Jack Bauer didn't know where he was. It had been a long time since Jack remembered being happy. Ever since his wife Teri was taken away from him, all he had known was pain and loss. His daughter, Kim, wanted nothing to do with him. She felt that every time she got close to her father, tragedy inevitably followed. Jack couldn't blame her. It was a harsh truth.

His closest friends, like Teri, were all dead. Tony Almeida, Michelle Dessler and former President David Palmer had all been killed in the last twenty-four hours for trying to help Jack avoid arrest from the Chinese government. Laying here now, beaten, bloodied and barely conscious, Jack would have cried if he had the strength. Teri. Tony. Michelle. David Palmer. Gone, and for no good reason.

Jack had only known happiness once since Teri's death. That was when he met Audrey Raines. Jack and Audrey had fallen deeply in love with each other, but as usually was the case with Jack Bauer, his devotion to protecting his country interfered with him finding love. Audrey bid Jack a tearful goodbye, and aided by Tony, Michelle, David and Chloe O'Brian, Jack was forced to fake his death and go into hiding. Looking back on it now, Jack almost wished he would have let the Chinese take him.

After eighteen months living another life, Jack found himself once again battling a deadly terrorist threat. Jack eliminated the supposed mastermind behind the latest plot, Vladimir Bierko, but the conspiracy didn't end there. It went all the way to the White House, right to current President Charles Logan. Jack played a major role in bringing Logan down, with assistance from his allies at CTU, First Lady Martha Logan, Secret Service agent Aaron Pierce and White House aide Mike Novick.

When it was all over, Jack found himself reunited with Audrey. She never stopped loving Jack, and wanted to give their relationship another chance. Jack kissed her passionately. He truly loved her back, and was grateful for another chance at a life with her. Then Jack was told he had a phone call from Kim. Another second chance, Jack thought. It was not to be. Jack went to take a call he thought was from his daughter, then he entered a world of pain that he was still trapped in.

The masked men carelessly dropped Jack to the floor. He was bloodied, bruised and barely conscious. It seemed like he had been tortured for days. Jack's captors removed their masks. Jack couldn't see their faces, but they were all Chinese.

Cheng Zhi stepped out of the shadows and into the dim light. He didn't smile-Zhi never smiled-but inside he felt a twisted sense of satisfaction. He had been looking forward to this moment for eighteen months. Jack had lead the raid on the Chinese Consulate in Los Angeles where the Chinese Consul was killed in the crossfire during a shootout between Jack's CTU strike team and the Consulate's security. Cheng was Director of Security for the Consulate, and conducted a private investigation into the raid. He illegally brought in CTU Agent Howard Bern for questioning and forced Bern into revealing that Jack was the one who lead the raid and in Cheng's eyes, killed the Consul.

Cheng demanded that Jack be turned over into his custody to stand trial. Knowing that Jack would not be given a fair trial in Chinese court, David Palmer told Jack that his only option was to fake his death. Originally Cheng was told that Jack was gunned down trying to escape from the Secret Service agent who had gone to CTU to arrest him. But earlier that day, he received a phone call at the Consulate from a mysterious man called "Graham", who told him that Jack Bauer was alive and in Los Angeles. From the moment he hung up the phone, Cheng's only priority for the day was the capture of Jack Bauer, enemy of China. Now he had succeeded.

One of the Jack's abductors forced Jack to look into Cheng's cold, dark eyes.

"Surely you are aware, Mr. Bauer," Cheng said. "that China has a long memory. Only eighteen months ago, you invaded our territory and killed our Consul." Cheng crouched down so that he was almost eye level with Jack.

"Did you really think we were going to forget?" he asked. "Hmm?"

Audrey, Jack thought to himself. Kim. I need to say goodbye.

"I know how this works," Jack said in a raspy, hoarse voice. "I need to make one phone call." Zhi almost looked amused. Did this American think that he had rights? After murdering the Consul?

"Please," Jack pleaded. "Just one phone call." Cheng didn't move. His facial expression never changed. He just glared at Jack like he was a petty criminal. Jack spit at Zhi's feet. It was the only act of defiance he had the strength to perform. Cheng jerked his head at the agent holding Jack. He let the American's head fall to the floor.

This really is it, Jack said to himself. This is how it all ends. All I've done, all I've sacrificed for my job and my country-and I'm going to die here alone, wherever here is. Audrey. Kim. Tony. Michelle. Mr. President. Chloe. Teri. I'm so sorry. I can't do this anymore.

