Disclaimer : I do not own the GW characters but are sure as hell I own the Original Characters…

Author's Note : This is my 2nd ficcy and I hope you will like it and LOVE it. This time I have it beta'ed thanks to lass48. Without her I guess readers would scratch their head until bold in trying to understand my ficcy. Whelp, I will use this 'PROLOGUE' chapter to test the water first… again. Don't say I didn't warn ya… just kidding

One more thing. I have alternated the 'Costa Rica' to suit my flow of ficcy. So, don't expect the original Costa Rica in here.


Beautiful Life

000Beep000 intercom sound.

/phone talking/


Seated behind the grand mahogany desk, Quatre was staring at the ceiling deep in thought. Head resting on the back of his leather executive chair, hands on the arms of the chair. Paper work lay forgotten on his desk. It had been two years since they had last heard from Wufei. Heero's expertise in tracking and hacking into systems and hiring private investigators brought them no closer to Wufei whereabouts. After the end of the war three years ago, all five of them would at least send greetings to each other by e-mail or have a get together lunch or dinner once in a while to catch up as all of them have gone down their own different path in their lives.

Quatre has taken over his father's business and is now a CEO. Trowa continued to stay with the circus. A few months later, Catherine could take no more of his brooding over his undeclared love for Quatre and had to practically kick him out of his trailer, threatening him with her throwing knife if he dared to come back without his soul mate. Quatre smiled at the memory. To think back again, it was quite funny and good enough to laugh out loud. Right after Catherine had kicked Trowa out, she called him at his mansion, shouting his poor ear off and threatening to shave off his body hair if both of them did not talk it out. Catherine knew all this time and yet she hadn't said anything in the past. After the yelling session, Quatre had been wearing a rut on the floor in his living room, pacing back and forth, driving his servants crazy until Rashid had to force him to sit down and talk to him. He was shocked for the second time because not only Catherine but Rashid also knew it. Was he really that obvious?

That night, lightning slashing through the sky, blinding every eye, thunder crashing through the sky, earth rumbled echoing, wind threatening to blow away the weak; the sounds of pounding on the door could be barely heard. Rashid opened it to reveal a very wet Trowa standing on the other side shivering from the wind and cold. Rashid quickly ushered him in, closing the door and shouted over the thunder for the servants to prepare blankets, dry clothes and hot tea for the young man. Half an hour later, Trowa was dry and warm, cocooned in layers of blankets, seated on the comfy couch, nursing his tea. Quatre was seated not far away from Trowa, fidgeting with his hands and fingers. Neither said a word but both of them would steal glances at each other and if their eyes met, they would blush and looked away quickly. As time ticked by their nervousness echoed in the hall. After what seemed like hours, one of his peeping servants called Amelia couldn't take it any longer and stomped into the hall and straight to them, surprising them both. Ranting at how obstinate they were and worse than a girl who falls in love. Not waiting for their response, she took Trowa's tea away from him and put it on the table. Unwrapped the blankets around Trowa, she grabbed Quatre by the arm and pulled him over and planted him next to Trowa saying that body heat is much faster to warm somebody up than tea. She rewrapped the blankets around both of them tighter, giving them no chance to free themselves. When Amelia was done, brushing her hands together, nodding in approval she dismissed herself, leaving them alone mentioning something about preparing the bed for a good night's sleep. Both boys blushed furiously. That day was the day that they had officially become partners and lovers. The next day, Trowa went back to the circus with his hand linked together with Quatre's. Catherine was happy with both of them. Trowa quit the circus and became Quatre's assistant in the company.

Quatre blinked his eyes and came back to earth when he felt someone giving him a peck on his forehead. Tilting his head a little, he saw Trowa leaning on the edge of the desk with his hip and smiling fondly at him.

"Hey." Quatre smiled back.

"Hey, yourself. Welcome back to earth." Trowa teased.

Quatre pouted. "I didn't go that far."

