Forgive Me

Summary: This fic was inspired by the song Forgive Me by Evanescence.

I don't own Bleach and I don't own the song Forgive Me. Kudos to the people who own them! Merely putting the two concepts together, I suppose the idea, I can claim for myself.

"Forgive Me"

Can you forgive me again?
I don't know what I said
But I didn't mean to hurt you

I heard the words come out
I felt that I would die
It hurt so much to hurt you

Then you look at me
You're not shouting anymore
You're silently broken

I'd give anything now
to kill those words for you

Each time I say something I regret I cry "I don't want to lose you."
But somehow I know that you will never leave me, yeah.

'Cause you were made for me
Somehow I'll make you see
How happy you make me

I can't live this life
Without you by my side
I need you to survive

So stay with me
You look in my eyes and I'm screaming inside that I'm sorry.

And you forgive me again
You're my one true friend
And I never meant to hurt you

I Hurt You

They were the only two people hidden behind the shadows. It was a star filled night and it would have been something they would have loved to remember if only they were in a different circumstance. Just a few nights ago they confessed their love for each other. They spent their first night together and it was something that would forever be etched in their minds and hearts.

They stood on the roof of the Kurosaki clinic. The wind was blowing through their Shinigami uniforms. Rukia looked up at his face as if remembering every detail of his features. She moved towards him and touched his cheek. Her hands lingered in his face. He moved his face closer to her warm hand. They talked about this day even before. It was something that was bound to happen. He was still human and she was still Shinigami. The rules of soul society were against them and he could not afford to cause her any trouble.

"We don't have to end this way? I can give up being Shinigami for you," she said her voice was determined.

"Idiot, you can't give up your life in soul society to be with me. I can't give you the life of nobility that you have there," he replied. "You have to go back. You don't belong here," he added. Ichigo did not want to look at her. His face would reveal his true emotions.

"But we love each other. You told me the other night that you would die if I leave you and now you want me to go back. Why?" she asked him. Her emotions were on the brim of exploding she felt betrayed. "Don't I mean anything to you? What about all the things we've been through together are those all nothing to you?" her voice was filled with anger.

"They don't mean a thing," he muttered. Rukia froze. The words cut through her heart like a knife. "You mean nothing to me. Go back to your brother and your friends. Leave me and never come back. I want to be normal again. I don't need all this crap. I don't need you," he added. His face was emotionless.

Rukia felt as if she was being stabbed to death. Each thrust was causing her heart to break even more. She wanted to break down and cry. She wanted to hit him and kick him hard. She wanted to hurt him so badly but she could not move. His words pierced through her heart.

She looked at him one last time. Her cerulean eyes were blurred with tears, of sadness. He finally met her stare but it was cruel and cold hearted eyes not the loving ones she remembered.

"Goodbye Kurosaki," she sounded distant and cold. "Thank you for everything. It was fun hanging out with you. Tell the rest that it was nice to have met all of them. Too bad I couldn't give them a proper farewell. Tell your father and your sisters that I appreciate their kindness. Goodbye Ichigo. I feel stupid because all the while I was just being played at. I never thought you were that type of person. Too bad I actually fell in love with you. Don't worry, you'll never see me again and if you happen to go to soul society I'll make it a point to get out of your way." She shun-poed and somehow disappeared in the cold night.

He tried searching the darkness for any signs of her presence but even her Reiatsu somehow fell distant then disappeared. He felt weak in the knees. She was really gone.

'It's for her own good. If what Urahara said was right then it would be better if we ended our relationship now before it's too late. I can't let her endanger her life because of me again,' he thought to himself. But before he knew it he slumped on his bed and started crying. It something he had never done in a long while. The last time he cried was when his mother died in his arms.

He wanted to die when his mother died and now that Rukia was hurting so bad he felt the same. He wanted to take back the words and tell her the truth but if it would endanger her life he would much rather endure the pain of not having her than to let her die because of him. He would endure anything for her but the thought that he crushed her heart into tiny little pieces made him loathe himself.

Ichigo became a shell. He was lifeless as ever. Rukia was always in his mind. She was always in his dreams. He loved her so much and the emptiness that she left in his heart was killing him. He just kept telling himself that he deserved it for hurting her feelings. He neither talked to his father nor his sisters. He avoided everyone. He would often find himself in the park where they would usually slay hollows. He would frequent the places that they often went to.

Days and weeks passed and Ichigo was still in his sorry state. Inoue, Tatsuki, Ishida, Chad, Keigo and Mizuiro noticed how he has changed. He was physically there but he seemed to be in a different world at the same time.

"Kurosaki-kun, do you have a problem?" Inoue asked him worriedly.

"It's nothing. Don't mind me. I'm okay," he replied and walked away.

"Oy Ichigo! Stop being an idiot and face your problem," Tatsuki just came out from nowhere and kicked him hard on the face. "Did somebody important die? Why are you acting like your mom died all over again," Tatsuki berated.

"It's none of your business!" he yelled back at both girls then walked away.

'And you say you don't love her,' Renji thought to himself as he watched Ichigo's little show.

A/N: This is a new fic... I've actually been putting this story together in my head and I've finally typed it down. I hope that you guys will enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. Read and Review. Hopefully I can get enough reviews…this one is a multi-chap fic so I'm pretty excited …. I've almost mapped everything out….