Author's Note: Well, it's been fun. I'm sorry to see it end. But here it is—the final installment! There will be more Sakulee for me in the future (as it is my OTP) But for now—I really must shamelessly plug my AU fic "Whatever and Ever Amen". As always—requests, comments, and critique more than welcomed.


"Climb on a back that's strong—hey hey you can get what you want—just climb on a back that's strong."

Unaccustomed to the feelings of becoming faint, Lee had no idea that his legs were about to turn to jello, and his head would feel like a lead weight. And by the time Sakura got a grip on just exactly what was happening, she could scarcely get her and Lee's bodies out of the riverbed before the water came rushing through. The water rushed around them—but with a strong leap from the water—Sakura brought them both safely to the grassy riverbank.

Soaked—Lee blinked slightly at what had just happened. Speechless, Sakura offered a smile, then ducked around the corner to dry off a bit.

The sound of birds filled the air, and the sound of the flowing river whispered as Sakura knelt behind the cover of a large rock—wringing out her shirt in silence. She had thought about what she wanted to do in this moment for close to two months now, but hadn't quite materialized just how she was going to go about it.

"Lee-Kun" she called to Lee, who was exerting every last ounce of his iron willpower not to peep at the topless Sakura.

"H-hai Sakura-chan?" Lee swallowed, thanking the powers that be that she could not here his thoughts at this moment.

Here goes nothing. Sakura prepared herself, pulling the damp shirt over her head.

"Did you miss me while I was gone Lee?" She asked quietly—leaning her back against the rock's cool surface.

"Absolutely Sakura-chan!" He answered vivaciously.

"I marked every day you were gone in the oak tree behind the academy." He admitted sheepishly.

"Really?" Sakura's heart fluttered, she slid up off the ground, peeking out from behind the rock slightly.

"I swear." Lee nodded as Sakura emerged from her hiding place.

"I could show you if you like." He smiled broadly—then suddenly blinked upon examining Sakura's face.

"Hold still." Lee instructed quietly, closing the distance between them.

Lee moved one bandaged hand close to her face, and wiped the mud off of her high cheekbones with his thumb. Then he carefully began plucking bits of leaves from her snarled hair.

For several minutes, the two stood in the sun-drenched clearing in silence.

Sakura felt her face heat up and her stomach quiver as she looked at Lee's bare muscular shoulders—his broad chest—tiny pale pink and purple shuriken and kunai scars mapping his body.

Lee's heart beat with the slow and deafening intensity of a base drum inside his ears—the tips of his fingers sizzling with sensation—as if tiny bolts of electricity were dancing from finger to finger.

Sakura closed her eyes, one of Lee's calloused fingers gently sweeping a bit of silt from the inside corner of her eye. Without words, he took her chin in his thumb and forefinger, running his other hand along the lines of her jaw, her brow, her lips. Sakura squeezed her eyes shut tightly in anticipation as she felt Lee's weight shift—leaning in slightly. He looked at those lips, feathered with sun and wind. They seemed to be pulling him closer in some strange bewitchment of gravity.

For what seemed like forever, Lee's lips hovered just above Sakura's. He felt like his heart was a tea-kettle on the stove: shuddering at a boil and hissing steam into the air. He could feel energy simply wafting off Sakura—in almost intoxicating misty tendrils.

What chakra! He thought to himself.

Is this the fire of youthful desire I've been so frightened to be burned by?

"Lee-kun" Sakura's tiny voice called, her eyes slightly topened.

"Yes?" Lee breathed, still just millimeters away from her mouth.

"Why aren't you…"

"I need you to promise me something." Lee cooed as he slid a hand around her waist.

"Anything." Sakura barely whispered—her lips actually grazing his as she spoke.

Lee gave a slight shudder—then pressed his forehead to hers.

"If I kiss you—you won't think of him, that if I give you my youthful heart—that it's mine you want—that you won't change your mind."

"Lee," Sakura sighed, soft against his body.

" I know I'm an impossible woman, and I've done you wrong—but in a world full of people who will leave you high and dry, and do you wrong—you've always been there to comfort me to have a shoulder to cry on."

Sakura took a deep breath and looked into Lee's wide dark eyes.

"It's my turn to give you my all—I'll be your woman Lee, you can count on me—you can climb on a back that's strong."

And with that—a great wind rushed through the clearing. The two just melted into one another—their lips locked—as nearby leaves and flower petals swirled about them. It was as if—as they kissed, the entire world took notice. The clouds raced across the sky—and the grass danced in the wind. Lee held the crown of Sakura's head with such a gentle air, and she held her hands flat on his back-with all the strength she could muster.

They had finally found it. It had taken a while—but now—in the springtime of youth—the two had each other. Respect, Love, Strength, and compassion—were now their way of the ninja—for good.