This is set in a crossover world I came up with long ago. I'm sure you and your friends have debated if certain characters could beat other ones. So I've actually done it.

A few notes: All characters should be behaving properly. In this scenario, Riku and Sora are going out. Harry Potter is a Jedi Padawan. Ed and Al are post movie. Riku is Sephiroth's half-brother. There is an OC mentioned who is only relevant in that she's how everyone knows one another.

Take a chance and keep reading. This really works surprisingly well. It's just meant to be a fun little action story. If there are questions or concerns please tell me.

Disclaim: Don't own the characters, only their games, movies, and other money draining merchandise.

"Oh please." Ed rolled his eyes. "We could sooo take you old timers on."

"Cocky little punk, isn't he?" Ani commented not even looking at the group on the floor.

"Who you callin' little?"

"You, runt." Vash laughed loudly. He quickly got serious. "So you really think the five of you can handle us?"

"Hell yeah."

Al and Sora exchanged hesitant looks, knowing they were being dragged into something they weren't going to like. Riku merely shrugged from his spot beside Sora. "I doubt it would be too difficult."

"What about you, Harry?" Vash narrowed his eyes at the Brit. "Think you can take your master?"

Harry glanced over at Ani, who was still focused on his video game. He took a quick look back at the other boys. When he turned back to Vash his grin was overly confident. "With these guys? You wouldn't stand a chance."

Ani raised an eyebrow, still mashing buttons. "Seems my Padawan has been influenced by some trouble makers who need to be put in their place."

Dante suddenly threw down his controller. Ani let out an abrupt hey as Dante stood, an evil grin on his face. "Why are we arguing about this? Friday, 9 a.m. You five against us three in a war game. We'll kick your asses in under three hours."

"You're on!" Ed jumped up, falling short of coming face to face with him.

The other four boys couldn't help but notice the amused expressions on all three men's faces. They weren't in the least concerned about losing to a bunch of teenagers.

Al leaned over to Sora. "We're in big trouble."

"I wouldn't say big." Riku spoke calmly, squitinizing each man. "But it's going to be tough."

Sora noticed Riku's expression. "They're gonna kick our butts."

"Not necessarily." He murmured back.

"Let's go, guys." Ed turned on his heel. "We've got some planning to do."

They got reluctantly to their feet, following the former State alchemist. Riku and Sora didn't look back but Harry gave Ani a quick nod. As they walked out, a hesitant "but, Brother," could be heard from Al.

Dante doubled over, white hair falling in his eyes. "Oh, man! Those kids don't have a clue!"

"Riku does." Ani countered, hitting the reset on the PlayStation. "He's already formulating a plan. It'll be a solid one, too."

"Sephiroth is a damned military genius and Riku's been learning from him." Vash added.

Dante shrugged. "How wonderful for him. How much real combat experience does he have?"

"Very little."

Ani looked away from the loading screen. "Sora has the most melee experience. Ed was more special ops. Al and Harry have only dealt with what would basically be skirmishes."

"Who's got the most power?"

"Technically Riku. Not only is he a Keybearer, he's part of Jenova's legacy."

"And she was one nasty bitch." Vash grimaced. "She was exiled for a reason."

"Yeah, I've heard of Jenova." Dante folded his arms. "My old man had a run in with her years back."

Vash looked curious as hell but didn't ask for details. It wasn't likely Dante would have any anyway. Dante's knowledge of his father was limited. "So if Riku's gonna play general, we should take him out first."

"You want him or can I?" Dante looked bored again.

"You're the half-demon. I think it's a law or something that you deal with the half-angel." Vash waved a dismissive hand.

"Then I get Sora." Ani declared. "We're both Chosen."

"Fine, that leaves Ed to Vash." Dante sat back in his original seat, reclaiming his controller. "We handle Al and Harry as necessary."

Vash looked to Ani who merely shrugged before returning to his and Dante's game.