A/N sorry to anyone that was reading my other stories!! im still kinda brainstorming were i want to go with those stories when i started watching Naruto shows. I love Gaara and Matsuri pairings and since theres not many stories on them im gonna try and write one! :) please tell me what u think of it because i dont have a lot of confidence and i would like to know what u guys think (even if its bad! please dont be too harsh on me!) ok lets get started on my story. i should warn u first u might want to watch episode 216 -220 to get what im talking about in this story! but u dont have to.
I dont own naruto
chapter one
It has only been three days since I've become Gaara-sensei's student. In those three days I've been stolen, saw Shukaku, learned not to be scared of weapons, found new friends, and fell in love. It's funny, at first I only wanted to be Gaara-sensei's student because I wanted to know what he was going to say that day, that changed my life. For some reason I was never really scared of him, he always seemed lonely so I always felt bad for him. I guess I should start my story at the point I'm at now.
After my talk with the friendly but lazy Shikamaru, I quickly ran to catch up with the three sand siblings. I tried to hold in a giggle as I thought about Temari and Shikamaru. I wonder when they're gonna finally admit they like each other I thought to myself as I let out another fit of giggles. I noticed the two older sand siblings staring at me as if I had grown another head, while Gaara-sensei just stared ahead.
"Hey Matsuri you ok kid?" Kankurou asked putting his big hand on my small forehead.
I smiled up at the older boy and moved out of his reach, "Yeah, I'm just thinking about a new couple."
Temari seeming to get the hint started turning red in the face, while Kankurou puzzled over what I said.
"Are you sure your ok kid?"
He seem genially concerned while Temari got, if possible, even redder in the face. This made me laugh even harder making me trip on an unnoticed rock. I braced myself for my fall, but it never happened. I slowly opened my eyes to see sand surrounding me. I heard laughing and looked over to see the older girl smiling at me.
"Looks like I'm thinking of a new couple."
I quickly stood up from the sand as I felt my face start to burn up.
"T t thank you Gaara-sensei."
I got even redder in the face when noticed I was starting my stupid habit of stuttering when I was nervous or embarrassed. Gaara-sensei either didn't notice it or was acting like he didn't notice it, and just nodded his head.
After that incident our journey home was pretty quite, Temari and I talked about the latest fashion trend, while Gaara-sensei and Kankurou walked in silence. Gaara-sensei stopped suddenly and seemed to tense up, his sand swirled around him dangerously.
"Gaara, what's wrong?" Temari's voice seemed to tremble a bit.
Before he could answer three shinobi jumped down from a tree.
"I was wondering when you would notice us, long time no see," the dark haired boy about seventeen said to us in an icy voice.
His dark, deep, blue eyes landed on me and his face seemed to lighten up.
"Well, Well, Well Gaara what are you hiding from us?"
He stepped towards me as a wall of sand appeared between us. Then before I could blink an eye I was next to Gaara-sensei. Temari and Kankurou were already in battle with the other two shinobi.
I looked up into Gaara-sensei's emotionless face and realized just how close I was, and started to blush. As the sand swirled around us Gaara-sensei effortlessly lifted his hand and sent deadly sand flying towards the dark haired boy. He quickly dodged that and while he was distracted he was quickly surround by sand. Without even a drop of sweat Gaara-sensei used his Desert Coffin attack. I looked over to see how Temari and Kankurou were doing to see that their battles were done too.
Temari spotted me and made her way towards me, even she didn't look tired from her battle. I went to meet her halfway when I noticed the swirling sand wall still surround us.
"Gaara-sensei is something wrong?"
It was weird to see any kind of emotion on his face, but at that moment I could see deep concern written in his face.
"Are you ok Matsuri?" his voice was soft and lacked the coldness that was usually there.
Too shocked to speak I slowly nodded my head. The sand dropped and quickly went away. Temari wrapped an arm around me and pulled me away. Now that I was closer to her, I could see some of her blonde hair had fallen from her ponytails.
"Your probley wondering who those shinobi were."
I nodded as she continued to go on,
"Those three are the Inu brothers, but if you ask me they should be called the chicken brothers. They're always trying to pick a fight with us and they're not even strong. Its really a pity fighting them."
I couldn't help but think of the dark haired boy.
"Hey Temari, do you know the name of the dark haired boy that was fighting Gaara-sensei?"
I don't know why I asked that, but I felt drawn to ask. I noticed the aura around Gaara-sensei seemed to darken and the air seemed to get colder. I realized I probley shouldn't of asked that.
Gaara-sensei answered before Temari in an deadly voice, "His name should not concern you."
Temari noticing the sudden change in the atmosphere quickly changed the subject.
"So Gaara can Matsuri stay with us?"
I let out a small sigh as I thought about my current living condition. I lived in a dark, cold, empty one room apartment.
"Yes," he whispered almost as if he had been defeated.
"If you don't want me there it's ok Gaara-sensei. I've a prefect place to live right now and I dont want to trouble you," the last part was a whisper as Gaara-sensei turned to me.
"You will stay with us. We have plenty of room and as my student you will have more training than the others."
I nodded my barely hiding my excitement, he seemed please with my answer and turned back around to walk. I hope we get home soon, I'm so hungry and tired. I wonder whats in store for me this year?