat line of sutures, including tying off two small bleeding blood vessels that were the source of the blood loss. The blood loss had been significant and Catherine would require close watching as Iris snipped the ends loose and applied a pressure dressing.