I was sitting in my room staring out my window, simply counting the minutes before I would see Edward. I was beginning to grow restless… He has been hunting for almost a month and I was starting to wonder weather or not he would even come back. The longest he had been away hunting was two weeks, since our return from Italy. Maybe he left again, I thought. It never made since for him to want me anyway. I was stupid to think he would stay this time.


I spun around to see Edward standing behind me. I was happy to finally see him and would've given him a hug if I hadn't noticed he had a troubled look on his face.

"What's wrong Edward?"

"We are leaving."

I started to hyperventilate. This couldn't be happening. We only just got back. He Promised! Why was he doing this again?

"Edward why? You promised...I don't understand." I felt the tears building up in my eyes when it was replaced with anger, "IF YOU DIDN'T WANT TO BE WITH ME …IF YOU DON'T LOVE ME, YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE MADE MORE STUPID AND POINTLESS PROMISES!!?"

He was taken aback by this. He looked down at me with a completely new expression and then started to laugh. This only made me even more angry I was about to yell at him again when he enclosed his lips over mine. I felt my heart jump out of my chest. Now I was very confused. Only when he released me did I realize he was wet, because I was too from being pressed up against him so tightly. I didn't even realize it was raining, and I had been staring out that window for hours.

"Silly Bella." He laughed again

"I don't think it's funny…"

"Bella I meant us, you and I"

I gave him a confused look and he explained.

"Bella do you really think that after I left for so long I am going to spend another moment of my life without you?"

"I don't understand the leaving part…"

"We are going away for a while. Just the two of us you are eighteen now and I think it's time for you to move into our house."

"I'm still confused why do we have to leave all of the sudden… and what about Char- "

I then realized what I just herd.

"Did you say…move into OUR house?"

He smiled my favorite crooked smile


"Yes Bella OUR house. The real reason I was gone for so long…well mostly"


"Well, you see I did go hunting a LOT more then usual I had to prepare for something-It's a surprise so don't ask- But the rest of the time I spent building a house for us"

"BUILDING!! You mean… you built a house by yourself? No help?"

"I studied a little architecture in 1968. Will you stop trying to spoil everything Isabella?"

He sounded aggravated to I decided to just kiss him in stead. Besides, I really did Miss Him.

"Pack your things, I'll go write Charlie a note and leave him a phone number and address."

I guess he knew Charlie wouldn't be back for a week. He was at Seattle for some sort of cop convention. I walked over to my dresser and started pulling out whatever I could find. I really didn't care, I just wanted to leave and go move into mine and Edward's new house. I was really excited by this. Charlie wouldn't like it and Rene would probably have a mental break down. Then I realized this was a really big step for us. Oh my god!

Alice knew about this. She insisted on dragging me to Victoria's Secret last week and bought me several sexy pieces of lingerie. Thank you Alice. I packed up my laptop and my toiletries and bounded down the stairs.