Yui had insisted on spending the night out. It was only his first night in the strange city of Tokyo, and Suboshi was already homesick. As always, Yui had felt his internal despair.

Despite himself, Suboshi began to enjoy the night. They had gone to a "movie" - and the overprotective Seiryu seishi had nearly gotten then thrown out by his loud objections to the dimming of the lights - and then to dinner; the vast city was a foreign wonder. Finally, after a delicious meal of various foods that Suboshi would never be able to pronounce, they had agreed on walking back together, stopping every few steps to allow Suboshi to take in his surroundings.

They stopped before a round stone enclosure filled with water. There were tall columns illuminated in an assortment of colors, shooting volumes of water into the starry skies. Suboshi felt Yui's small hands take hold of his. "It's a fountain," she explained excitedly, leading him towards the blur of lights. "If you throw in a coin and make a wish, your wish might just come true." Suboshi watched, enchanted, as the blonde girl took a small coin out of her pocket and closed her eyes. Seconds passed in silence; then Yui let the coin go. It hit the water with a melodic plop and sank to the bottom.

"What did you wish for?" Suboshi asked, his voice filled with awe.

Yui laughed her beautiful, musical laugh. "You're not supposed to tell. Then it'd never come true." She took another coin out of her pocket and held it out towards him. "Would you like to try?"

Suboshi shook his head, shivering from a strange, unknown fright. He held her hand, but instead of taking the coin, he placed a light kiss against her skin. "It's getting late," he said instead, trying in vain to cover his unexplainable discomfort. "Perhaps we should head back now, Yui-Sama."

Later that night, when Yui was fast asleep, Suboshi dug out the only money he had brought with him. The 10 small, round coins felt heavy in his hands as he slipped silently outside and followed his memory towards that fountain.

The streets were empty, but the grand fountain stood tall, still illuminated by a million lights. Cautiously, Suboshi neared the large stone structure. It wasn't cold that night, but he was shivering.

Imitating Yui, he closed his eyes.

If I had 10 million coins, I'd give them all up… if only to see you again.

He let go.

I wish... for your happiness.

Each coin hit the water with a musical plop.

My dear brother.