A/N Now this is honestly the final bit of the story. I typed it with the other chapter but felt it deserved to be by itself...enjoy!

DISCLAIMER: I don't own Danny Phantom or any of its characters. The amazing genius known as Butch Hartman does, and he deserves all the credit, trust me! I do, however, own any OCs that happen to appear, so if you want to use them, ask me!

The Phantom Chronicles



Well, it's been two weeks. I feel bad for not writing, but a lot has been going on.

Since that night my parents said we were moving to Amity Park, I've had my hands full.

They didn't want to go back to Seattle. So they called Jazz, gave her the credit card number, and told her to hire movers before heading over to be with us.

The Foleys have quickly become our very good friends. While we were on the lookout for a house, they let us stay with them, no complaints. Tucker and I are still the only ones who know besides Sam and, well...Tiffany.

Speaking of Tiffany, I think she's still in the Wacky Shack. From what the guys who took her said, she will be there for a while. Thank goodness.

We never did see that Hunter girl again, or at least not in the past weeks. I think without Tiffany, she has no motivation.

After everything settled down, Tucker and I had a nice talk. I explained to him the real situation and how everything had come about. He understood for the most part, only wishing that I had explained sooner. He also mentioned that he had several gadgets that could help me in ghost hunting if I needed them. Tucker Foley is such a tech geek.

About a week ago we finally found a house. I think it used to be an apartment building, for it's taller than it is wide. My parents have since gone to work making it home. They built something they call "The Op-Center" on the roof, which to me looks like one of the rotating restaurants you see on tall buildings. The basement has also become the lab, again.

Sam's parents moved in a few blocks away, and her grandmother now lives with them. From what I've met of her, she's nice. I don't think she likes living with those guys though. Can you blame her?

Sam and I? Well, when I'm not out hunting down ghosts, we spend as much time together as possible. Her parents are coming around slowly to her change in appearance and attitude, although her mom still runs around with a dress trying to get her to wear it. They aren't too keen on me, but they're not entirely against our seeing each other.

All in all, things are finally looking up...but you never know what tomorrow can bring.


A/N REVIEW! lol just kidding. Sequel is planned, but don't get hopes up because I said that about my last story also...and it's been 2 years. There are better hopes for this one though because I like it and have pretty good ideas for the sequel...we'll see i guess!

Thanks to all my reviewers/readers and especially my Beta. I owe you all so much!