"Kill me," Jack begged, both eyes now shut. "Just…kill me."

"Kill you?" Cheng asked. That time, he genuinely was amused. "You're far too valuable to kill, Mr. Bauer." Cheng stood up and walked back into the shadows. Jack rolled on his back and opened his eyes. He saw five sets of eyes staring down at him. He saw five grins that looked almost evil. Then he felt the pain all over again.

Jack Bauer didn't know where he was. In truth, he was on a cargo ship bound for Shanghai. But if Jack Bauer had to make a guess, he would have said he was in hell.



"Buchanan," Bill Buchanan, Director of CTU Los Angeles, said into the telephone.

"Bill, it's Audrey Raines! Something's happened to Jack! He's gone!"

"Calm down, Audrey," Bill said. "When did…"

"Don't tell me to calm down, Bill! Jack's in danger, I know it!"

"I want to help, Audrey, but you have to tell me exactly what's going on," Bill calmly told her. He had a remarkable ability to remain cool under almost any situation. One had to, in order to be an effective director of the Counter Terrorist Unit.

"Jack went to go take a phone call from Kim. I went to check on him a few minutes later and he was gone. The phone was off the hook. Somebody set him up, Bill. And whoever did it kidnapped him!"

"Audrey, I promise you we're going to find him," Bill said. "Did you see anyone else enter the area where Jack went to take the call?"

"No," Audrey replied. "The only other person Jack spoke with was an LAPD detective. He told Jack that he had a phone call from Kim."

"Did you get the detective's name?" Bill asked.

"No," Audrey said. "He was about five eight, black hair, brown eyes. Thin mustache. He looked Asian, maybe Korean or Chinese." At that moment, a disturbing thought entered Audrey's mind. "Oh my God." Bill Buchanan had the same thought almost simultaneously.

"Chinese," Bill whispered. They got him. After all this time, they found him.

"Bill, what are we gonna do?" Audrey asked.

Bill exhaled a deep, sad sigh. There was no easy way for him to say what he had to tell her. "Audrey…if the Chinese arrested Jack, there's nothing we can do. You know that."

"That's not acceptable, Bill," Audrey hissed.

"I know that's not what you wanted to hear, and believe me, if there was anything at all I could do, I would do it. But Jack knew the risk, Audrey. He knew if he was caught, he would be tried under Chinese law, and he…damn it, Audrey, nothing I can say is going to make this easy for you."

Audrey was sobbing now. "I know, Bill. I'm sorry for snapping at you."

"You don't have to apologize. I completely understand." Bill massaged his forehead. He suddenly felt a massive headache coming on. "Audrey, for what it's worth, I'm sorry. If there was anything at all I could do, you know I would do it."

"I know, Bill," Audrey said through the tears.

"You can't give up hope, Audrey," Bill said, doing his best to sound strong. "Jack's a fighter. He's one of the strongest, most determined men I've ever known. We have to believe in him."

"I'll never stop believing in him. I have to go, Bill."

"Take care of yourself, Audrey. I'll be in touch, I promise."

"Thank you, Bill."

"Of course." Bill hung up the phone and let out another deep sigh. He took a long moment to gather his thoughts and made a phone call that pained him to make.

"O'Brian," answered a female voice on the other end.

"Chloe, it's me," Bill said. "I…I have bad news. About Jack."

"What happened to Jack, sir?" Chloe O'Brian asked. She had already suffered enough today. She was almost killed by terrorists, before Jack arrived just in time to save her. Then she had to watch as her friend Edgar Stiles died from the effects of nerve gas. Now she had to hear this.

"Jack's missing, Chloe," Bill said. "We have reason to believe that he's in the custody of the Chinese government."

"What?" Chloe asked incredulously. "That's impossible! We faked Jack's death so that they wouldn't find him!"

"The Chinese are known for being relentless, Chloe. And they're not stupid. With everything that's happened today, it could have been very easy for them to find out that Jack was still alive."

"No offense, sir, but you're sounding a little insensitive about all this."

"I'm sorry, Chloe. That's not my intention."

"I mean, haven't I been through enough today? I almost got my head blown off this morning, I had to watch Edgar die, now this?"

"I know what you've been through. I know this is the last thing you needed to hear today."

"Yes it is, Mr. Buchanan. I'm sorry."

"It's all right, Chloe. So am I."

