A/N Ok I know I gave this all to you earlier but you need to read it again because I add some important things and Edward's POV of the last event.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------B POV

I hurried down the hall, back up the stairs, and into my room. I packed some clothes and book what ever I would need for about a week in Forks. I can't believe how long I'd been away. I really missed my family; Jake and my other brothers. It was almost a year sense I last saw them. They are what had keep me going all these years even through the pain when Edward left to the transformation.


Jacob dropped me off at my house after the cliff diving incident and went back to help his father. He told me to stay at home and that there was nothing to worry about. I went into the house and decided to make dinner. It had been a long day so I got out some leftover lasagna out of the fridge and heated it up. I eat it slowly as it stung the back of my throat. I was still tired even though I sleep the whole afternoon. As I walked up the stairs I had a bad feeling that something was going to go wrong, but I wrote it off as a premonition for a bad dream.

I reached my room and turned on the light. There staring malevolently at me was Victory. Red hair blowing in the wind from the open window. It matched the blood red eye that were staring at me. They were hungery, angry, and wild. I was frozen too scared to move. She started to come towards me slowly just to mock me. I automactically took some steps back trying to find a way out only to hit the wall behind me. I was trapped, even if I found a way out she could out run me any way. She laughed bitterly as she bit down. The pain was worse then last time she wasn't taking out the blood, but injecting the venom. It was fire going through my blood. I screemed unable to hold it in any longer. The last thing I remember before blacking out was a crash in my room.

I wake in a warm bed. The air was thick with warmth and had a salty taste. I felt oddly cold almost unnaturally. I could tell I wasn't home. But then where was I? I had the strangest feeling that I was being watched. I slowly opened my eyes. Jacob was standing at the foot of the bed with a mixture of fear, pain, and worry on his face. Next to him was Billy, Emily, and the rest of the La Push gang they all had the same look on their faces. I began to get scared. "What's wrong?" I finally asked my voice shacking.

Jacob bit his lip and looks at his feet. Sam stepped in with an explanation.

They just made it in time to stop her from killing me, there was nothing else they could do. I felt like an ice cub dropped down into my stomach. I'm a Vampire. I know I had been having weird dreams and all but this takes the cake. No way on in hell was I a vampire. But from the look on Jacob's face I knew it was true. I felt like I was sinking slowly. "Is there something more?" I asked.

"You have a heart beat." Explained Jacob slightly hopeful. I put my hand to my chest where my heart had always been. There is was beating fast with my fear. What was I? I always knew I was weird for a human, but this was a little much.

"What does that mean?" Although we never really figured out what I really was, we soon found out about my extra little power was. It turned out to be very useful in more ways than one.


I went down stairs my backpack thrown across my shoulder and walked up to Mary. I told her that I was leaving and going to be gone for a while. She just nodded her head and tried to act professional. I turned around and he was there again. I nearly gave me a heart attack.

"Sorry I scared you." He said studying my face. Shit, I hope he doesn't recognize me. But would that be that bad? If not why was I leaving?

"Oh, its ok. I've always been a little jumpy." Liar, I told my self.

"Where are you going?" He passed all the stupid questions like what's going on and are you going some where.

"Home, or where home use to be." I explain getting quieter as I said it.

"Oh," Was that all he could say?

"Well, I'd best be going. It was nice meeting you Edward." I said sticking out my hand. Boy, it felt nice to say his name again.

"Yeah, nice meeting you too," He took my hand I could feel a shiver run up my spine.

I turned and walk to the door. I was about to leave when Edward said something. "Goodbye Bella."

I wiped around "What did you say?"

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------E POV

She came back down the stairs and went strait for the counter. I walked up behind her to see if I could hear what she was saying. Before I could understand a word she turned around. She look taken back by my sudden silent appearance.

"Sorry, I scared you." I said. Apologizing felt like the right thing to do. I liked at her face. She had this familiar look, but it didn't seem to fit.

"Oh, it's ok. I've always been a little jumpy." She was lying. Even though I couldn't read her mind her eyes gave her away.

I couldn't stop my self from saying, "where are you going?" The question was burning inside, I needed to know.

"Home, or where home use to be" she sounded sad. She must really miss it. I miss Forks like she misses her home, it was the only place I could call home.

"Oh," I was too deep in thought to give a real response.

"Well, I'd best be going. It was nice meeting you." She held up her small pale hand to me.

"Yeah nice to meet you." I took her hand and shook it. I look up into her eyes and even though they were a different color they were the same depth and feeling. It came crashing down on me like a ton of bricks; She was Bella. She let go of my hand I began to feel even colder as she went to leave. It was now or never. "Goodbye Bella." It really hurt to be standing there telling her to leave, but what else could I do.

Bella spun around fast. "What did you say," she demanded. Her eyes were full of some strong emotion I couldn't place.

A/N ok still a slight cliff hanger, but how could I resist. Like to know do think I messed up the moment from Edward's POV should I go and fix it or not. Tell the truth, please Review. Bye