I really like this story, though I couldn't tell you why or where it came from. I hope you guys do too. If so, review it. I get the impression that plenty of people READ it judging by the amount of hits I get, but if you don't review, I assume the majority read it and dislike it and that makes me not want to continue... So, please, an one author to another, review. I return the favor on everything I read, be it compliments, conversation, or criticism, I do review. I'd like the same.


Tohru had plenty of dishes to tend to after breakfast was said and done, being that many others accompanied her this time than usual. Thankfully it was a Saturday and school was not in session. Gathering the numerous collection of plates, cups, and utensils, she headed towards the sink and dumped the contents within the soapy suds.

Yuki followed her with the intentions of helping, but Shigure paused him with a hand to his forearm.

"You want to ask her, don't you?" Shigure bluntly asked, a smile forming at his mouth.

Yuki could only stare and settled back on his legs. Did he want to ask her? Is that why he got so nervous this morning when he saw her dancing? Did he want Tohru on her arm? Dancing with him? Perhaps a slow dance, if at all possible with the curse? Would she accept? Or did she like someone else...? Some like...Kyo? Haru? Maybe Momiji? They had grown close together.


Haru sat stoic, watching the exchange between Shigure and Yuki. Admittingly, he too wanted to ask Tohru to the ball. Who didn't? If not for age he was sure Shigure would be among the list. But it didn't matter who wanted to ask. All that mattered was her answer.


Kyo had left moments earlier to take up a spot on the couch, flipping through the channels while munching on the last pancake. His thoughts drifted to her as well. Curious as to if she would even want a date to the ball. He wasn't oblivious, he realized he wasn't the only one who had her in mind as a date... But he was competitve, and he knew he wasn't going to let anyone else attend the ball with her. Only he could.


Momiji licked at the leftover syrup on his hands. The sugary substance settling swiftly on his tongue. It reminded him of Tohru. Sweet, delightful, sticky. Finishing off the delicous treat he glanced at Yuki, then Haru. Could he honestly compete with those two? And what about Kyo? Momiji knew he liked her.

'Maybe', thought Momiji, 'I should do some investigating...'

Quietly rising he went to the kitchen to help Tohru, leaving the others to their thoughts. Shigure and Aaya soon left as well, retreating back into Shigure's mess of a room. Once the door shut behind them, they began to gossip about the upcoming ball like giddy schoolgirls.

"Who do you think will ask first?" Shigure began, a curious look about him. A hand deftly rubbing the light stubble on his dimpled chin.

Aaya didn't answer, having pulled out a cellphone to dial Ha'ri. "Tori!" Began the excited snake. "We've got an issue. It seems that they all want to ask our precious flower to the dance. And who could blame them as she'll be wearing a gorgeous gown designed by none other than myself? Shame! You just imagined her in said gown, didn't you?"

Hatori, who stood outside Shigure's front door, pulled the phone away from his ear, head shaking in disbelief. "I'm not Shigure." Though his hair was becoming frighteningly close to the perverted novelist's own.

"No matter, you must arrive here soon! We must fill you in immediately," Aaya said, waving his hand to show his impatience though the Dragon wouldn't be able to see such.

Closing his phone, slipping through the door and out of his shoes, Hatori moved past the teenagers and back into Shigure's room. Opening the door, he stood for a moment in shock at the state of his surrondings. If the kitchen before Tohru moved in was a garbage jungle, then this was the landmine of trash. Shuddering, he pushed his way in and spotted Aaya and Shigure by the window.

"That was fast," Blinked a suprised Shigure, noting that it took only five seconds.

"Your love for Tohru flew you over here!" Aaya began, smiling triumphantly.

Shaking his head, Hatori didn't bother to explain. "Right. Now what's this about all of them wanting to escort Tohru?"

"Doesn't even bother to greet us, just talks about Tohru." Shigure shook his head as if sad.

"Worry not, Gure. For if Tori no longer wants you, I will never leave your side."

"Really, Aaya?" Sighing dramatically, Shigure looked up at Aaya with sad puppy-dog eyes. He, of course, being the master of that expression.

"Of course." And simutaneously both raised their thumbs and let out a "Yes!".

Restraning the urge to strangle them both and knock their heads together, Hatori sighed. "Back to my question..."

"Ah, yes. Well, I asked a simple question at breakfast. Which was lovely, by the way. Tohru makes delicous pancakes, remind me to compliment her later."

"On with it!" Hatori growled lightly in frustration, rubbing the bridge of his nose.

"Yes... Well, I asked who they were taking as their date and everyone looked towards the lovely Tohru. Of course she didn't notice, pouring me another cup of orange juice, but it was rather interesting." Aaya nodded firmly.

"I see..." Hatori began, being cut off by Shigure.

"Which are you betting on, Tori?"

"Mine is on Yuki, of course. My little brother takes after me, after all. And I cause women to swoon all over." Grinned Aaya, delighted at the fact he was able to take up for his little brother and compliment himself.

"Kyo." Shigure said simply with a smirk. "If she says no, he'll just beat her and drag her along anyway. His temper is nice once in awhile."

Hesitating, Hatori wasn't sure he actually wanted to enter this bet. He wanted to watch over them, not influence their decisions... But... He couldn't help but voice his opinons. "Personally, I'm going with Haru. Momiji likes her, or so I've heard, but he thinks Haru belongs with her, so he'll likely take himself out of the running and help Haru win her over."

