I don't own full metal alchemist or its characters.


Riza had nothing to do that Monday night. She hadn't gone to see Roy that afternoon because he had another doctors appointment, his last checkup. It was almost eight at night when there was a knock on the door. Riza went to answer it, and to her surprise, it was Piro. oh joy. She invited him in and excused herself so she could change out of her pajamas and into something a bit nicer. She went into her room and shed her clothes, and while she was looking for something else to wear, her door opened.

"Piro! I, uh, I'll be out in a minute, I have to put some clothes on." she sputtered, standing there in a bra and her underwear.

"no you don't."

"no I don't what?"

" you don't have to put any clothes on." he said, moving towards her. She moved back and bumped into her nightstand. He walked over to her and pushed her onto the bed, kissing her while she struggled underneath him. He slipped his own pants off then pulled her underwear off and tossed it on the floor"

"stop it Piro!"

"Why? don't you want me?" he said as his fingers found the clasp on her bra and he practically ripped it off.

"what's wrong with you?"

"I don't want that guy to take you away from me, so I'm going to make you mine."

"you wont gain anything from raping me!"

"unless you get pregnant."

That's when Riza realized she was in danger. While Piro was busy assaulting her neck, she reached under her pillow and found her mini hand gun.

"Piro, did I ever tell you what my occupation was?" she asked, causing him to look up questioningly. He found himself nose to nose with her gun.

"I work for the military, and I'm their number one sharpshooter. Oh, and 'that other guy'? His name is Roy. One, he is my superior, and two, he's the man I love. Two reasons why you should have never dared to insult him."

She pulled her gun away from his face and hit him hard over the head with the gun's but. He fell to the ground, holding his head.

"you little bitch!"

Riza, who despite her outburst of courage to tell off Piro and hit him, was scared. She wrapped a blanket around her otherwise naked body and bolted out of her house, gun in hand, as Piro pulled himself off the ground. He stood up and looked to the door, then grabbed his clothes, yanked them on and chased after her.


Roy heard a faint knock on his door. He rubbed his eyes and got up out of his bed. When he opened the door, Riza was standing there, sniffling and shivering from the cold. He pulled her inside and put his arms around her, and she just stood there, shivered and sniffled. Finally, when she stopped sniffling, he went into the kitchen and made her a cup of hot coco.

"you can take the blanket off you, its warm in here" Roy said quietly, after Riza had stopped shivering.

"I cant take it off."

"why? Is it stuck to you?"

"no, I don't have anything else…" her voice trailed off, but she quietly finished her sentence when Roy gave her a questioning look. "I don't have anything else under it."

Normally Roy would have made a perverted comment, but he could tell something happened so he went in his room and fished out a pair of clean boxers and a tank top, then directed her to the bathroom. She came out and found him sitting on his bed. She sat next to him and he looked at her, waiting for her to explain something.

"Piro tried to…" She whispered. "he tried to rape me."

Roy immediately started thinking of ways to kill that bastard, while he took hold of Riza and sat with her. A few minutes of silence passed by, then out of nowhere there was a loud banging on the door.

"I'll get it." Roy said, having an idea of who it might be. He left the room, but Riza picked up her gun and followed him out. She was almost to the door when Roy yelled out in pain and grabbed his stomach. He fell to the floor leaving Riza's bullet a clear path to Piro. The shot hit him in the arm, and he immediately turned and ran when she told him the next one would be the last thing he ever saw. She ran over to Roy, who had pulled himself up with the table. He was inspecting his wound, thankfully it hadn't reopened, but Piro's punch would indeed leave a nice bruise.

"I got shot by someone" he mumbled

"yes, I know"

"it was raining and my flame wouldn't work. It was Envy. She shot at Maes and I jumped in front of him."

"Roy! You're remembering!" Riza exclaimed as she wrapped her arms around him and laid her head on his chest.

" Everything else is still fuzzy, but I think I'm getting some of my memory back! I think it was the gunshot and the pain that did it. When I was shot, I heard the gunshot and then my stomach hurt really badly. The pain from the punch combined with the sound of the gunshot must have made me remember the first time it happened."

"I'm so glad your memory is coming back." Riza said. Then something popped into her mind.


"thank you Riza, thank you for being here."

"si- Roy, are you sure you're okay?" she asked softly,

He leaned closer to her and embraced her in a hug, the best he could with a hole in his stomach. "I love you Riza" he whispered in her ear.


"Roy? Do you remember what you said…"

"before I passed out and lost my memory? Yes, I remember."

"was it…true?"

"the most truthful thing that's ever come out of my mouth" he said, before scooping her up and carrying her into his room, swinging the door shut with his foot.


(sorry lemon lovers, I aint gonna write a lemon because I'm working on my dads computer and I don't want to risk being disowned if he were to stumble upon it.)

Okay, well:

Piro was arrested for attempted rape and died in jail of aids. (haha)

Riza confessed her feelings for Roy and he soon afterwards proposed to her. She excepted his propsal and they are getting married.

Oh, and Clara fell off a cliff.


Luv, the unknown author of doom