
Mary stood quiet in the town graveyard, her black dress fluttering about in the wind. The green planes and various headstones surrounding her as far as the eye could see.

With no one but her in the scenery, she looked down at the grave before her, her face emotionless through her red and blue eyes. As if emotions were even necessary.

The name of her father etched against it. She simply stared at it, a tear dropping from her eyes, and traverse what happened that fateful night.

She didn't know what was going on…

She was just caught in the cross-fire…

That's all…

She remembered her father, suddenly attacking her with vicious unearthly creatures the moment she got home from the school dance.

The dance…

Mary won't certainly forget it, a night she shared with the young man she deeply cared about. She won't certainly forget it.

After she was attacked, she lost consciousness, faded into the darkness of her own mind. Not knowing what to do, lost in her own thoughts. She felt someone carry her around, taking her somewhere, a draft of the room they were in, the sand she could fell under her as she lay helpless on a cold floor.

After that…

She didn't know what happened next, the story seem to end there but it didn't. She saw him one last time. She felt him hold her close, as if he didn't want to let go…


And that's the last time she ever saw him, Mary woke up outside her house. Thinking she must've fallen asleep on the porch while coming home. It was only half the story.

Does it end here?

Now here she stands, her father reported dead soon after and her, attending his grave. She doesn't mourn for him though. She knew what he did in his last breaths of life. She mourned for someone else.

Are you thinking about him?

The dance was certainly the last moment she spent with him. She'll never forget it, and she knows that he'll never forget it either.

Mary suddenly felt someone's presence behind her…

Is it him?

She turned to see who it was, but no one was there. Only the peaceful gusts of the wind met her in turn. She took a deep sigh as she finally thought it'd be time to leave.

She still has a life to continue…but she'll never forget.


Meanwhile, in another part of town, a clothing store was just about to close. "Hurry up already!" the strict female cashier remarked towards her workmate. "It's about closing time and I want to go home already!"

"Alright, alright, let me just hang back up the shirts those kids knocked down earlier." The other girl replied as she was picking up particles of clothing from the floor.

"Excuse me, Miss." Someone suddenly came up to her.

"I'm sorry, sir, but we're about to close." she pointed out hospitably.

"Oh, I won't be long." The stranger said, "I just wanted to ask…"

"Do you have this in red?" he then brought out a long coat he picked from the aisle.


A/N: Once again, thank you guys for being around until the very end. Thanks for all the reviews you sent me and I hope you enjoyed reading this story.

For the last time,

Peace out.