Shigure and Aaya thought about this for a moment, nodding as each took in the others bet... And then it hit them as Shigure asked, "Who are you taking?"

None of them had dates either...


In the kitchen, a not-so-bubbly Momiji was helping his opposite. The brunette beauty was excited still, knowing the masquerade was a week away. However her excitement dimmed as she passed a plate to Momiji, noting the frown on his cute little lips.

"What's wrong, Momiji-Kun?" Concern immediately filled her voice as she watched the rabbit dry.

Momiji shrugged, a smile quickly coming to his lips once more. "I was just wondering about you, Tohru."

"Eh? Me? Why?" Tohru's concern became confusion as she continued her chores.

"Yea. About your feelings and who you're taking to the ball," A coy reply from Momiji caused Tohru to blush soon after.

"My f-feelings?" Lightly, her cheeks reddened. "What do you mean?"

Setting the plate aside and taking her wet hands into his own, Momiji smiled. "About us, Tohru."

Blinking her large eyes, Tohru wasn't sure had to respond. "I love you all very much! And I'm grateful to each and every one for all the oppurtunitites you've given me. The Sohma's have been very kind to me, even Akito-San."

Momiji shook his head, laughing lightly in his head. He really had grown. "Not about the Sohma's in general, the indivuals. Such as myself... Yuki, Haru, Kyo." He watched her closely, taking in how the tone of her skin changed.

"O-oh. That..." Tohru became nervous, not sure how to answer of even if she could.

"Are you planning on taking anyone? As a date, I mean." Momiji let go of her hands, turning once more to the dishes to occupy himself while he waited for an answer. While he tried not to let it show, he was nervous about her answer. He wanted to take her, more than anything, but realized that Tohru still thought of him as a child, a little brother, and not as a competitor for her heart or hand.

A dish slipped from Tohru's hand as she contemplated this, shattering against the tile into dozens of pieces. "Oops!" Flushing bright red, she bent to scoop up the pieces. The sound summonded Haru and Yuki, and worried the remaining males in the household.

Yuki went to help her gather the pieces, and when Tohru looked into his eyes filled with compassion and focused on her and the task at hand, she blanched. The broken pieces fell from her hands and she fled from the house, forsaking a coat and sensible shoes.

Hatsuharu being closest to the door soon followed her outside, chasing her into the woods and hoping that she knew the way back. Tohru wasn't that fast of a runner, and thanks to his martial arts training, he was. He caught up to her pretty easily, finding her against a tree and panting.

"Hatsuharu-San!" Her eyes bulged as she waved her hands in front of her, "I didn't mean to worry you!" She panted out, struggling to catch her breath. "Please, go back inside. You don't even have shoes on!"

Grinning, Haru cocked his head to the side, having found the chase exciting he gave in to his darker side. Black Haru emerging with his cocky attitude and heated eyes he replied, "Neither do you."

Tohru noted the change and risked not a movement to encure the infamous wrath of the darker side of the normally politle man. "Well...That's because I'm a bit silly. Whereas you're not."

Black Haru nodded in agreement. "You are indeed silly..." Taking a step towards her, his hand encasing her chin and delicately caressing her cheek, he leaned in. "Now, tell me, why did you flee, little lamb?"

Tohru allowed the embrace of her face, saying nary a word about it. "I needed air." A little lie never hurt, right? And she did. That look in Yuki's eye, those swirled emotions she never noticed before scared her. Did she show the same for someone else? For him? Was she so easy to read?

"Now now, don't lie." His lips moved closer to her own, the slightest inhale would bring them crushed together. And none amongst the two had complaints if such occured.

"I'm scared... Will I get date, Black Hatsuharu-San? Or will I ever get a b-b-boyfriend?" She had trouble admitting the word, especially when so close to someone she would have liked to make said word.

Black Haru chuckled low and deep, moving a fraction of an inch back from her as his other lightly petted her head. "Of course you will, little lamb. Just you wait. I'd take you now, but you don't seem ready."

Tohru, didn't understand that he meant his words in a perverse manner, and smiled brightly. "Would you? That makes me so happy to hear Black Hatsuharu-San!"


For a moment, the dense girl didn't understand. Catching on, her grin broadened. "Haru-Kun."

His head cocked to the side, "Mhm?" He thought she was asking for something.

"I was just saying your name."

Pressing a light kiss to her lips, he cockily threw a "You can scream it later," before his other half regained control and put space between the two. Feigning ignorance about his Black half's action, Haru said not a word, simply offering Tohru his hand.

With blazing cheeks and a racing pulse, she took it, and led the way back to the house. It was offical... Tohru couldn't find a Prince to her Princess. There were so many. A tempting, lust causing Prince with a gentle demeanor and a hint of danger. A gentle, careful Prince with words of comfort and support. And a handsome, awkward Prince with a heart of gold even if rarely shown.

Whoever would she choose?


Can you figure out which Prince is which at the end of that? I hope so... I tried to make it obvious, yet not, y'know? And I'm sorry Momiji/Tohru fans, but I needed an 'Inner-Circle matchmaker' and he seemed the easiest. I promise to get a MxT Fic out soon. Promise. As always, review.

Those who do get a cupcake with pretty icing.

Love, Micahskitty