A/N: Interesting little fact that no one cares about. I didn't make up dark angels for this story (...Well, I technically didn't really make them up, but my version and stuff). It's from a story of mine I'm writing… that I ended up not including them in. Anyways, read and review please

"So, how long will it take to get to Denali?" I asked when Alice handed me the keys to our rental car.

"It'll be lucky if we make it there in six hours," she grumbled. "This car he gave us is terrible. You should drive, though, in case I get another vision. I'd probably end up crashing, and then we'd have to run all the way." I nodded, sliding into the driver's seat.

"So, Alice," I said after a few minutes. "Why can you have visions about Travis now?"

She shook her head, staring out at the dark, snow filled landscape rushing past. "Probably because he's in his demon form. I just can't get visions of him in vampire form. But I still can't get very accurate ones about him." She turned to look ahead of us. "Turn right here, then just go south for awhile." I nodded.

"Alice, if Travis' vampire form and his demon form are completely separate, why is he coming after me?" I asked after a minute.

"Because," she said slowly, "when dark angels change back into demon form earlier than they're supposed to, it's because they're angry. When they change early, everything kind of gets messed up. They're programmed, I guess you could say, to… find the source of the anger and destroy it," she said quietly.

"Like a robot?" I asked exasperatedly. She shrugged. "So what's the complete plan?" I sighed. "What's everyone doing?"

"Esme and Rosalie are taking a really roundabout route here, driving the whole way. They're hoping to drive Travis off your tail. Carlisle and everyone else are with Travis right now, giving us more time."

"But, they'll get hurt," I said, speaking quickly. My words were rushed, bumping into each other on their way out of my mouth. "You said yourself that he's stronger than all of us, so there's no way they can hold him off. And, if he has the Volturi with him, none of us have a chance."

"Bella, relax," Alice said soothingly, putting her cold hand on my shoulder. "My visions aren't accurate with dark angels. I can't always see them, and when I can, the only thing that really will happen is the decision the dark angel makes. My vision showed the Volturi coming after us because that was the decision Travis made, to ask them. I don't know if they'll really come." I bit my lip.

"Travis' body will be in a sort of shock for a little while, since it's not used to changing to demon form early. He'll only be able to use vampire speed, strength, and powers, until he can completely change into demon form. He won't be able to hurt them. It'll give Esme and Rosalie a good head start, so when Travis' body and mind catch up, he won't know where they're going. He'll go in the direction he thinks they went and the guys will fly down and meet us. Everything will be fine."

"Fine," I sighed. "I'll try to relax. Now, does this coven know we're coming?" It didn't really matter, but I had to keep her talking or I'd go insane, thinking about what could happen.

"No, but it doesn't make any difference. They go out hunting the last week of the month. We're allowed to just show up. We won't be there long, anyway." I nodded. Alice's phone rang then, and she picked it up quickly.

"Yes?" Her lips barely seemed to move. She raised an eyebrow. "It's for you," she said, handing it to me. I let go of the wheel with one hand and grabbed the phone.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Bella," Edward said. "Just wanted to make sure you were alright."

"Yeah," I muttered. "Where are you?"

"Travis is unconscious… again," he said smugly, ignoring my question. "He just can't learn. He'll be up again, soon, though."

"Oh," was all I could think to say.

"And Bella?" he asked. "Alice filled you in?"

"Yeah," I said quietly.

"Travis will get his demon strength back in five hours. And if any of us come to Denali, we'll call before we come. Don't expect any of us to just show up."

"Okay…" I said, confused. "But why would that matter?" I heard a growl on the other end.

"He's up again. He'll get stronger over time until he has his full strength. Gotta go. And remember -- we'll call." He hung up.

"…bye," I whispered to the dial tone, closing the phone and handing it back to Alice.

"Why'd he say that?" I asked her. "Why would that matter?"

"Why would what matter?" she asked innocently, turning to stare at me with wide eyes.

"Alice, I know you were listening."

She rolled her eyes. "I'm not sure, I've told you everything I know. Carlisle's the one who studied them immensely, and he doesn't tell us anything. Jasper probably knows, but that's only because he researches everything, and Edward knows everything Carlisle knows. There must be more to dark angels," she said quietly.

The rest of the drive went by in a blur. We entered a large, two story house and I immediately picked a small bedroom to retreat to, lying down on the bed, immersed (I've been wanting to use that word for awhile… and now I finally have! yeah, ignore me) in my thoughts.

I heard a quiet knock on the door. I glanced at the clock. I'd been lying here for nine hours. Wow.

"Alice?" I called. No one responded. Instead, the door opened.

"Bella?" Edward said, sticking his head in, smiling.

"…Weren't you supposed to call?" I asked stupidly.

"Yeah, but Travis was within earshot for awhile. And I didn't have time to call when I got away."

"What do you mean?" I asked, sitting up, genuinely curious. "You made it sound so important."

He laughed. It was a low, rough laugh. It sounded more like something that would come from Emmett, or a football player. Nothing like what I'd remembered Edward's laugh to be like. It didn't sound real.

"Bella, you ask too many questions," he said sweetly. "All you need to know is that you need to get out of here. Come on."

"Where's Alice?"

"She's not coming," he said quietly.


"She just isn't," he said firmly. "We have to go now."

"Okay, let me get dressed," I said slowly. I'd changed into sweats to relax in once we'd gotten here. He didn't move. "Could you leave?" I asked, a little annoyed.

"Oh, yes," he said, turning and walking out, closing the door behind him. I didn't hear him walk away. I crept up next to the door, so I'd be able to hear anything. I pulled my cell phone out and quietly dialed the number.

"Bella?" Edward asked worriedly on the other line. I heard no answer on the other side of the door

A/N: I hadn't originally stopped the chapter there, but I thought it'd be a nice place to stop. Sorry I haven't posted, I've been busy with an original story, and I've been kind of down recently… personal stuff. MY DOG RAN AWAY BECAUSE HIS LOVER RAN AWAY AND FOUND ANOTHER DOG LOVER AND THEN HE HUNG HIMSELF. No. Not really. My friend told me to say that. And I'm sure she'll review and be like "THAT FRIEND'S A LOSER! …oh wait. that's me!" because she's just that awesome. Yeah… ignore me.

I'll try and post again soon. Review please.

Oh, and if you read Kismet: I'm not sure why some people recently added it to their alert list. I did mark it as complete, right? Just checking. Not that I'm not flattered people like the story… just thought I'd say that…
