Max stands next to the park light. "You aren't going to do it, Alec." She chuckles to herself and pulls her jacket around her arms tightly.

"I said I would so I will. You don't have to act like I'm a complete wimp or something." Alec takes off his jacket and tosses it onto a park bench. His companion chuckles as the lights flickered before shining brightly to the other side of the bench. "Its kind of dark out, Max."

"Which is perfect for what you're going to be doing," she says with a chuckle.

"Don't remind me." A green sweater and white t-shirt add to the pile on the bench. She sits down still laughing at him. "Stop chuckling to yourself. I'm still convinced that you somehow cheated me into this."

"oo . . Has someone been working out?" She asks jokingly. "How could I cheat you? It's impossible! Seriously, how can you rig a football game?. Brr . . . its chilly out, Alec. You cold?"

"No, I am not cold." He glares at her a little smile tickling his mouth. "Not cold at all . ." He starts unzipping his pants.

"Really? Because you look pretty chilly . . . You can still back out. . . ."

"I refuse to back out of this, Max. I said I would if the Raiders lost and they did." He adds mumbling, "And besides I don't have any money to pay you." His pants add to the pile. He looks around the dark park; everything is covered in shadows except for the circle of light on the other side of the bench and the brightly lit neighborhood. "You may want to turn around or something . . ."

She laughs again. "Why would I want to miss this? Go! Go, do what you said you would. The Seahawks crushed your darling Raiders. Now, GO! Show them what you've got. Underwear too, that's cheating if you wear them . . .

"You are the devil! I'm surprised you haven't grown horns yet."

A thought runs through her mind, I'm plenty horny. But she keeps it to herself. Instead she puts her forefingers atop her head to look like horns and roars while making a face. "Rawr, streaker, boy! Around the block and I wanna see you not trying your hardest!"

"You are so twisted." Alec pulls off his underwear and throws them on top of his clothes and starts running. Max jumps up and watches him run out the park and down the street to the surprise of a housewife walking her dog and midnight through suburban Seattle. When will people ever learn, Max ponders with a barely stifled laugh.