An F.B.I. Gala by Daughter of the Black

Disclaimer: I don't own Bones, I wonder if I planned like the perfect murder, if I could end up being chased by the duo? Something to consider, excuse me while I go look for a victim, and a lion. You didn't hear that!

Rating: Pg-13 will get upped.

A/N: Italics are thoughts outside of quotes, and emphasis otherwise. Enjoy!


"Sweetie," Temperance Brennan jumped at the voice, "Can you come help me, Z-man has a date. He wants to take her dancing, except he doesn't know how."

Tempe's fingers slid across the keyboard and a soft beep was audible, "Fine, but, as payment, I need your help."

Angela bit her lip, debating cost versus reward, "Fine, where are the bones, the file?"

"I don't mean that kind of help, Ange."

A sneaky grin covered the artists face, "Then, what kind of help is it?"

Bren figured it was best to just tell her, "Booth and I are going-,"

She didn't get to finish because Angela Montenegro's squeals pierced the air, "He finally asked you out! Where's he taking you? Did you dump Sully?"

"No, Ange! Booth and I are going as partners to an F.B.I. dinner Gala thing. Why would Booth ask me out anyway. I need your help to get ready, and I need a dress I think."

Angela's smile fell, "Oh, okay, when is it?"

The answer came with a nervous tone, "Tomorrow night."

Ange was only a bit jealous when she thought of the scene, "Lucky, going to a party with a bunch of hunky agents in tuxes. If one of them pulls a Bond, go with it. Does Sully know?"

"Ange, I don't know what that means," whatever answer she was expecting to get about her best-friends boyfriend, it was not the one she got, "Sully asked me to go with him, but I told him I was already going with Booth."

"And he's okay with that, wait, when did he ask?"

Tempe shrugged, "Sully doesn't have to worry, Booth and I are partners and nothing more," unfortunately, but Booth would never cross that line, he doesn't even like me, "Sully asked me Tuesday night at that club you all dragged me to."

Angela gave Tempe a smirk that said she knew exactly what club she was talking about, "Which club, was that the club where you did a sexy dance with the original hunk of the F.B.I.?"

"Yes Ange, that club,-wait! I did not dance sexy with Booth!"

Angela wanted to escape this with her skin, and still have artillery to use against the anthropologist for another conversation, "Sure, come on, teaching Zack to dace is like teaching a fish to walk on land."

"Angela, that doesn't make sense, wait, I'm coming."

Ange had started to walk out, and Tempe quickened her step until she could walk next to her best friend,…who was a girl. She could have more than one best friend, right? The platform had been cleared and Zack and Jack stood there waiting. Tempe shed her lab coat to reveal a black skirt that had a wide flare and a turquoise shirt. Surprisingly as she mounted the stairs, Jack stepped forward and offered his arm to her. Relenting with a small laugh and an uncertain glance at Angela, she took his invitation.

Angela pressed play and Jack whirled Tempe away. As the pair who had become very close since their underground confinement danced, Angela tried to explain the steps of the waltz to a very klutzy scientist. Zack who was supposed to be trying to lead was more or less wide eyed with the same fear that a child has of the dentist. Angela was doing her best to stifle the growing urge to laugh and teach him something simpler, maybe like the Snoopy dance.

Jack and Tempe went through the steps with unpracticed ease and tried not to laugh outright at Zack's new attempts to lead Angela. Suddenly the music stopped and Cam the Ham's tapping foot drew their guilty eyes over to her irate, and rather blue face.

"What are you guys doing?"

"Relaxing, do you have a problem with that?" Bones frowned at the woman.

Cam's eyes sparkled in anger, "Yes I have a problem with that, you all have work to do, and this is my lab!"

Clearing her throat, Tempe looked tat the woman, disdain dripping from her lips, "Dr. Saroyan, we are taking our lunch breaks, last time I checked, we were allowed to do what we wanted with that time."

Cam barely managed to restrain the growl, and she turned and huffed away from the 'squints'. Hodgins pulled his hands to his ears and wiggled his fingers as he stuck his tongue out. He had never like the woman, calling him cutesy names, only Angela was allowed to get away with that. Okay, and Tempe. Zack's eyes were wide, Cam was scary when she was mad, it reminded them of the case with the pig and the wood chipper.

The music started up again and the artist began to count ou the steps for Zack, "One, two, three, turn…"


Tempe unlocked her front door and stepped inside, Angels followed her in. The doctor dropped her briefcase on the desk and retrieved two beers from the fridge. Angela was already rooting through her closet when Bren came out after changing from her work clothes. Sitting cross-legged on her bed, she watched Ange throw clothing into a pile, as she nursed her beer. It was almost nauseating to watch, and the idea of taking a last minute shopping trip tonight was even less helpful, maybe, just maybe, it would be painless. A sudden squeal met her ears, she saw Angela leaning over an unidentifiable article of clothing.

"Bren, Sweetie, is this the dress from Vegas?!?!"



Evil, cliff hanger, this is just a short chapter. I got like the flu, so I had a little down-time. Plus, I just needed to see my lovable Hodgey and Zack attack. Kidding, though I do love them. All reviews are welcome. Next chapter, Angela and Brennan go shopping Gasp they aren't the only ones who go shopping, see who shows up. Hee Hee. Reveiws on my nickname for Cam?

D of the B