The days slowly passed by for Angel as he kept his promise and never left his beloved's side for long. After seeing how his presence kept Buffy calm and sedated, the doctors stopped objecting to his 24 hour presence. Giles and Jenny stopped by often to bring fresh clothes and food. Most of the time, Buffy was sleep when the came. She did little other than sleep as her body attempted to heal itself. Without more of the serum from the council, her healing ability returned and the bruises began to heal rapidly. Although her physical health improved, Angel knew her mind was far from healed. She refused to see her friends or her mother. She tolerated Giles' presence, but hadn't spoken to him. Most times, she refused to allow a male doctor in her room without Angel there with her. Whenever she slept, nightmares plagued her. She would wake up screaming and crying for help. Each time Angel tried to comfort her and eventually she would drift back to sleep in his arms. The doctors were constantly given her something to help her sleep.

As Wednesday rolled around, Giles finally heard a response from the council. It wasn't exactly what he hoped for, but it would help. The last 5 days had been dreadful and taxing on everyone, especially Angel. If Giles every had any doubts about Angel's affections for Buffy, his behavior through the entire ordeal proved his love for small slayer. Angel remained constantly at her side. Jenny had finally managed to convince Angel to leave for a short period of time to get some exercise, while she kept Buffy company.

Jenny was an amazing woman. Giles has spent many hours talking with her since Angel called to tell her Buffy was in the hospital. She had helped make many of the inquiries and arrangements for Buffy's release. Jenny had also explained the ritual that changed Angel from a vampire into a human. He had found their conversations stimulating and comforting. Now with classes finished for the day, he waited for her arrival to head to the hospital.

"Mr. Giles?"

Giles poked his head out of his office. Giles immediately recognized the teens before him. Willow and Xander had been coming to the library each day for updates on Buffy's condition. That had tried going to the hospital, but Buffy refused to see them. "Hello, Willow, Alexander. How are you doing?"

"Okay. How's Buffy?"

"Actually, I'm going to the hospital in a few minutes. They will be releasing her today." Giles had finalized the arrangements. Now he just had to explain them to Buffy and Angel. "I wouldn't expect her back to school for a while, but once she's settled in, you can come visit her."

Willow had been deeply hurt when Buffy refused to talk to her. She didn't understand why her best friend refused to rely on her for help. "That's good, right? Is she going home?"

"No, she won't be returning home." Giles was about to continue when Jenny walked into the library.

"Hello Rupert, kids. Are you ready to go?" Jenny Calander smiled brightly. She enjoyed spending time with Rupert Giles, she just wished it didn't focus around just a horrible event. She hated to see Angel so distressed. She knew Buffy's love and affection would be good for him, but this horrible turn of events couldn't have happened to nicer people. Her mind was constantly thinking up curses to place on the horrible man who called himself Buffy's father.

"Yes, if you'll excuse me. I'll explain everything to you tomorrow Willow. If Buffy feels up to it, I'll have her call you, okay?" Giles grabbed his things and headed toward the exit.

"Giles, tell Buffy we love her and miss her." Xander shouted before Giles walked out the door.

"I will."

Angel walked back into the hospital room to a familiar sight. Buffy was curled up in the bed and staring blankly out the window. He walked over and grabbed her hand, trying to pull her out of her reverie. "Hey, you ready to go home today?"

Buffy paniced at the words. "Home?" She didn't want to go home every again. She couldn't stand the thought of ever returning to that house again.

Angel got a reaction all right, but not the one he was hoping for. "Hey relax, Giles is making the arrangements. You won't be going back home. And if you don't like those arrangements, then we'll figure something else out. We'll do whatever makes you comfortable, okay?" He squeezed her hand reassuringly and gave her a small kiss on the forehead. He had been making a conscious effort to remain extremely affectionate with her, while not putting any pressure on her. He kept to light touches and small kisses, letting her know she was loved, but given her time to heal.

"Can't I go home with you?"

Angel smiled down at her. He had thought about taking back to his apartment. His instincts told him to take her home and never let her out of his sight again. However, it wasn't possible. "I would love nothing better, but we can't. You still need a legal guardian until you turn 18. Don't worry though, I'm sure Giles has something figured out. I'm not going to leave you."

Giles and Jenny took that moment to walk into the room. "I do. Hello Buffy, Angel. How are you feeling?"

"Okay. Angel says I get to leave today. Where will I be staying?" Buffy voice was soft and withdrawn. She sounded more like a frightened child than a slayer who had survived more than her share of demons.

Jenny walked over to the side of the bed opposite Angel and pushed the hair from Buffy's eyes. She had taken an immediately liking to the girl and now found herself becoming extremely protective of her. "Well, Rupert and I have make some arrangements, but if you don't like them, we can do something else."

"Yes, I have spoken with the council. They have helped cut some of the red tape so to speak with the police and social services here. If you agree Buffy, both Jenny and I will be appointed your guardians. We thought it might make things easier on you to have both of us to turn to. The council has arranged for a house to stay in. It has 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, a gym and a pool. Until you're ready to go back to school, Jenny and myself can arrange for all your tests and assignments to be done at home. The council is also prepared to send out a councilor if you would like. They understand that it would be hard to speak to someone here who doesn't know of your calling." Giles waited patiently, watching to see her reaction to the arrangements.

Buffy's mind had yet to clear of the constant fog that seemed to plague her. It took a few seconds for Giles' words to sink in. "So I would be living with you and Jenny. Can I still see Angel?"

Jenny couldn't help but smile. Buffy needed Angel in her life right now as much as he needed her. "Of course Buffy. We would never dream of keeping you apart. Buffy, you are a beautiful and intelligent girl. You don't need us to tell you want to do most of the time. Rupert and I will be there to help you whenever you need it. On occasion, we may set a curfew, but other than that, you are free to make your own decisions still. We will always be here for advice, but we won't set mandates on you. Okay?"

Buffy found Jenny's soft voice very comforting. She glanced briefly at Angel and could see that he approved of the plan. As long as she could see Angel and didn't have to return to her house, she didn't care. "Okay, when can we leave?"

"As soon as the doctor signs your release papers. I spoke to him briefly, and you are going to have to take it easy for another week though." Giles wanted to add that the police wouldn't wait that long before speaking to her. While she remained in the hospital, they had managed to keep them at bay, but with her release nothing would stop them. Giles knew she couldn't face that yet. A small glance at Angel told him the ex-vampire knew the same thing.

"What about my clothes and stuff?"

"I saw your mother yesterday. She packed some things for you. We told her you would be staying with us. She understands. She sends her love and she would like you to call her as soon as you feel up to it." Jenny remembered when Angel first told her that Buffy refused to see her mother. She could understand the girl's feelings of betrayal. However, she saw Joyce's genuine concern and regret. She only hoped Buffy was able to salvage some sort of relationship with her mother. She promised Joyce she would encourage Buffy to call, but she wouldn't pressure her or directly interfere.

"Yes, we can arrange for any of your things to be sent over to the house. Also, there is some money, courtesy of the council. You can go shopping for new furniture for the room and some clothes and things. Willow brought me your books from your locker. Oh, she and Xander send their love. When you feel up to it, they would love to see you." Giles could tell from her expression that she had no intentions of calling them yet. He prayed that she would take the council's offer to send a councilor over from England for her to speak to. She needed someone to help guide her and deal with her emotions. He would help any way he could, but he hardly knew the right things to mention half the time. He didn't know how to help her deal with this reality. "Well, why don't Angel and I see if we can find that doctor. Jenny can help you get dressed and we'll get you back to the house and settled in."

Angel was furious as he left the room. "Are they trying to buy her off? What is the council up to Giles?"