"Maybe not but you sure are taking your time. I have been standing right in front of you for more than twenty minutes. It seemed like you were enjoying your little trip, smiling like that. People will think you are out of your mind smiling for no reason."

"Speak for yourself lion boy! It looks like you are the one who people will think is out of your mind. You have been talking more than in the past." Quatre chirped.

Trowa rolled his eyes at hearing his nickname which Quatre had made up for him and used when there is only just the two of them. "So, what has you so wrapped up in your thoughts?"

Quatre let out a heavy sigh. He dropped his smile and looked away from Trowa. "Nothing. Just reminiscing about our past… when all of us were together…"

Trowa knew it. They had all tried in every possible way to find Wufei. They had checked all hospital records, missing persons, even as far as China and their last option – mortuaries, which they thanked God, the results were negative. No news means good news and that means Wufei is still out there somewhere. They would continue to search. They would not give up.

"We will find him, kitten." Trowa grasped his shoulder reassuringly. Quatre looked back at him and give him a weary smile. He touched the hand on his shoulder.

000Beep000 Mr. Winner, you have a call from Detective Rock Gay on the line. 000Beep000

Both Trowa and Quatre in a matter of seconds straightened their backs. Their faces had serious looks on them. Quatre pushed the intercom button with his forefinger.

"Connect the line."

000Beep000 Connecting the line. 000Beep000

/Mr. Winner, Detective Rock Gay here. I've got news for you. Target found. Waiting for you in my office./

Quatre sucked in his breath, eyes gleaming with joy. "We'll be right there as soon as possible. Thank you for your hard work." Quatre disconnected the line. Tears started to well up in his aqua blue eyes and he turned to look at Trowa, giving him a watery smile.

"Finally…" Quatre choked. He tried to swallow the lump in his throat.

Trowa smiled with happiness. His heart gave a flutter with the news. He embraced Quatre, one hand on his head, the other rubbing his back soothingly. Quatre buried his face in his stomach, hands wrapping tightly around his waist and cried his heart out, soaking Trowa's clothes. After two long years, they had finally found him.

"H… he's alive…. W…we have f… finally f…found hi… him…" Quatre's sobbed uncontrollably.

Happy tears trailed down Trowa's face. "Yes, kitten. He's alive."

When they had calmed enough, erasing any traces of their tears on their faces, Quatre called Duo and Heero about the good news and requested them to meet at the PI office.

They all arrived at the PI office at the same time. Duo's tires screeching on the asphalt leaving burned lines as he desperately braked his car to a stop, swirling 45 degrees and right in the parking spot next to Heero's. That's Duo for you. He could be a champion in hill racing car if he wanted to. Duo had practically broken almost all the road safety laws after he got the call from Quatre. Swearing as he drove something about killing Wufei, bringing him back to life and kill him again ten thousand times for disappearing on them for two fucking years. His eyes were glassy.

No greeting exchanged between them, they rushed inside the PI's building and straight to Detective Rock Gay's office. Without any preamble in knocking on the door, they hustled in. The detective stood up from his seat behind his desk, requesting them to take their seats as he sat back in his leather chair.

"I have finally found the target in a small town near the beach somewhere in Costa Rica. When I first found him, I was not sure if he was the target you had described to me but after I checked his background and all, I have finally confirmed it's him." The detective briefed.

"What do you mean by not sure?" Quatre demanded. They all looked grim.

"In your description you stated that he is a healthy, anti-social person, smart, wearing traditional oriental clothing and shoulder length hair pulled back tightly in a pony tail. The target I found is totally out of character I might say."

The detective's hand disappeared below the desk to pull out a bunch of photos and spread them out for everybody to see. All four of them stood up bending their backs to hover over the desk. They gave a collective gasp. In the photos, a very familiar Chinese man with his hair tied in a loose pony tail was tilting his head up smiling at a well built brunette haired guy. The guy seemed to be talking to the Chinese man with a graceful smile on his lips, pushing the wheelchair in front of him.