"I have to go, sir."

"I understand. Take care, Chloe."

"Thanks, sir." Chloe hung up the phone. She said one word-Jack-and started to cry.



It had taken fourteen days for the cargo ship to reach Shanghai. For Jack Bauer, it had been an eternity. He was rarely given any water to drink, and even less to eat. The only thing Jack was given enough of were beatings. Every time Jack would regain consciousness, his Chinese captors would pummel him until he was out cold again.

Jack refused to give them the satisfaction of hearing him scream or begging for mercy. His spirit was not completely broken. He knew how dire his situation was. He was well aware that he was an American accused of invading Chinese soil and killing a Chinese official. For the first time, it was a battle Jack knew he didn't have a chance in hell of winning. Part of him wanted to give up. But Jack Bauer was not going to die for nothing. Not for a murder he didn't commit. Not for this Cheng Zhi, who took great pleasure in torturing his enemies.

Jack was escorted into the courtroom by two Shanghai police officers. He saw Cheng Zhi seated directly behind a man Jack guessed was the prosecutor. An arrogant look etched on Cheng's face, like he knew he could not lose. Like he was untouchable. It was a look Jack had come to know and despise. He saw it too many times when Cheng would sit and watch as his agents would pound on their American prisoner until he passed out, or they got bored.

Two weeks of starvation and beatings shown on Jack, who was a stark contrast to Cheng Zhi. He was unshaven, disheveled, bruised and looked almost emaciated. There was a sad look in his eyes, a look of longing. He missed Audrey. And Kim.

Jack was holding onto a small piece of hope that he would see them again. However small it was.

Jack was lead to the defendant's stand. The court had offered him a lawyer-they took Jack's silence as a refusal. Jack knew a Chinese attorney defending him, accused of murdering the Chinese Consulate, would be another slap in his face. So there he stood, alone against a hostile nation.

"Mr. Bauer," Judge Kim Xangai said. "You are accused of leading an assault on the Chinese Embassy in Los Angeles. An assault which resulted in the death of Qing Wangsia, the Chinese Consul. How do you wish to plead?"

Jack looked down at his hands. His wrists were handcuffed. Stop taunting me, he wanted to say. Hand down your sentence and get it over with. You've already convicted me. Just get it over with.

"Mr. Bauer," Xangai said again, louder. "I ask again, how do you wish to plead?"

Jack still said nothing. This time he looked over at Cheng Zhi. Cheng stared back with a smirk, triumph already gleaming in his dark eyes. Jack wanted to break his handcuffs, rush across the room and snap that pompous jerk's neck. You could do it, Jack said to himself. Remember how Tony used to joke you were a real-life Rambo?

Thinking of his friend almost made Jack smile. Then he remembered that Tony was gone. Tony was killed because he lied for him. And that thought quickly brought back the feelings of loss and hopelessness. Jack had feeling them too often as of late.

"You are making a mockery of this court, Mr. Bauer," Xangai warned. "I will ask you one final time how you wish to plead before the evidence against you is presented!"

I'm already guilty, you fool, remember? You may have beaten me, but you haven't broken me completely yet. Jack looked right at Judge Kim Xangai and sat down. The courtroom was stunned at Jack's act of defiance. Jack heard a lot of frantic whispering in Mandarin. Xangai banged his gavel and said several words in back in the native tongue, only he was yelling. As quickly as the chattering began, it ended.

"No matter the outcome of this trial, Mr. Bauer, you WILL be held in contempt of court for your disrespect," the judge said. "You have only made matters more difficult for yourself." He turned to the prosecutor and spoke in Mandarin. "Mr. Liangyu, you may call your witness." Han Liangyu stood.

"I call Cheng Zhi, your honor," he said. Cheng walked confidently to the witness stand and sat down.

"Mr. Zhi, you are the Director of Security for the Chinese Consulate in Los Angeles, California," Han continued. "Is that correct?"

"That's correct," Cheng replied.

"Would you tell the court about the events that occurred at the Consulate on May 23, 2005?" Han asked.

"Qing Wangsia, our Consul, received a phone call from David Palmer, the former President of the United States," Cheng explained. "Mr. Palmer said that there was a scientist named Lee Jong who was at the Consulate, and that Mr. Jong was wanted for questioning concerning his involvement with a terrorist named Habib Marwan.

Mr. Wangsia sympathized with Mr. Palmer's situation, but informed him that there simply was not evidence to connect Lee Jong to Habib Marwan. That was not good enough for Mr. Palmer."

How dare you, you ignorant pig. Jack was fuming inside. Who do you think you are to insult the memory of David Palmer? He was a true patriot, and a great man. More than that, he was my friend. You could never be half the man that David Palmer was, you arrogant wretch.

"What do you mean, Mr. Zhi?" Han asked.

"There was a raid on the Consulate that evening. The raid was conducted by CTU in Los Angeles, and I'm certain that it was ordered by David Palmer."

"CTU?" Han asked.

"Yes, Counter Terrorism Unit," Cheng explained. Counter Terrorist, you moron, Jack thought. "The CTU Agents tried to abduct Lee Jong. When my security team attempted to stop them, they opened fire. They not only kidnapped a Chinese citizen, but Qing Wangsia was killed in the crossfire."

"Do you know who lead the assault, Mr. Zhi?"

"I certainly do." Zhi turned to glare at Jack. "It was him. Jack Bauer."

"You are sure of this?"

"I obtained a recorded statement from CTU Agent Howard Bern. He was apprehended while attempting to escape from the Consulate. Agent Bern clearly identifies Mr. Bauer as the leader of the strike team."

You kidnapped him, you liar. Probably tortured him to force him to talk. Or did worse.

"Your honor, I would like to present Howard Bern's statement as official evidence," Han said.

"Proceed, Counselor," Judge Xangai told him. Han nodded and played a recording.

"Who lead the assault on our Consulate? Give me a name! A recorded statement!" shouted a voice on the machine. It was Cheng Zhi's.

"His name…is Jack Bauer," a sad, beaten voice replied. The voice did belong to Howard Bern. Jack closed his eyes. He wasn't angry at Howard. He was sure Cheng Zhi had somehow threatened him with his life, or maybe the lives of his loved ones, into making that statement. There was unrest in the courtroom again, which Xangai once more quickly put an end to.

"Thank you, Mr. Zhi," Han said. "You may step down." Cheng nodded his head and walked back to his original seat, smirking with each step.

"Mr. Bauer," Xangai said. "I cannot ignore the evidence against you. And I take your silence as a sign of not only arrogance, but deliberate disrespect for this court and the People's Republic of China. The same disrespect you showed when you lead an assault on Chinese soil that resulted in the death of Qing Wangsia!

Jack Bauer, the finding is guilty! I am ordering that you be immediately transported to Taiping Prison on the border of China and Siberia, where you will serve a life sentence for your crime. That will give you some time, Mr. Bauer, to learn humility and respect. For your sake, I hope you learn them. Because in China, you will abide by the law, or suffer the consequences. Court is odjourned!"

Insults and taunts were thrown at Jack in Mandarin as he was lead out of the courtroom. Cheng Zhi walked behind Jack and the police officers who had escorted him in. Jack was taken back to Shanghai's Ningo Prison, where he had been held for the last two weeks. About an hour after his trial-if one could call it that-had ended, Jack had his first visitor since his arrival in China. It was Cheng Zhi.

Jack was on the dirty floor of his cell. Cheng stood over him and stared for a moment. Then the Chinese security official shocked by Jack offering his hand. Jack was clearly confused by what appeared to be a show of friendship from a man who had watched him be beaten to a bloody pulp and clearly took satisfaction in seeing it.

"It's all right, Mr. Bauer," Cheng said. He sounded genuine. "Please, let me help you stand." Jack let Cheng Zhi help him to his feet. He quickly regretted it. As soon as he was standing, Jack was doubled over in pain as Cheng punched him hard in the stomach.

Cheng forced Jack up by the hair and punched him again, this time harder and in the mouth. Jack was knocked back against the wall. He was going to fall over, but Cheng wrapped his hand around his throat and held him there.

"Look at me, Mr. Bauer. I want you to understand something. Every single day, I am going to make you suffer for your crime. You are a classic example of American arrogance. But when I am through with you, Mr. Bauer, you will be a beaten shell of a man. You are too valuable to kill, but that doesn't mean that you can't be broken."

Cheng tightened his grip and slammed Jack's head against the wall. This time he let Jack fall to the floor. Surprisingly, Jack was still conscious. Cheng remedied that with a hard kick to the face.

"Enjoy your stay in China, Mr. Bauer," Cheng said to his unconscious prisoner before walking out of the cell.